Chapter 37

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"Holy crap, I have to crap," Zara announces before she makes a mad dash for the bathroom inside the greenroom.
Given she just wolfed down an entire meatball sub in the time it takes most people to brush their teeth, I'm not surprised.
Shaking my head, I go back to my bowl of veggies. Ever since the pictures came out five days ago, I've been trying to eat super healthy. I've already lost two out of the five pounds I gained on tour.
"Shoot." I'm reaching down for the fork I just dropped when my fingers brush against something smooth and familiar. It must have fallen out of Shivi's bag when she left to go run an errand.
My stomach erupts in a flurry of anxiety as I pick up the black marker. I haven't been having the greatest time mentally since I read those comments, despite reminding myself to ignore them like Shivi said. Unfortunately, the bad stuff has always stuck inside my psyche like glue.
Theoretically, I could receive a hundred compliments, but it still wouldn't be enough to bury one cruel remark. At least that's how it used to be for me. Although that voice has been getting louder and louder these days. Because the worst thing about those articles isn't the nasty criticism, it's that it seems to have negated all the rewiring to my self-esteem that I've spent years working on.
I finally got to a place where I was comfortable with who I was and even though my body wasn't perfect, I was happy with it.
My heart twists against my rib cage, drudging up all those old feelings I've tried to abandon as I continue staring at the marker. It would be so damn easy to relapse and write all their words on my skin...pour salt in the wounds they created. But doing that has never made it hurt any less. Because it isn't Sara, or the people at school, or the trolls online that are my greatest enemy. It's this thing. It's me.
My dad once posed a question in which he asked me whether I would be nasty or kind to an overweight person I'd encountered on the street. Of course, I said the latter, I will be very kind to them. To which he responded—"then why wouldn't you extend the same compassion to yourself?" As usual, my dad was right. So, while it would be easy to mark my skin with all those hurtful words, I don't want to go back to that dark place. I don't want to let those people or my old self win.
I'm placing the Sharpie down when Shivi charges in like a woman on a mission. After a quick look around the room, she closes the door. That's when I notice the papers in her hand.
"What's that?"
She shoves the stack at me. "You've been letting those assholes' words live rent-free in your head all week, so I wanted to show you these."
By these she means various comments she printed out. Only, unlike the others...they're nice. My chest swells as I flip through them.
Sheeesh. She's hot AF and hella cute.
—Some of y'all need to stop hating. I think she's beautiful.
—Faisu knows wassup. Curves in all the right places.
—Slay girl.
—Thick thighs save lives.
—Yaasss. We stan a curvy queen.
—It's nice to see someone like him with a regular girl. Gives the rest of us some hope. Because 70% of girls in world are not gym tonned
—Dayum. That ass is valid. Faisu understood the assignment.
—He's obviously into her and that's all that matters. People need to quit being jealous
The fact Shivi went digging for these and printed them out to show me means more than she'll ever know.
"You didn't have to do this," I whisper through the lump in my throat. "Thank you."
She walks over to the mini-fridge and grabs a bottle of water. "I just wanted you to see the flip side of it. Kuch free k haters ko apne dimag m mt ghusne do."
If only it were that simple. While I appreciate what She did, she'll never truly get what it's like...because she's flawless.
"Easy for you to say." I place the papers on the coffee table in front of me. "You're legit perfect."
Therefore, she's never struggled with low self-esteem.
I'm about to walk out so I can catch the end of the concert...but Shivi whips off her shirt, and she stand infront of me in her lace bra "Uh...what are you doing?"
She points to her awesome boobies. "These are implants. Mai 18 saal ki thi jb maine ye krvaye. Before that I was barely an A, and it's something I used to be really self-conscious about, especially since Jeh—"
She shakes her head. "Never mind. That's not important."
Undoing the button on her jeans, she slides them down, revealing her skimpy purple underwear. She drags her red fingernail across her skin, gesturing to some tiny white streaks on her hips. "These are stretch marks."
