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Maybe I should tell Mrs. Heera I came down with mono. Or malaria. I could say there's an emergency at home. Or that my goldfish died.

I tug on the hem of my shirt as I walk down the empty hallway, silently cursing myself for ever agreeing to this in the first place.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

I was hoping my nerves would have subsided throughout the day, but they've only gotten worse.

And now here I am...ready to tango in the lion's den. Not that Faisal is a lion. He's more like a lone wolf. Especially with those icy brown eyes and his don't fuck with me or I'll tear you apart with my teeth demeanor.

I'm relieved when I find the classroom empty. Arriving first gives me the upper hand...and some extra time to chill the fuck out.

Placing my book bag on the long table in the back, I plop down in a seat. Five minutes soon turns into ten, and there's still no sign of him. Relieved, I pack up my stuff while humming one of my favorite songs,

"Tum hi ho" written by my Favourite Mithoon.

Music has always been my first love. Whenever I'm stressed or sad or's there with open arms. Wrapping me up like a warm blanket on a cold day.

It's not long before my humming turns to full-on singing.

Tum hi ho, tum hi ho...Arz bhi, mera marz bhi...Chain bhi, mera dard bhi...Meri aashiqui ab tum hi ho

My world stops when I see a tall form enter the classroom in my peripheral.

Oh, God.

I freeze. The only sound I can hear now is my pulse thrumming in my ears.

Don't look.

I kind of have to though, given he's here to see me. When I finally muster the courage to angle my head, I find him propped against the doorway with his hands in the pocket of his jeans and a sly smirk on his face.


"Don't stop meri vajh se." His voice is crushed velvet wrapped in silk and gravel.

Luckily, mine comes out sounding way more in control than I feel "You're late."

He strides inside like he owns the place. "Had to take care of something."

I have to stop myself from asking what that was because it's none of my business.

He stands, hovering over me like an impending storm cloud as I take a few books and folders out of my bag. "Mrs. Heera said tumhe thodi problem ho rhi hai English class m"

I feel like a moron because, duh, that's why he's here, but I have no idea how to get the ball rolling because he's not exactly Mr. Talkative. After what feels like an eternity, he joins me at the table, but still remains silent.

I decide to try a different tactic. "What days and times are you available? Mai usually free hoti hu after school and on weekends."

I mentally smack myself because I just made myself sound like a loser. He leans back in the chair with his legs spread and a pissed-off expression on his gorgeous face. As if it's my fault he's here.

Opening a folder, I take out the essay we're supposed to read and analyze, and a list of questions about it. "Okay. We can set up our schedule later." I slide the paper across the table. "I'll give you a few minutes to read this and then we can—"

Do nothing...because he's walking out of the classroom. I sit there stunned for a few moments because the audacity. Here I am trying to help him so he can graduate and he just up and leaves without so much as a thank you.

AASHIQUI : chain bhi..dard bhiWhere stories live. Discover now