Chapter 29: Distortion

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Warnings!!: Talk of self-harm and death.


Kenny was sitting atop a building.

He had managed to escape through the vents, leaving Butters there unconscious.

Kenny stared down at the ground from the building he was on.

He had hurt Butters, his Butters, his love. All this time, it was Butters. How does Butters love him? Why? He had hurt him. How would Butters ever forgive him?

Kenny felt guilt running through his body as tears streamed down his face.

His poor Butters, his poor, poor Butters. Kenny wondered if he should just quit. If he wasn't a "hero," then he wouldn't have hurt Butters.

Kenny stared at the ground that was so far away. He couldn't die, but not being alive for a while sounded nice.

He had hurt Butters, his perfect Butters, his beautiful, perfect, poor Butters, who has terrible parents.

Kenny buried his head in his hands, thinking about everything. He wanted Butters, his perfect Butters, in his arms again. He wanted to play with his hair, give him kisses, look into his beautiful baby blue eyes.

Kenny frowned. That wouldn't happen now. Why would Butters want to be in the arms of the person that hurt him like that? Why had he wanted to before?

Butters was hurt pretty bad. Kenny wouldn't have been surprised if something was broken.

That's when he heard a voice from behind him. He snapped around only to see, "Butters?"

And there he was, injuries and all, out of costume though, "Kenny...."

Kenny was shocked; he knew his real name, "Butters! Are you okay?" Kenny ran over only to see Butters disappear in front of his eyes.

"B-Butters?" he asks, confused.

"Kenny." Butters' voice says again. Kenny turns around frantically as he calls out Butters's name.

"Kenny why?" Butters' voice says again.

Kenny was speechless; he didn't know what to say, "I-I don't know, I....I thought you were....I thought you were bad. I....Butters, I'm sorry, please!"

"I thought you loved me," the voice says again, Butters appearing on the edge of the roof.

"I do! I love you so much!" Kenny yells, "I can't....I can't live without you!"

Butters' head tilts until it touches his shoulder, "Then why did you hurt me!?"

Kenny panted, his arms bleeding and in pain, "What are you?" he yelled.

"I'm Butters!! You're perfect Leo!!" it yelled as it got up.

"No, you aren't! My Butters isn'" Kenny yelled back.

"You hurt me, you hurt me!! You deserve death! Jump, you asshole!" it screeched.

Kenny pulled, still not having any of his weapons due to them still somewhere in the villain's lairs, didn't know what to do.

Kenny backed up, only to almost fall off the building's roof, "Shit....what do I do?" he mumbled to himself.

"Jump!!" the thing screeched again, "If you love me, jump!!"

"I don't love you! I love my Butters. The real Butters!!" Kenny yelled back, "I'm going to ask you one more time....what, are, you!?"

The distorted figure paused for a moment before saying in a haunting whisper, "I'm you, the pain you caused, the guilt you bear. I am your self-loathing. I am what you think your actually perfect Butters thinks of you!"

Kenny's eyes widened, "What....? are you....physical?"

"You're crazy, Kenny?" it said, "Since the moment you were made you almost were. It's just today you acted on that craziness. You can't escape me, Kenny. I am your own demons, clawing their way to the surface."

Kenny is silent before hearing another, "Jump before you hurt your perfect Butters more...."

Kenny laughed, "You aren't real," he said, "And I won't die if I jump."

"You won't die, but you'll feel pain, and you know you deserve it, every inch of it." it replied.

"Still doesn't prove you're real." Kenny replied.

The distorted figure chuckled, its voice echoing, "Real or not, Kenny, I am the manifestation of your darkest thoughts. The pain is real, the guilt is real. You can deny me, but you can't escape yourself."

"I'm hurting myself." He said, shaking.

"Too late." it said, "You already did."

That's when Kenny opened his eyes; he was still on the same edge he was sitting on earlier. Only this time, the pain in his arm was bigger.

He looked down and saw a knife. Kenny yelped and threw it. He watched the knife fall to the faraway ground.

He looked around for something to stop the bleeding, freaking out, unsure what to do.

At least until he felt hands on his back, and suddenly he found himself getting nicely acquainted with the air and ground.

-What do y'all think?

-Word Count: 786

Kenny x Butters, "You deserve better!"Where stories live. Discover now