Chapter 26: Kidnapped

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Kenny knocks on PC Principal's office. He hears the door is unlocked and opened.

"Oh, Mysterion!" he said, a little shocked, "Welcome! How did you-"

"I'm here for the school talk," Kenny said, interrupting him.

"Right! are a lot shorter than I thought you would be."

Kenny is silent for a second before deciding to pull a PC principal on PC principal, though granted, a kind of lame one.

"Are you criticizing my size?" Kenny asks, trying hard to smile.

PC Principal's eyes widen as he stammers, "No, no, not at all! I mean, we're all about acceptance here. It's just, you know, expectations versus reality."

Kenny wanted to laugh so hard, "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's just get this talk over with."

"Right! Just follow me," PC Principal says as he walks out of his office and through the school's halls.

Kenny can't help but notice PC Principal's discomfort; he loved the irony of the situation.

They walked to the school's auditorium. As they entered, Kenny couldn't help but add a comment.

"You know, PC, it's not about the size of the hero; it's about the impact."

PC Principal chuckles nervously, "Yeah, yeah, Mysterion. Impact and, uh, positive representation. Let's focus on that."

Kenny couldn't help but smile like a gremlin this time; thank God PC Principal wasn't looking.

Kenny got up on the podium and waited. The auditorium was pretty big, similar to an actual theater.

Good thing Kenny didn't have stage fright; in fact, he kind of liked performing or just talking in front of a lot of people.

He remembered when he sang on stage and when he did the Krazed Kenny show.

PC Principal went to the school's intercom, telling everyone to come to the school's auditorium.

Kenny waited as he thought of what he was going to say. This talk was just about not vandalizing or stealing school supplies. Simple.

What gets kids' attention other than a superhero telling them shit? Simple, bad language. Kenny sighed as the other kids filled the auditorium.

'Just be yourself,' he thought to himself.

The other kids looked a little surprised when they saw Kenny or, as they all know him right now, as Mysterion.

Kenny grabbed the mic and started talking. He just needed to talk like himself, young, but also calm.

"Alright, listen up little shits," Kenny started, "First off, vandalism. Seriously? Do you think drawing a dick on the bathroom wall makes you cool?"

'Yeah, it does,' he thinks to himself, but he can't say that out loud.

"Newsflash, it doesn't. It just makes you look like your obsessived with dick. Let's aim a bit higher, shall we?"

He walked across the stage, hands in his pockets, looking casual and confident. "And stealing school supplies? Come on, it's not Ocean's Eleven, it's just a frickin' pencil. If you're that desperate for a writing utensil, I'll buy you a whole damn pack. No excuses for that bullshit."

'If I had the money,' he thought to himself again.

PC Principal winced at the bad language, but Kenny continued, "Now, I get it. School can be a real mindfuck. But let's not make it worse for each other. Be respectful, don't trash the place, and for the love of all that's unholy, leave the bathroom graffiti for your diary."

The students chuckled, surprisingly listening to Kenny's lecture. Kenny looked at PC Principal, who was torn between disapproval and amusement.

"And remember," Kenny finished, leaning casually on the podium, "we're all stuck in this place together. So let's not make it a living nightmare. Ok, that's all, leave."

The kids were laughing hard at this point, and Kenny smiled. Would this stop them from bad behavior? No, not at all; have you met kids? Would it at least lessen the problem? Maybe.

Either way, Kenny was happy as the kids left the auditorium as fast as they came.

PC Principal walked up to Kenny, "Well, that was... a unique way to talk about the issues, Mysterion."

Kenny grinned, "Sometimes you gotta speak their language."

As the last echoes of laughter faded away, Kenny stepped off the podium and walked out, leaving PC Principal there, still shocked.

Kids crowded around him, trying to get autographs and pictures. Kenny happily took them and signed papers as he tried to get to the exit.

He walked a hallway; it was a smaller hallway than the rest. He didn't think anything of it, at least until he heard some strange noises coming from the roof of the hall.

At first, Kenny just thought it was just a normal creaking sound; the school building was getting old.

Until he heard footsteps. Kenny's eyes widened as he immediately told the students to back up. The sound was coming from one specific spot.

Students thankfully listened and backed up as Kenny pulled out one of his tools, a collapsible stick. He poked at the movable ceiling squares.

That's when a whole person dropped down. Kenny's eyes widened in shock as he backed up.

It took a second, but he realized who it was; it was The Coon.

"The Coon? What the hell are you doing in the ceiling? And how did you fit?"

The Coon got an angry look on his face, "I'm here for you, Mysterion. I heard you would be here, and I thought you would be the perfect birthday present for Chaos."

Kenny blinks, "Oh, you got to be kidding me. Really? Trying to kidnap me for someone's birthday? That's new."

The Coon rolls his eyes, "Whatever. The point is you will be perfect."

"Yeah, I'm not going, Coon." Kenny says, arms crossed.

"Good thing I got back up then," The Coon replied, smiling.

That's when more people dropped from the ceiling. The students all gasp, not believing what was happening.

Kenny gets ready to fight. As he sees who the backs were, they were other villains on Chaos's main team. The Human Kite, Mosquito, FastPass, and Super Craig. Kenny swears under his breath.

The Coon smirks, "You might want to reconsider, Mysterion. Chaos would really like you as a birthday gift.~"

Kenny shoots back, "Well, I'm not interested in becoming anyone's present, especially not for Chaos. I'm a taken man."

That's when the fight started. 1 against 5. Kenny was panicking.

He blocked Coon's claws but didn't notice Super Craig's punch, and it got his back.

FastPass then got him while he was down by running circles around him while hitting him.

Kenny felt weak. He couldn't fight back; this wasn't a fair or expected fight.

The students were screaming and scared as the villains took Kenny's weak and half-awake body to their lair.

-What ya'll think?

-Word Count: 1120

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