Turning around, she slaps her ass. "And feast your eyes on my magnificent butt dimple, sprinkled with some cellulite."
I can't help but laugh because she's crazy. Crazy and beautiful.
She turns back around. "No one is perfect, Jannu But hmesa yaad rkhna jo tumse pyaar krte h vo tumhare inn flaws ko ni dekhte infact unko fark hi ni pdta kyuki vo tumhe pyaar krte hai, okay? Because I don't want my friend thinking bad things about herself when she's gorgeous inside and out."
I was thankful for Shivi's friendship before, but it's nothing compared to right now. My chest is practically overflowing with how much I cherish her. I'm about to run over and give her a hug, but Zara comes out of the bathroom.
Her jaw drops when she sees a half-naked Shivi. "Whoa. Those boobies are nice."
Shivi laughs. "Thanks."
Intrigue colors Zara's face. "Can I feel?"
Shivi shrugs. "Have at it, sister." She looks at me. "You can too if you want."
I mean, I am curious. I bite the inside of my cheek as zara starts asking questions in rapid fire while we feel her up. "What size are these? What kind did you get? How come you don't have any scars?"
"They're saline. And they're four hundred cc which took me from an A to a small D. And I don't have any scars because they did it through my belly button. Jeh ni chahta tha mujpr koi scar—"
"Well, this is definitely one way to celebrate our last concert," Faiz utters.
We were so invested in our conversation, none of us heard the door open. Kalp stops moving and his face takes on a tomato color.
"Esa koi naya chiz ni jo tumsb ne ni dekha itta laal kya ho rhe ho, Fuckers" Mohsin sneers covering her as Shivi scrambles to put her clothes on.
"Ha sahi kaha sb dekh rkha hai" Faisu retorts, which causes my stomach to do a weird flip. I look at Shivi, who's slipping her shirt over her head. It's none of my business and I'd have no right to be mad if she and Faisu hooked up in the past. I'd just like to know. Which is stupid because Faisu made me believe long time ago that he never even touched any girl except me and tomorrow will be my last full day here and after that, he and I are done for good.
As if sensing my internal struggle, Shivi mouths, 'Never. Promise.'
Coming up behind me, Faisu locks his arms around my waist. "Kya hua Muffin?"
"Something," he teases before his lips graze the side of my neck. "Mai vaise khudko refer ni kr rha tha jb maine vo comment kia. I was just trying to piss off a certain keyboard player."
Mohsin—who's walking over to the small bar in the corner despite already having a beer in his hand—flips him off.
"Looks like it worked." His laugh is a low rumble in my ear. "Everyone has a weakness."
No argument here.
"How much merch would I have to sell in order to afford this Dii?" Zara asks Shivi
I feel Faisu's entire body tense.
"I'm gonna kill Shivangi."
Shivi shoots Faisu an apologetic look before turning to Zara. "You don't need them, baby girl. Trust me, you're good."
"Real are better anyway," Mohsin grunts as he pours himself a glass of whiskey. "No one likes a fake girl"
Wow. I'm about to lay into him, but I don't have to.
"Then I guess you don't like your baby mama very much." Shivi's red stilettos click against the floor as she heads for the exit...and then they stop. "Also, I love my fake ones...and jaha tk muje yaad h ek vakht when you did too."
My mouth hangs open for two reasons. One, the obvious: Go Shivi. And two: aside from that brief conversation on the bus, I've never once heard either of them acknowledge there was anything between them. It's like a big family secret that everyone knows about, but no one ever talks about.
Mohsin brings the glass to his lips. "Vakht or Insaan dono hi badlte hai"
Shivi turns to face him. "Well, I hope you enjoyed the show, because it's the last time you'll see them."
No one says a word, because it's clear She just got the last one.
Until Mohsin speaks. "Tum galt keh rhi thi shivi." The corner of his mouth crooks up and the look he gives her is so cold it chills me to the bone. "Gwen isn't my baby mama. She's my soon-to-be fiancée."
