Chapter 23: The abandoned house with Night

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Kenny had marked the day September 11 on his old calendar, that he got back in 2019, that he just keeps using over and over again.

Kenny then started planning. Where should he take Butters? What should they do? And who should he be to ask him?

Kenny sighed before realizing something. The school talk was the day after Butters's birthday, "Geez, I'm packed this week. Butters's birthday, that school talk I agreed to, along with just all my superhero stuff, god, why do I do this to myself?"

He facepalmed before flopping on his bed, "I need to just calm down for a while... I need..." that's when Kenny got an idea.

He got up and grabbed his phone before texting someone, a smile plastered on his face, happy and excited.

Kenny walked to the edge of town to a familiar sight of a cleared space with only a few things there.

A put-out campfire, two long logs, an old sleeping bag, and an umbrella.

Kenny sat down on one of the logs, waiting for someone. And that's when he saw them.

They sat down on the other log and smiled, it was Night, "Immortality treating you well?" they asked.

Kenny sighs, "Yeah, as well as it can." Night nodded as Kenny leaned back, looking up at the sky.

The campground they were on was something they had been hanging out on since they were young.

It was a place Kenny could use to escape his home life and just South Park in general.

It was nice, it felt like home being there, "You want to do something?" Kenny asked.

Night nodded, "Old house down the street. No one lives there. In fact, I think it was claimed to be uninhabitable. Want to jump the fence?"

Kenny shrugged, "Sure. You been there before?"

"Nah. But I've seen it." Night says

Kenny shrugged again, what could the harm be?

So off they went. Down the nearby street to the old house, where they jumped the fence.

Inside it was... broken. Missing planks on the floors, ceiling collapsing in, graffiti all over the walls.

Night pulled Kenny along into the house, "Wow! Kenny, this looks like your place!" they said jokingly.

Kenny rolled his eyes and smiled, "Oh shut up, man." they continued further in.

The kitchen still had a bunch of silverware, knives, spoons, forks. Hell, it even still had some food, inedible, but still.

Kenny looked around in awe when he found something; it was a recipe book, he picked it up, "Hey, Night, look what we found – the world's most expired recipe book. Think we can whip up something gourmet from here?" he said, laughing a little.

Night chuckled and looked around the crumbling kitchen. "I think I'll pass on the 'mold surprise' casserole, but we might find something interesting here," they replied, inspecting an old can of beans.

Kenny looked at the book and decided to take it with him; this place wouldn't miss it.

Night then saw a staircase, "God, that looks like it'll fall apart at any moment."

Kenny walked to Night's side, "Probably shouldn't go up there. Shame though, wanted to see the huge upstairs." he then turned to Night, only to see they weren't there.

"Night!?" he called; he turned back to the stairs, only to see Night climbing them.

"Night!" he called as he ran after them, "Careful! Those stairs look like they could fall apart at any minute, and I don't know if I will be able to get you out!"

"Oh, calm down, Ken." Night replied, "I barely weigh anything! I'll be fine."

"Night, you have no idea how many times I've said that, before I end up dead."

Night soon managed to get to the top, despite Kenny's fear. They looked around; there was a few bedrooms, one that looked like it was for a kid, a bathroom, and a study.

"Cool!" Night went to the study and looked around before spinning on an old chair and ran to one of the bedrooms to flop down on one of the beds, only for an exposed spring to hit their back, "Ow!"

Kenny must have heard that because he panicked, "Night!? You ok!?"

Night yelled back, "Yeah! Just an exposed spring on one of the beds!"

Night got up and looked outside of a broken window. There was a backyard, "Wow!" she ran to it, "Look at that, Kenny!! We need to go to the backyard!"

Night ran down that stair, despite Kenny's nerves, and they both headed to the backyard.

They looked outside and saw a beautiful, overgrown garden. The yard was a hidden gem, forgotten and abandoned for years. Wildflowers had taken over, and there was even a small, broken and forgotten greenhouse at the far end.

Night runs out and over to the greenhouse, Kenny running behind them.

Night grabbed the door, only to realize it was locked, "Shit... well, I guess I'll have to do it the old-fashioned way!"

Kenny immediately backed up; he knew what Night might mean by that, "Night! Don't make me use your birth name!"

"Oooh hell naw!! Don't you dare use my birth name! You know I hate it!" Night crossed their arms before grabbing a rock.

Kenny backed up more as Night smashed a hole into the greenhouse.

Kenny couldn't help but chuckle, "Alright, Night, go for it. Show that stubborn door who's boss!"

Night smiled as they reached through the hole in the door and unlocked it. Night then promptly skipped inside and looked around. Kenny followed after them.

Inside the garden in the greenhouse was a small jungle. Vines crawled up the walls, and exotic plants had found their way through the broken glass and were thriving.

"Pretty! You know who would like this?" Night asked. Kenny looked at them.

"Who?" Kenny asked.

Night smiled evilly as they said, "Butters."

Kenny's eyes widened, "Oh shut up, man." he gently hit their shoulder. Though Kenny thought Night had a point, Butters would like it.

He would.

Night looked around more, moving things around along with vines.

That's when they found something, a bench, "Kenny look! A bench!" Kenny walked over and looked at it.

It was a bench, hidden under all the vines, and had the words, "Remember, love always grows."

Kenny laughed, "Sounds like something you would write." Night rolled their eyes.

"Oh shush..." Night chuckled before pushing further into where the bench was, clearing more vines.

That's when they felt... water. Night reeled their hand back, "Ew, what the-!" they moved more vines, and that's when they saw it was a little pond, put right in the middle of the greenhouse.

"Aww, cute!" Night moved more vines with Kenny's help and found, on the edge of the pond, was a small, rusted metal sculpture of a frog perched by a small pond, and a bunch of vibrant and exotic

flowers that had grown wild and tall.

"Wow... this place is awesome!" Night continued looking around; however, Kenny was thinking.

This place was great, and a great place to take Butters on a date for his birthday.

And maybe Night could help even more.

-What do you all think?

-Word Count: 1206

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