Chapter 2: A convursation with a sister

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Kenny was thinking, hard, not like that you weirdo. He was thinking about what to do about Butters. How to tell him, could he? Kenny got up from his 'bed' and snuck outside. It was Saturday, so there was no school, so he decided he would just walk around. He told the guys he wanted to do nothing today, so they were doing their own thing.

As he walked, the more he zoned out and soon he was miles away from his house, in a nicer part of South Park, where Butters lived.

When Kenny snapped out of his trance, he realized where he was, 'Crap. I didn't mean to walk this far.' Kenny sighed and turned to walk back home when suddenly, he heard a scream.

He turned around to see where it came from, but no one was there. Suddenly, he heard it again and again. He followed the noise until he got to Butters's house, 'Why is someone screaming at Butters's house?' he thought.

He looked through the window, only to see a horrible sight. His eyes widened in shock as he watched Butters's dad beat Butters with his belt and fist.

Kenny wanted to do something, but he didn't know what or how to do it. He just watched as Butters screamed and cried more and more.

After what felt like forever, Butters's dad was finally done with his beating and left a crying, bleeding, bruised Butters, on the floor. Kenny didn't know what to do. He wanted to run to Butters and help him, hold him close, bandage him up, and tell him everything was going to be okay, but Kenny couldn't just go into his house. He would surely get in trouble, and then he would have even more problems trying to get to Butters and help him.

Kenny walked away, feeling upset, no, more than upset, he didn't know how to describe it, he felt sad for Butters but also angry at his dad, he wanted to hit him, and tell him he is lucky to have such a great son that just lets him get away with his stuff, not fighting back, he wanted to tell him that he is an ungrateful asshole and that Butters was not a son that he deserved to have.

Kenny was almost home and was still thinking about this, what could he do, what could he-, "That's it!" Kenny quickly ran over to his window and climbed into his room. He ran to his closet and reached far into it. He grabbed something and pulled it out. It was his Mysterion costume. It had been a while since he had worn it. Not he hadn't been helping South Park, but he had been doing more discreetly.

He smiled as he put the outfit on his bed, but before he could put it on, he heard, "Kenny! It's time for dinner!!" it was his mother. Kenny sighed. He knew that no matter what was there, there would not be enough of it to help with his hunger at all. He just sighed and walked over. He might as well get it over with.

He walks over to the dinner table, only to be greeted with a few crumbs of split-up pop tart, 'Great.' he thought. He grabbed it with his hand, rubbed it into his mouth, and swallowed what was pretty much just air and saliva. He then walked off along with his sister since she had finished too. The others were talking, or rather, arguing.

Kenny sighed as he walked to his room, but before he could enter, he heard a soft voice ask, "Brother?"


"I'm still hungry...."

Kenny goes silent, "Come with me, Karen." Kenny goes into his room and grabs something from under his bed. It was money, only a few crumpled-up dollar bills, but money nonetheless and enough to get a burger at McDonald's.

Kenny walks out of his room and grabs Karen. He takes her to his window and helps her out of the house, "Come on. Let's split a burger together. Ok?"

Karen smiles excitedly, "Burgers!"

Kenny laughs, "Shh~ Be quiet. Dad is still inside."

Karen covers her mouth and nods. She then whispers, "Sorry." Kenny chuckles, and they head to McDonald's.

When there, Kenny puts the money on the counter, and they sit down at a table to wait for it. It didn't take long, of course, and it was ready in no time. Kenny took it and split it in half. He split it in half and gave one half of it to Karen, "Here. Enjoy." Karen smiles and digs in.

Kenny smiles as he eats his. It was good, not much since it was only half a McDonald's burger, but still good, and more than there was at home. Kenny quickly finished, and that's when he heard Karen ask something, "Brother?"


"Who is that lady you've been talking to?" she asks.

Kenny was confused, "Lady?" Kenny wasn't talking to any ladies. He didn't know who Karen was talking about. Granted, he probably could. The girls tended to like him, but since Butters came into his life, he didn't ever share the feelings.

The funny thing is he was known as a pervert and a manwhore back at school so people tended to get surprised when he did turn them down. Kenny didn't care what people thought though, it just sometimes got annoying, and he really hoped Butters didn't think the same thing, "What do you mean?"

"I saw you talking to a pretty lady the other day." Karen explains.

"Um.... what do they look like?" Kenny asks.

"They had blonde hair, blue eyes, blue shirt?" Karen says.

Kenny thought for a while when the realization hit him, "Do you mean Butters?" he started laughing, "He's not a girl!"

Karen looked confused, "He's not?"

"No. He's a boy." this was funny as shit to Butters.

Karen got embarrassed, "O-Oh.... my bsd."

Kenny laughs, "It's fine. That's funny though." he pats her head, "Anyways it's almost bedtime. We should head home."

Karen frowns, "But I don't even have school tomorrow."

Kenny smiles, "I know. But you still need sleep. Come on. I'll tuck you and read you a story. Promise."

Karen smiles and nods, "Ok." he grabs her hand and they head out, back home.

-What do you think?

-Word count: 1070

Kenny x Butters, "You deserve better!"Where stories live. Discover now