My heart catapults to the floor, and I feel like the worst friend in the world. Given I didn't hear anything about them getting married after zara told me about the convo she overheard, I figured he came to his senses and it was no longer a thing. Therefore, I didn't tell her.
I really wish I had, because even though she tries to play it cool, pain splashes across her face before she walks out.
"Have another drink, motherfucker," Faiz grumbles as Kalp chases after her.
Mohsin downs the liquid in his glass. "Shut the fuck up."
"Why don't you shut the fuck up?" I blurt before I can stop myself. "You insulted her for no reason, not once, but twice. And u know what the person like you jo kehta k mai apne bcche ki jimmedari luga or shaadi kruga bruh, u r awfully fixated on another women than ur baby mama."
He looks past me at Faisu. "You better control your girl."
Faisu moves in front of me. "You better take her advice. Or the only thing I'll be controlling is the way I'll punch u."
I nearly jump out of my skin when Mohsin launches his glass at the wall and it shatters. "Fuck this. I'm out."
"Awesome way to celebrate the last show, guys," Faiz mutters as Mohsin leaves.
A ball of anxiety lodges in my esophagus. "He didn't mean he was out of the band, right?"
Faisu and Faiz exchange a look. "Nah. He's just dealing with some shit."
So is my friend. "I'm gonna go check on Shivi"
"I'm coming with," Zara says.
Leaning down, Faisu gives me a quick kiss. "Don't take too long. We have to be up early tomorrow." That's...strange.
"Come on. Let's go." Zara yanks my arm so hard she nearly rips it out of the socket.
Everything hurts and I'm dying. Something digs into my back, It feels like...a foot.
My mind spins as the events of last night come rushing back to me in one big blur.
Shivi told me she'd be fine if I went back to her hotel room and got drunk with her. So, I did. Zara naturally wanted to join us, even though she didn't drink. I think. I hope. One thing led to another and our bay breezes soon turned into tequila. Lots of tequila.
I vaguely remember Faisu coming in to check on us. Then Faiz showed up shortly after...because he needed backup. And then at some point Kalp came in and started yelling at us... which really upset me. Oh god. I'm pretty positive I told him that he wasn't big enough for his attitude.
I crack an eye open, but immediately close it because the blinds aren't shut and holy hell, it's way too bright. Probably because Shivi was flashing the people of India her awesome boobies from the window...while I was mooning them right alongside her. My brain pounds against my skull as I remember what happened next.
I told—or rather demanded—Faisu for mind blowing sex session. Given I'm not sure, I think it's safe to say he didn't take me up on it. After that, things are super fuzzy, but I do remember Zara—the responsible one, bless her—ordering us pizza and putting us to bed. Although I'm not quite sure which one I ended up in.
"Morning, party animal." I pry my eyelids open at the sound of Faisu's voice. He's standing over me with a cup of coffee in his hand.
Pushing up on my elbows, I peer down. Yup, definitely a foot poking my side. Zara's foot. I try to sit up fully, but I can't because Shivi's arms are locked around I'm her personal teddy bear. I have no idea how the three of us slept tangled up like this in one bed.
I glance around the room. A big body is lying on the takes me a second to realize it's Faiz . "You guys slept on the floor?"
My voice comes out ten times raspier than usual. Faisu snorts. "I wouldn't exactly call it sleeping."
He glances at his watch. "Kya tum aadhe ghnte m shower lekr ready ho skti ho?"
Ugh. That's a tall order. "Ready for what?"
My flight isn't until ten a.m. tomorrow and the final concert was last night. Which means I have the whole day to recover. Thank the Lord.
A slow, sexy smile unfurls. "Ready for our date."
Say what now? I sweep my gaze over him. He's dressed in a pair of jeans and a crisp black T-shirt that does spectacular things to his veiny arms. Unlike me, he's also freshly showered and ready.
I blink up in confusion. "Date? What kind of date?"
"The one I'm taking you on." He peers at his watch again. "We were supposed to leave for brunch two hours ago, but we can still do the other thing I had planned."
I must still be drunk because Faisal Sheikh doesn't do brunch, plan, or date. "Fine. But only because you brought me caffeine."
