Chapter 9: A conversation

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"Talking with my parents did nothing but confuse them into thinking something's wrong," Butters says as he is curled up in Mysterion's lap while drawing a picture. Mysterion's eyes were closed at Butters' request since he wanted his drawing to be a surprise.

"Oh really? Not easy to talk with, huh? What did you talk to them about?" Butters sighs, "Well... if I tell you, I'm afraid you'll leave."

Mysterion raises an eyebrow, "Butters...," he cups Butters' cheeks, "Leo... I would never leave you. No matter what. It's my job to protect you; you can tell me anything."

Butters nods and snuggles more into Mysterion's chest, "I... I like a guy... and I don't know what to do."

Mysterion is silent, feeling his heart breaking into tiny little pieces that then jab into his insides, "O-Oh... you do? T-That's nice... I... um... I don't judge."

"Are you sure? You seem..."

"No, no! I support you! Love who you love, I will always protect you," Mysterion says.

Butters smiles wide and hugs Mysterion tightly, "Thank you! Thank you so much, Mysterion!" Butters hugs Mysterion tightly, oblivious to the absolute heartbreak he caused.

"Of course... no problem, Butters... um, if you don't mind, if I ask... who are they?" Mysterion asks.

"Oh um... I think I want to keep that to myself," Butters says.

"Oh... ok. That's fine, Butters," Mysterion frowned, but he knows he couldn't do anything about it. Butters liked who he liked, and Mysterion was unable to do anything about it.

"Ok! You can open your eyes now!" Butters says excitedly. Mysterion opens his eyes to see Butters' drawing. It was of them together, holding hands, surrounded by flowers, smiling. A sun with cool sunglasses and a smile looks down at them.

The drawing was very good, honestly better than Mysterion could ever draw, he thought, "Wow, Butters. It's great! I love it! Can I keep it?"

"You... You want to keep it? Really!?" Butters asks, surprised.

"Yeah. Is that a problem?" Mysterion asks back.

"No! No, not at all!! I'm so happy you like my drawing and want to keep it! Nobody else likes my drawings," Butter replies.

Mysterion looked a little shocked. Sure, it wasn't Picasso-level art, but Butters really was a good drawer, "What? Butters, this is amazing! I love your art! And I'll prove it!" Mysterion opens his cape to show a little zipper pocket that seemed to be just big enough to fit Butters' drawing. Mysterion takes the drawing and puts it in, "Now it will always be with me, and whenever I feel weak and discouraged, I will look at it and remember who I am fighting and protecting this town for."

Butters blushes a little, "M-Mysterion! I-I... thank you." Butters hugs Mysterion tightly, "I love that you like it so much!" Butters had almost said, I love you, by accident, 'That could have been horrible,' he thought. Butters looks up at Kenny, happily smiling.

Mysterion then looks over at Butters' alarm clock on his nightstand; it said, '2:19'. Mysterion frowns, not wanting to leave but knowing he had to, or else Butters will be tired in the morning since it's late enough, "Oh, it's getting late. You need to get some sleep."

Butters frowns but nods, "Ok... night Mysterion. Be safe."

"Of course, I will. Night Butters. You too, be safe." Mysterion was tempted to say, I love you, and kiss Butters's forehead, but he stops himself. That wouldn't be good, especially if Butters turned out to not like him. Mysterion didn't want to risk it.

He got to the window and opened it, "I'll see you later, and be safe, Buttercup." Mysterion then hopped out of the window and disappeared into the darkness.

Butters pressed his hand up against his window, "I will, Mysterion. I will."

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-Word Count: 648

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