Thank you Itsjustso1D for proofreading and getting me to publish this :) I hope you guys like it, sorry for two poems in a row! Give me subject you want me to writs about too, I'm happy to cover any topic <3
Tainted With My Blood
Would it still be funny if I was dead,
My death on your head,
As I'm dead on a bed,
Bleeding out a stream of red?My cries disappeared,
As my life slipped away,
You didn't realize you killed me this way,
But you wouldn't care anyway.When I lay in a morgue,
Now deaths knocked at my door,
And drags me hell,
My life ended so well.It's very funny now I am dead,
Your soul has been tainted,
Your stained with my blood,
You could have just given me love.
To Be Depressed
Non-Fiction"If you think about being happy, you'll be happy." "Don't be so pessimistic!" "Everyone else can get through it, why can't you?" "Attention seeker!" You trying feeling like this then, if it's so easy... This is just my views on depression, a "taboo"...