Chapter 13: Finding the lair

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Kenny was watching the local South Park bank. Any moment, Professor Chaos's team could break in.

As he waited, Kenny's mind raced, replaying the various scenarios he had prepared for. He had studied the blueprints of the bank, memorized possible escape routes, and anticipated the gadgets Professor Chaos might employ.

Suddenly, a quiet noise caught Kenny's attention. He narrowed his eyes, focusing on the dark alley next to the bank. There, he saw some movement. Kenny pulled out his binoculars. At first, he thought that maybe the movement had just been a raccoon, but then he saw arms, then legs. It was a person, but it wasn't Chaos or one of his usual henchmen. That's when he remembered the crime lord's comment, "Right... maybe this is one of those new groups Chaos is the boss of."

Kenny followed them into the bank. They broke a window and hopped in. Kenny slipped in, hiding behind a desk. Kenny watched as the guy disabled the security alarm and tried finding a way into the safes. That's when Kenny jumped out from where he was hiding and onto the desk, saying, "Looking for something, fella?"

'Fella? Geez, Butters is rubbing off on him. Wait, geez? Since when did I say "fella" and "geez"? I'm turning PG.' Kenny thought to himself.

They were both silent for a minute, a long moment of silence, right before the guy ran towards Kenny, ready to hit him. In that moment, Kenny's training and instincts kicked in. He dodged the guy's attack before coming back around and kicking him in the head.

The guy tried to get back up, but Kenny kicked him back down again while grabbing his phone and calling the cops, along with another ambulance since the guy was bleeding a little from his head, probably because Kenny kicked him.

With the guy no longer being a threat, Kenny grabbed some rope from his belt and tied the guy up, making sure he couldn't get back up.

Soon Kenny could hear the sirens in the distance, so before they got there, Kenny ducked down to the henchman's level, "Did Professor Chaos send you?"

The guy didn't say much, just groaned in agreement.

Kenny sighed, "Great." He then stood up and went to talk to the cops while an ambulance took the two robbers away.


As the cops all left, Kenny received a message. Kenny looked at it to see it was from Toolshed. "Mysterion, we have a general location on Professor Chaos."

Kenny's eyes widened as he texted back, "Great! Send it." Toolshed sent the location and it showed that Professor Chaos's lair seemed to be a little far, but Kenny had gone farther.


As he finally got to Professor Chaos's hidden lair, Kenny's heart beat faster. He knew he had to be careful; Chaos was known for his traps and tricks. So carefully, Kenny looked around the base, seeing if there was anything.

He found hidden cameras, laser tripwires, and other traps, all made to ensure intruders stayed out. Kenny's experience in dealing with Chaos served him well. So carefully, he disabled the traps one by one, slowly inching closer to the middle of the lair. He could feel the tension building. Finally, Kenny reached the middle of the lair, where he thought Professor Chaos would be, and he was right. There, among a chaotic line of gadgets and machines, stood Professor Chaos himself, looking at all of them. But that's when he noticed Kenny standing there.

The villain's eyes widened in surprise. The room was silent as the two arch-enemies locked eyes.

"Professor Chaos..." Mysterion said.

"Mysterion!? W-What are you doing here?" Professor Chaos asked.

"I'm here to stop you." Mysterion stats.

"W-What? I'm not even-"

"You have been causing chaos for too long! It's time to stop now! I can't allow you to grow any stronger!" Mysterion yells.

"Mysterion, I don't want to fight you. Please." Professor Chaos begs.

"Why!?" Mysterion asks.

"I... because um... if you do, then a bomb in the town square will go off. I'm not done tinkering with it, so the explosion will be as strong as a nuke. So um... maybe don't fight me."

Kenny raised an eyebrow, "You made a bomb that goes off if you get touched? Why!? That is... stupid. You weren't even expecting me, so I know this is not your way of making yourself untouchable in a fight. Do you just do this for fun or something!?"

Professor Chaos was silent, "Yes... because I'm... chaotic...?" Sweat rolled down his forehead. 'I really don't want to fight you, Mysterion, please.' He thought.

Kenny just stared at him, "idiot."

Professor Chaos looked down, "I um... Super Craig!"

Super Craig came running into the room, "Yes boss?"

Professor Chaos pointed to Kenny, "Can you throw him out?"

"Of course." Craig raised his hands, and Kenny sighed.

"You're lucky your boyfriend said not to hurt you." he says.

Craig looked up surprised, "R-Really he did? Awww, that's so sweet.~ I'm gonna to-"

"Super Craig, just get him out!"

"Right! Sorry, boss." Super Craig then ran at Kenny. Kenny tried to dodge, but Craig hit him with an unexpected mega fist punch and knocked Kenny back before grabbing him and throwing him out a low-level window.

Kenny landed on his face, "Asshole!!" He shouted back up at them before getting up, 'I'll have to come back another day, and be sneakier about it. For now, though, it's almost 12:00. I need to meet up with Butters.'

-What ya'll think?

-Word Count: 932

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