Stretching, I try to reach for the coffee cup, but Shivi and her octopus tentacles are holding me hostage.
There's an impish glint in his eye. "I got this."
He walks to the door, and a moment later Kalp strolls inside...with a megaphone. "Everybody get the fuck up. We leave for Europe in three hours."
Wait...what? I didn't think they'd be leaving until tomorrow. Evidently our date will be a very short one.
Shivi springs up like a jack-in-the-box. "I'm up." Seconds later, she slinks down, clutching her head. "I take that back."
Zara rolls over...a little too much though, because she falls on the floor with a loud thud. "Ouch. My Kidney."
I have no idea how she managed to hurt that, but yep she fell on faiz directly.
"Fucking hell," Faiz mutters. "I hate you"
Digging in his pocket, Kalp pulls out a bottle of aspirin and hands it to Shivi "Lo tumhe jarurat hogi."
And here I thought Kalp didn't have a considerate bone in his body. But shivi..ignores him
"You're an angel." She grabs the coffee Faisu was attempting to hand me. "Don't ever let anyone tell you any different."
Clearly, Shivi's still intoxicated. After she pops her aspirin, I snatch the cup back.
And carefully guard it because Shivi, Zara and Faiz are eyeing me like they're hungry vampires and I have a paper cut.
"Khud le aao apna mere coffee pr najr mt daalo," I grumble before taking a lengthy sip.
"Twenty-five minutes," Faisu grits through his teeth while looking at his watch. My, how the tables have turned.
I climb off the bed. "I'm going." Never in a million years did I think Faisu would be the one babysitting me.
"Where are we going?" I question as we trek through the streets "And why are they with us?"
By they I'm referring to the massive guy walking ahead of me and the two following close behind. Faisu hates having security, so having them come along for our date is a bit peculiar. He pushes his black aviators up his nose.
"I wanted additional safety measures in place."
That's alarming. "Why? Where exactly are you taking me?"
I nearly ram into a woman passing us. Her eyes widen when she sees Faisu, but then she shakes her head, as if telling herself there's no way it's actually him. He's wearing a dark sweatshirt—with the hood drawn up—in the middle of freaking August so he has to be sweating off.
"You'll find out when we get there."
I don't like the sound of that one bit. "Just so you're aware, I hate surprises."
I'm not saying that to get him to spill the details, either. I truly despise them. I'm a planner and the idea of having to deal with any curveballs or bombshells puts me on edge. I can probably thank him for that. Faisu simply smirks.
"Fine. You don't have to tell me where we're going, but can you at least tell me why you suddenly felt the need for additional safety measures?"
He keeps his focus ahead, his expression indecipherable. "For you."
Those words have my stomach twisting. "For me? Why?"
"The pictures only came out six days ago. Tumhe abtk ehsas ni hua kyuki maine tumhe andr hi rkha andr ni rehna dia, but we're everywhere. Hell, we're even trending on Twitter...along with Mohsin and Gwyneth"
The muscles in his face tighten. "Most of our fans are cool, but some are batshit. I can't take the chance that one of them would hurt you."
As much as I hate to admit it, he has a point. While I'm well aware of the photos being splashed everywhere, they haven't really impacted my life because the people I associate with daily are either famous or members of the crew. It's going to be different when I'm back in the real world again.
Just yesterday, Mrs. Piya told me three reporters showed up at the house asking to speak with me. I open my mouth to tell him thank you, but his next words send me reeling.
"Isiliye aajse or abbi se infact tum ghar chli jaogi fr bhi ye guards tumhare sath rhege."
Hold. The. Phone.
"No, they won't. I don't need bodyguards tracking my every move."
"Relax. It will only be for a month..." A hint of a smile teases his lips. "For now."
I glare at him. "No."
A weird thought occurs to me then. While I do believe Faisu's intentions are good, I also can't help but wonder if this is his sick way of keeping tabs on me. Which will only make it harder for us to sever ties. "I don't want your security following me around."
