Suicide's Like An Escape

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Feeling trapped in your own mind.

The only source of relief is to cut your own skin. To see the blood flow.

For pain. Self inflicted, pain.

Feeling like you're completely alone, with no one in the whole world to save you.

There's only one option you can possibly think of, but it's also the most deadly thought that will ever cross your mind.


Once you've thought it once, the thought never leaves.

It seeps into your mind more and more.

You know it's dangerous. You're scared.

Yet you can't stop...

Soon different methods are running around your mind.

Slit wrist. Overdose. Hanging. Drowning.

The list goes on and on.

Soon different suicide notes are going around your mind too.

Who you would give it to. What you would say.

Eventually your mind will me full up completely with this one thought that's consuming your life completely.

You lose sight of the dangers and the thought becomes your only source of comfort.

This is not right!

This is not okay!

You need to stop these thoughts now; before it's too late.

Before a poor, innocent person stumbles across your stone-cold body one day.

Before your family and friends are gathered at your funeral, morning you.

Before it's too late.

You will hurt people when you die.

It's inevitable.

You'll leave your parents stunned and alone. Riddled with guilt, desperately trying to work out where they went wrong.

Maybe you have siblings...

Your older siblings will tear themselves apart trying to work out why you couldn't come to them, why they weren't there for you.

Your younger siblings will be scared. They won't understand where their role-model's gone, the person who's been there their whole life.

You friends will wonder why you never told them, or why they couldn't help if you did.

Your teachers will feel immense guilt because they never noticed your pain.

What if one of those people committed suicide because of you?

I know that's harsh. I know you don't want to hear it. But you have to.

It's an extremely high possibility.

You would be making people feel the exact same pain that drove you to your grave.

Committing suicide doesn't take away pain, it transfers it!

That's not fair.

I'm sorry, but that's the cold hard truth of the matter...

If, for some unforgivable reason, your friends and family don't morn you - which they absolutely will - I will.

I'll morn you.

I'll regret not saving you.

I'll regret not being there.

I'll cry over you.

We may never have spoken.

I may not even know your name.

But I can grantee you that I will morn you.

Please don't leave me.

Please don't leave your family, your friends.

Please stay.

Suicide's like an escape, but you do have other options.

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