Chapter 7: Getting better

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Kenny was running around the halls, tired as hell. All day he has been running around trying to quickly change into his Mysterion costume to threaten one of the people on his list, only to change back into his normal clothes and run back to class. By the end of it all he was panting, tired as hell, 'God this is tiring....thank god that was the last one.' he thinks as he rests his head on his desk.

"Hey Kenny?" a voice then said.

Kenny turns to the voice, it was Kyle, "Yeah Kyle?"

"Why are you so...."

"Tired? I ran around all day."

"Why?" Kyle asks.

"You don't want to know...." Kenny says.

He then heard Cartman's voice, "He's so tired 'cause he was probably trying to woo his little crush.~" Cartman laughs.

"Shut up Cartman...." Kenny mutters.

"Oh come on Kenny. Tell us!~ Who is it?~" Cartman taunts.

"None of your business Cartman...." Kenny sighed. He knew Cartman wasn't doing anything wrong but man does Kenny want to punch him sometimes, but he knew that he should probably hold on to his punches until Cartman actually deserves it.

Kenny puts his head on the desk and tries to rest his tired eyes a little. That's when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see Butters, blue eyes staring down at him with concern, "Hey Kenny. Are you ok?"

Kenny blushes before nodding, "Y-Yeah. I'm fine, just tired...."

"You want me to cover you so the teacher doesn't see you sleep?"

Kenny lights up, "Thanks, Butters. That would be nice." Butters smiles and gives Kenny a big thumbs-up before sitting in the seat in front of him.

Butters puffs up as big as he can, trying to cover as much of Kenny as possible. Kenny smiles as he thinks, 'He's so nice....god, I love him....I think I'll pay him more attention tonight, maybe I'll hold him tightly and kiss his forehead a few times, though I wonder how he would take that....I'll just have to find a good opportunity.' Kenny looks more at Butters, 'He looks so much happier today. I guess his parents listened finally.' Kenny stares dreamily at Butters, daydreaming about him, hoping that one day he can hold him tightly and kiss him, 'If only, if only.'

-Time skip: midnight.-

Butters was drawing in his room, waiting for Mysterion to come. He was excited to tell him about his day.

His parents had listened to Mysterion, they were treating him better now, and Butters couldn't be happier.

Butters was drawing a picture of Mysterion and himself, it was a pretty good drawing, Mysterion was saving him from monsters who shared a striking resemblance to his parents.

Butters soon finished the drawing and signed his name in the corner. That's when he heard a tap at his window, he opened it and found Mysterion smiling.

"Mysterion!!" Butters hugs him tightly.

Mysterion pats and rubs his back soothingly, "Hey Buttercup. How was your day?" he asks.

"It was great!! My parents were so nice! I feel so loved!" Tears started flowing out of Butters's eyes, "They care about me finally! They care!" tears kept flowing as he smiles widely, "Thank you! Oh thank you, thank you, thank you Mysterion!!"

Mysterion smiles softly as he pulls Butters close, "Oh're so cute~ You know?"

Butters blushes, "Mysterion! O-Oh! T-Thank you! Hehe!~" Butters smiles.

Mysterion holds Butters close, face buried in his hair, he plays with it, "Cute.~" Butters giggles as he closes his eyes. It was calm, it was quiet, it was peaceful, and Butters....was happy.

-What ya'll think? Sorry it's kind of short and boring.

-Word count: 623

Kenny x Butters, "You deserve better!"Where stories live. Discover now