Amusement flickers across his face. "It's cute how you think k mai tumhari sunne vala hu."
I bump into another woman on the street...only this time she promptly snaps a picture with her phone. Awesome. In a flash, she rushes toward us while calling out Faisu's name, which draws lots of attention.
"Shit." He moves in front of me. "I knew we should have driven."
Nerves creep in as more people gather around us. "Why didn't we?"
"Because someone had a hangover which set us back several hours.Or city m car lekr jne se acha h hum chalkr jldi pauchege."
I don't miss the irritability in his tone, despite using his body to shield me from the flock of women trying to close in with outstretched hands...reaching for him. The bodyguards quickly usher us into a nearby building.
"One week," I concede as we wait for the small crowd outside the deli we were shoved inside to wane. "That's it, isse jyada ni rehne dugi guards mai."
Eventually this will all die down and I'll be old news. I just have to ride it out for a bit. Faisu thanks the staff for letting us take cover and quickly poses for some photos. "There's an exit out back," one of the bodyguards tells us.
Faisu finishes scribbling his signature on the wall—via the owner's request—and takes my hand. "Let's go."
After slipping out the rear door, we walk down some alley until we have no choice but to return to the main street. Reaching into the pocket of his hoodie, he takes out an extra pair of sunglasses and hands them to me. "Put these on."
I do without protest, even though we're back to being inconspicuous people again. A few minutes later, his steps come to a halt, and he looks up. "We're here."
I glance around and my stare snags on a street sign that says. "Central Park?"
I've never been here before, so I'm excited. That excitement fades, though, when Faisu shakes his head. "Nope."
Lacing our fingers again, he leads me to some Victorian Gothic-looking building. Don't get me wrong, it's a beautiful piece of architecture—in a mysterious and haunting kind of way—but I have no idea why he brought me here. Maybe it's a museum or an art gallery? Dear God, please don't be another World War II exhibit. I came dangerously close to falling asleep at the one Zain took me to on our date.
I'm even more baffled when Faisu stops in front of a gate under an archway. I also notice another sign. Authorized Personnel Only Beyond This Point. And an angry-looking doorman. "No loitering."
Given I don't want to spend the rest of my afternoon in a jail cell, I tug on his hand. "Let's go."
Faisu juts his chin at one of the security guards who walks over to the doorman and whispers something in his ear...then he slips him some cash.
The guy looks a lot friendlier after that. "Ten minutes," he tells Faisu "But I'm not allowed to let you go inside. You'd have to obtain special permission for that, and it's above my pay grade."
"It's cool," Faisu says. "I appreciate it."
Okay, this is just getting weird now. I have no idea why we're standing outside of what appears to be the entrance to whatever building this is. "Where are we?"
"India's first interactive music museum" His lips part on an inhale "There was this time in my life, jab mai successful ho rha tha, lyrics toh hame team vle bnakr dedete pr dhoon hame bnani hoti thi toh I often used to come here to interact with music, only VIP are allowed here and people know me by name so I'm allowed but after slipping some cash, you can go inside this beautiful area, where there are long steel rods and instrument jb unki dhoon eksth bajti hai na toh kaano ko maano sukoon milta hai, My inspiration"
It is always so mesmerising to watch him talk about music but, we can't go inside and play we'r just allowed to see and hear that's sad
His face falls. "I've never done this dating shit before. Muje ni pta kaha le jau tumhe toh socha jo jagh muje psnd hai vhi le ata hu"
A laugh bubbles out of me before I can stop it. He's so endearing right now, it trumps my frustration. As eerie as this date of ours is, it's obvious he put a lot of thought into it. It's also something I'll never there's that.
Faisu scowls. "And now you're laughing." Removing his glasses, he drags a hand down his face. "Let's g—"
He doesn't get to finish that sentence because I rise on my tiptoes, grip his shirt, and kiss him. Taking him—and me—by surprise. My pulse races as his tongue teases and coaxes mine. Cupping my face, he tilts his head and kisses me deeper. All I can feel is the thud of my heart against my ribs as I lose myself in this moment, and behind us the melodious music taking it's way into amazing ryhthem.
