Chapter 21: Letters

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Kenny wasn't a paperwork person, and yet he always had a ton of papers sent in from people all over the town, asking for help, and it was his and his team's job to assist.

The letter is like their version of a non-emergency line.

As Kenny grabbed another letter from the table, he and the rest of the group were sorting through the letters. He used one of the few letter openers and tore it open.

Inside was, of course, a letter. He took it out of the envelope and read it,

Dear Heroes, (especially Mysterion.)

We here at the local South Park school have been having issues with kids stealing supplies and vandalizing the building.

We were wondering if any heroes (especially Mysterion) were able to maybe pop by and give an assembly speech about not doing it.

Feel free to write us back at any time.

Sincerely, PC Principal.

Kenny was silent for a while before snapping out of his shock.

And the first thing he said when he snapped out of it was, "What in the world?"

The other heroes turned to him, confused. Call Girl was the first to speak, "You good, hon?" Kenny cringed at the nickname. He was dating his beautiful Butters, and he didn't want anyone but him to call him anything.

Butters was the only one he wanted to be with, to be near, to talk to, to touch, to see, to -

"Yeah, it's just... look at this letter," he showed the others the letter, who also almost immediately had the same expression.

Toolshed was the first to speak up, "Are they seriously asking us to give an assembly speech at a school about not stealing supplies? What's next, a lecture on 'not pushing each other on the swings'?"

Tupperware then added, his voice muffled through his plastic helmet, "This is a waste of our time. We should be out there fighting crime, not giving school speeches."

However, Call Girl thought differently, and she said, still flirting heavily with Kenny, "Well, Mysterion, maybe they see us as role models for the kids and teens. And you do have that mysterious aura. Who knows, your speech might just make a difference, and I bet you'll look amazing up on that stage."

Mysterion just sighed. He still didn't like the flirting, but that was beside the point. He was mostly uncomfortable since he went to the school, of course the others didn't know that, secret identity and all.

Kenny sighed again, "Toolshed?"

Toolshed shrugged, "I don't know... I mean they seem to be asking for you, so it's your call."

Kenny looked at Tupperware, who also just shrugged. Same with Doctor Timothy, that and small, "Timmy!"

Kenny let out one more sigh before saying, "Alright... I guess it wouldn't hurt."

Call Girl smiled, "Great. I guess we should write them back!" Toolshed nodded.

"I guess I can do it. I have a pencil." Toolshed then pulled out a pencil and paper and started to write.

Kenny took a deep breath and began to dictate his response to Toolshed,

Dear PC Principal,

We appreciate your concern about the issues at South Park school. While it's unusual for us to be asked to give an assembly speech, we understand the importance of creating a positive learning environment. As heroes, it is our duty to help in any way we can.

I, Mysterion, will gladly come to the school and deliver a speech about respecting school property and talking about theft and vandalism. The only thing we request in return is for you not to make this a regular occurrence.

Please let us know when the school assembly can be scheduled.

Sincerely, Mysterion

Toolshed then put it in an envelope and licked it shut, "You're good at sounding professional, Mysterion."

Kenny smiled, "Thanks." Toolshed nodded. Kenny then took the letter, "I'll send it myself. I pass by the mail place often anyway."

Toolshed nodded again, "Great then! Well, that's one letter solved! Only..." the group looked at the piles of other letters that had been building up, "Thousands more to go...."

-What ya'll think?

-Word Count: 692

Kenny x Butters, "You deserve better!"Where stories live. Discover now