Chapter 12: A meeting

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Kenny was running around in his Mysterion costume, trying to find Professor Chaos's lair. But he wasn't making any progress.

Well, that changed when he got a notification, "Right, superhero meeting. I forgot," he thought. "I guess I have to put a hold on this then." He rushed to the meeting spot they all had.


Kenny arrived at the meeting spot, slightly out of breath from his hurried run. As he walked in, he noticed his fellow superheroes chatting and catching up. Toolshed was talking about his latest rescue mission, and Call Girl was enthusiastically discussing a new gadget she had invented.

"Hey, Mysterion!" Call Girl called out, waving him over. "Glad you could make it. We were just sharing some of our recent heroics."

"Yeah, sorry I'm late," Kenny replied, slightly embarrassed.

"It's fine, Mysterion. Let's just start the meeting." Kenny nodded as he took a seat.

They sat at a round table, gadgets gathered around, each member having one specifically for them. How did they afford all this, you ask? Well, it's all thanks to Night, me, your humble narrator and author. Oh, don't act surprised, someone had to tell the story of this... bunny love. Anyway, pretend I didn't talk.

Kenny took his seat at the front of the table as he was the leader, "Alright, team, roll call!"

Kenny pulled out his clipboard, "Toolshed?"


Toolshed was the tough emotional one, well sometimes. In a fight, he's resolute, but sometimes he can take hard stances and get really emotional about them. Nonetheless, he has good intentions and is very useful. His ability is to know everything about any tool, which is kind of useless, but at least he knows how to fix things.

"Call Girl."


Call Girl was the tech whiz, a tech whiz with a special stick that she uses to watch people. She's kind of a wildcard, sometimes trying to keep the group organized, or flirting with them, or just outright yelling at them. Right now, though, she seemed to be... flirting? Really?

Kenny sighed, not amused, "Wonder Tweek?"


Wonder Tweek, the absolute gem of the group, always twitchy, always nervous, and dating one of the enemies. Honestly, no one knew how they didn't see it; Wonder Tweek and Super Craig, their names practically rhyme. Nonetheless, the entire team cares for him. His power is weather manipulation, really strong and powerful weather control. It freaks him out a bit.


Tupperware's voice was muffled by his helmet, but Kenny could understand him. After all, he mumbled most of the time too, "Here."

Tupperware is the only black member of the group, which doesn't matter to his friends and coworkers, but racists are a thing. Luckily, the others are able to shut them down and help Tupperware defend himself. Tupperware's power is... well... related to rubbery materials, take that as you will.

"Doctor Timothy?"


Doctor Timothy was a wheelchair-bound genius. He is extremely intelligent, using 20 percent of his brain instead of the usual 10. Unfortunately, he's confined to his wheelchair and can only say a few selected sentences. His powers include telekinesis, mind reading, teleportation, etc. All basically mind-related abilities.

"Alright! Everyone's here!" Kenny looked around at his fellow heroes, satisfied that the team was all present. There were still two empty seats. One belonged to Night; they had a permanent seat to the left of Kenny with a big N on the back. Actually, all the seats had a letter in the back depending on who is sitting there. The only one that didn't was the one right in front of Kenny; it was a blank seat. Kenny had suggested getting rid of it until they need it back since it was just taking up space. But Night had said to keep it.

"It'll be important, trust me." they said.
Kenny did trust them, so he kept it, though he really wondered why.

He shook his head, not wanting to think about it right now. He cleared his throat and began, "Okay, let's get down to business. I just got news that Professor Chaos's power is growing; he is now described as a crime lord. Does anyone else know about this?"

Toolshed leaned forward, his brow furrowed in thought, "Yeah, I've been monitoring some chatter on the streets. Seems like the word's spreading. People are saying Chaos is getting bolder, controlling more criminal operations."

Call Girl chimed in, her eyes focused on her gadget, "I've intercepted some encrypted messages. They hint at plans for bigger heists and a possible alliance with other villains."

Wonder Tweek shifted in his seat, his nervous energy palpable. "Wait, so you're saying Chaos is teaming up with other bad guys? That sounds even scarier."

Tupperware nodded, his helmet shifting slightly, "It's definitely a cause for concern. We need to be prepared for a coordinated attack."

"Alright, it's clear that Chaos is becoming a bigger threat. We can't let him gain more power or allies. Our city's safety depends on us stopping him." Kenny says.

Call Girl smirked, her determination evident. "I've been working on an upgraded communication system. We'll be able to coordinate better and respond faster."

Wonder Tweek nodded, his hands fidgeting. "And I can use my weather powers to disrupt their plans. Make it harder for them to pull off their schemes."

Toolshed cracked his knuckles, a determined look in his eyes, "I'll gather more intel and keep an eye on their activities. We need to hit them where it hurts." Tupperware's voice was steady. "And I'll be there to back you up, making sure everyone's protected."

Kenny nodded, "Ok, sounds good. We will try to find Chaos's lair as well. I believe I can take care of him once and for all that way."

The group nodded, "We will try to locate it, Mysterion. When you go in to find it though, be careful." Toolshed said.

"Y-Yeah... and... if you see Super Craig there, don't h-harm him." Wonder Tweek begged, "I-I love him."

Kenny nodded, "We know, Wonder Tweek. No worries."

Wonder Tweek smiled and nodded.

Little did they know what was ahead for them.

-What do you all think?

-Word Count: 1038

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