Chapter 22: Birthday

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Butters was lying in bed when his phone dinged. He grabbed it and looked at it; it was a calendar reminder talking about his birthday.

Butters sighed again; it was soon. Not that it mattered. Nobody even remembered his birthday. Not his parents, not his 'friends,' probably not even Mysterion since Butters never told him. Butters just sighed; he probably would just do what he does for most of his birthdays.

Not celebrate.

Even though he knew that his parents were 'trying to be better,' he knew that wouldn't change the fact that they didn't know.

Butters felt tears fall as he sniffed and wiped them away, "Oh, hamburgers... oh, oh, hamburgers..."

Butters lay there in his bed for a while. "Maybe I can tell Mysterion. I mean... he was supposed to be someone I can vent to."

Butters sighed before saying something he didn't say often, "Fuck."


Butters was at school, head looking at his desk, silent.

Cartman had made a few jabs at Butters, but Butters didn't say anything back, which caused Cartman to just get bored and move on.

That's when he saw a familiar boy in an orange hoodie walk up to him and say in a muffled voice, "Hey Leo."

Butters looked up, "Oh..." he sniffed, "Hey Kenny." Kenny pulled a chair up to his desk.

"What's wrong? You look... down." Butters just shrugged.

"It's nothing. It's just...." Butters paused, and Kenny tilted his head, confused and curious.

"Just what?" he asked.

"It's nothing...." Butters replied.

"Tell me," Kenny said. He wanted to know; after all, he was secretly Butters' boyfriend, he had the right to be concerned.

"It's not important...." Butters replied again.

"Yes, it is if you're upset about it," Kenny said as he put a hand on Butters' shoulder.

Butters looked down, "It's just.... it's my birthday soon.... and I know no one remembers... they never do.... not even my parents."

Kenny is silent for a minute before saying, "Your birthday? When?"

"September 11," Butters replied, "It's always overshadowed by the tragedy to the point now that no one even remembers it is on that day."

Kenny is silent. What an unfortunate day to have a birthday. "Oh Butters... I'm so sorry I-" Kenny was cut off by Cartman.

"What's all this sissy talk about birthdays, Butters? Nobody cares about that crap."

Kenny shot Cartman an annoyed look before returning his attention to Butters. "I care, Butters. Don't listen to him."

"Yeah, cause he wants to steal the food at your pathetic party!" Cartman yells again, "Fucking poor boy."

Butters frowns, "Hey, Kenny isn't that poor now." Kenny laughs. It wasn't a joke, but Kenny found it funny.

He isn't that poor now; Kenny found that crazy funny.

Kenny soon calmed down, though, and went back to comforting Butters. 'That's not true, Butters. Ignore him."

Kenny hands Butters hands, "Don't feel bad, Butters. Your birthday is important. Plus, I have a feeling that this one will be great."

Butters raised an eyebrow but didn't question it. He just nodded and smiled. "Kenny... thank you."

Kenny smiled back, "You're welcome, Butters... you're welcome."

-What ya'll think?

-Word Count: 526

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