Evidently a little too long, though, because the doorman clears his throat. "Your ten minutes are up."
"We need another ten," Faisu murmurs against my lips before backing me into one side of the archway. He's like quicksand, pulling me under and I'm helpless to stop it., And I knew music always connects us, it is always there when we are together, it is all started with MUSIC.
Ten minutes later, there's another throat clear. "Okay, sir. You really have to go now. Some of the residents are beginning to complain."
My cheeks flush with embarrassment as we break apart. "Sorry."
My eyes swivel around, taking everything in.
"We need another minute," Faisu says behind me.
A weight filled with longing settles in my chest. It's been so long since I've written. Since I've created. So long I probably lost the ability to do it even though my mind and soul yearn for that outlet. I miss it so much it hurts. Like a phantom pain from losing one of your limbs. My heart beats slower—weaker—as though it were slipping away. I peer down at the ground. Like dying.
Faisu stands in front of me...protecting me. Just like he always does.
"We can't stay any longer. Not unless I buy an apartment here." I hike my purse up my shoulder.
"Where to now?" Slipping his shades back on, he points to a nearby hot dog stand. "Food." His throat dips. "Then the airport."
My heart beats even slower and my next breath is a struggle. "Oh."
This is it. He holds out his hand, and I take it. "I thought you weren't leaving for Europe until tomorrow?"
I utter as we walk over to the stand. It's nuts that they're already starting another tour so soon. "What do you like on your hot dog?"
"Ketchup, mustard...and sauerkraut."
His lips quirk. "Same."
He quickly rattles off our order and gives the guy some cash.
"I thought you weren't leaving for Europe until tomorrow?" I repeat as he hands me my hot dog.
Faisu takes a massive bite...dodging the question for a second time. I'm about to chew him out for not answering, but then I realize there might be a reason for it. Like some beautiful European model. Nonetheless, his whereabouts are no longer my responsibility.
It's time to sever the ties. Bringing the hot dog to my lips, I take a bite. Faisu stills, watching me. His eyes are obstructed by his shades, but I'd be willing to bet all the money I'm going to make from this tour that they're clouded with lust because he's picturing me doing him. "You're such a perv."
He gives me a knowing grin. "Not my fault you are good at many things."
I nudge him in the ribs because the security guards are standing less than five feet away and they most definitely heard him. I know this because the third guy's ears are turning pink. Faisu starts to respond, but a black SUV pulls up. It suddenly occurs to me that even though I'm saying goodbye to him, I never got a chance to say my farewells to everyone else.
"Can I go with you to the airport?" Realizing how clingy that sounds, I add, "I want to say bye to everyone."
I don't know what to make of the expression on his face as he polishes off the rest of his hot dog. "Let's go."
I'm silent during the whole ride there, which is weird because I'm usually chastising him for being the quiet one. I'm just afraid if I start talking I might spill things I'm better off keeping to myself. Like how I hate that we didn't slept together last night...sadly our last time making out was yesterday morning, while Zara was relentlessly pounding on the connecting door because she was hungry. While it was good—because it always is—it was quick and disruptive. And I didn't know it would be the final time.
Bile hits the back of my throat. Kind of like how I didn't know when I walked into Voodoo that night my heart would be obliterated.
Closing my eyes, I focus on the music coming through the speakers. It's upbeat, cheery pop. The fact Faisu hasn't requested for it to be changed tells me he's just as lost in his thoughts as I am. Memories break through the surface...both good and bad. Now that it's over, all the abhorrence I've harbored for him should be back with a vengeance. But the moment we pull into the airport, all I can think is that even though I hate what he did... I can't bring myself to hate him.
"Faisu?" He peels his focus from the window.
"Yeah?" Since these are going to be my very last words to him, I want to make them count. Even though they might not make any sense to him.
"You do have a gift," I whisper. "You're the sun." My throat goes tight and a range of emotions swell within me. "So, you never needed anyone else in order to shine."
