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Ever since the chips, the town managed to recover. They rebuilt things, the news covered it, then forgot. And no one found out it was Butters who planted the chips. It seemed things could go back to normal.

The heroes were told to keep quiet about the situation, which they agreed to, probably still not believing it was Butters that did it. And yes, Butters was enrolled in therapy, paid by the hero organization. Probably should have happened a long time ago, abusive parents and all.

Kenny thought about revealing who he was to the press, but he decided against it, but he did reveal he wasn't dead. Which ended up scaring Butters' parents back to being good.

Butters, however, decided it would be best to put an end to his villain side, but he wasn't done with Professor Chaos.

You see, much like Kenny, Butters had connections, well, it was more like Kenny knew Night, who had connections.

Butters managed to successfully switch over from the villain's boss to Mysterion's right hand and partner on the hero's side.

Butters also managed to convince his team to switch over, of course, with some time and promises of help.

Soon enough, everyone in Butters' main group switched over willingly, except for The Coon, who thought he already was one.

Night made custom gadgets, outfits, and necessary objects for the newcomers. All in all, it was a pretty good deal. And it seemed the two teams were getting comfortable with working together quite nicely now. In fact, it seemed Wonder Tweek and Super Craig were almost definitely getting maybe too comfortable with each other, now able to be lovey-dovey without people questioning them being on other teams.

Kenny seemed to be happy with how things turned out, and he thought Night did a pretty good job on everything, but it felt like this story wasn't over yet.


Butters was startled out of his sleep when he heard a loud bang outside his room.

He peeked out, only to see a huge chunk of his house blown out, and on his yard was burnt grass that spelled, "Date?"

Kenny stood there, along with Kyle, Cartman, and a wobbly, past-out Stan. There was also a motorcycle and some other destroyed junk there. Butters wondered what they did; nonetheless, though, it was sweet.

Butters covered his mouth and giggled, "Oh Kenny!" he ran over to Kenny and jumped into his arms.

Kenny chuckled, "Is that a yes!?"

"You bet!" Butters replied, giving Kenny a big kiss.


Kenny walked over to the thankfully seemingly untouched abandoned house, Butters's hand in his, and eyes closed. Kenny guided him to the nice date spot he and Night had made a few days before.

Kenny sat Butters down before uncovering his eyes, and Butters gasped, smiling.

"Oh Kenny! It's beautiful!" Butters said.

The stars twinkled above as Kenny smiled, realizing the effort was worth it. "Glad you like it, Butters. Thought we could use a quiet moment after all the chaos."

Butters leaned in, whispering, "Thank you, Kenny. I needed a date."

Kenny sat down next to Butters as he reached for some food Night had nicely bought for him. It was sugar bread. He split it in half and handed one of them to Butters.

Butters grabbed it and took a big bite out of the food. It was delicious.

As Butters looked up at the sky, the stars brightly shining, Butters laid his head on Kenny's shoulder. Kenny smiled as he enjoyed Butters' company.

Both staring at the stars above them, time stood still; it was peaceful.

Kenny looked at Butters, looking cute, and thought about everything he had been through. Everything was fine now, but man was it hard to forget everything else.

Kenny, at that moment, made a promise to himself to make every moment from now on in Butters' life, heaven, better than it used to be, no matter what.

After all, 'You deserve better,' Kenny thought, 'You deserve better!'

-What do y'all think?

-Word Count: 675

Kenny x Butters, "You deserve better!"Where stories live. Discover now