Those dark brown depths hold my gaze. He doesn't utter a single word and neither do I...but we don't have to. Because no one knows the other better than we do.
And right now, we're both hurting because neither of us will get what we want. He wants forgiveness. But there's no way I can give him that because what he did destroyed parts of me I can't get back. I want to forget him. But there's no way I can because he's still in my veins...all the ones leading to the organ in my chest.
The war is finally over, but there's no winner. We'll both suffer until we eventually move on with other people... because it's the only option we have.
The SUV cruises down the runway until it comes to a stop in front of a private jet...and the group I've spent the last eight weeks of my life with. A bittersweet feeling erupts inside me as I get out of the car. I came here for money and to make their lead singer pay, but I'm leaving with a block of sadness inside my chest because I'm truly going to miss every single one of them.
Mohsin is the first to hug me. "Sorry about last night."
I don't like that he hurled insults at my friend, but I know underneath those cruel words was a lot of pain. "Take care of yourself, okay?"
"I'll do my best," he drawls with a smile.
Faiz is the next to hug me...which is shocking because he doesn't hug. "Don't be a stranger."
Sadly, I'll have to be.
"I mean it," he tells me as we break apart. "Or life m kabhi bhi kuch bhi jarurat h, bs ek phone call okay."
My vision becomes glassy, so I deflect with humor. "Look at you being Mr. Softy." He snorts.
"Yeah, bs ek br kehdo and then, he turns into an asshole again," Zara says behind me.
The second I spin around, she ambushes me with a hug so tight it knocks the wind out of me. "Please humare sath chlona"
Allah, This kid is going to kill me.
I wipe the tears from her eyes. "You're so kind Zara. Don't ever change." Leaning down, I whisper the same words Faiz just told me. ".Or life m kabhi bhi kuch bhi jarurat h, bs ek phone call okay."
She's the one person I'll break my no-contact-with-Faisu rule for if necessary.
She sniffles. "Okay."
The moment Shivi and I hug is when the tears break free...for both of us.
"Tell me we'll still be friends," she chokes out.
I hug her tighter. "Always."
I can't imagine not having her in my life. As long as she doesn't bring certain parts of hers into mine whenever we catch up. But I know she won't, because she understands.
I press my forehead to hers. "You'll get through this."
It's going to hurt like hell, but she's far tougher than she realizes. And a man who no longer wants her isn't one who deserves her.
"Not this Sisterhood shit again," Kalp mutters beside us. Ugh.
Might as well get this over with. "See mai end tk tikk gyi." Real fucking exasperating.
"Yeah you did." He pulls an envelope out of his jacket pocket. "This is a cheque for my half. Vic will be sending his to you sometime this week...since I gave him a good report and all." His eyes narrow. "You're welcome, by the way."
I pluck the envelope out of his hand. "It's not going to bounce, is it?"
"You'll find out soon enough, won't you?"
Swear to God if it does, I will fly my ass to Europe and rip out his spinal cord with my teeth.
I hold out my hand. "Bye, Mr. Attitude Shah."
He shakes it. "Bye, Jannat a.k.a Juliet of our Romeo."
It's on the tip of my tongue to point out that Juliet never left romeo. Because even though their love story ended up a tragedy...Romeo never would have betrayed her like Faisu betrayed me. He chose her over everything. I try to ignore the agony cramming my chest as I face him.
He'll always be my hardest goodbye. "At least we're parting on better terms this time around, right?"
Expression impassive, he stays silent. I didn't expect a sonnet from him or anything, but I figured we'd share one last hug and a few parting words.
"Takeoff is in three minutes," Kalp announces, and everyone loads onto the plane.
With the exception of Faisu, who's still staring at me...not saying a word.
It's really starting to piss me off. "Seriously? You're not even going to say goodby—"
His lips crash against mine and he gives me a kiss that makes my head light and my knees weak. On second thought, maybe goodbye was a bad idea. My drug just gave me another hit...which will make the withdrawals that much harder

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