Chapter 5

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"What's your deal huh? I'm legit begging, Why not?" Sara legit screamed in my ears as we are standing in band room

She has been behind me from first day despite having Dhruv on her toes well I don't mind it just make people think that I'm screwing with Football Team's Captain's Girlfriend an achievement

She tries to kiss me i turn my face and pushes her

"Don't forget your limits sara"

"Ok fine, Listen Lillian's having a huge party after graduation," she says as I look at her with boring eyes. "Promise me you'll come."


Fuck that. The second they hand me a degree, I have no intention of seeing any of these assholes again. Aside from Faiz....And maybe Jannat.

For some unknown reason, the girl is starting to grow on me. Like a fungus.

Nevertheless, I'm not opposed to the idea of keeping in touch with her from time to time after we graduate. If I even graduate, that is.

"Come on, Faisal" She bites her lip while smirking "Everyone is going to be there. Even that Ugly fat ass Jannat."

That's...fucking weird. Jannat's always been an outcast, and as far as I know, she's never gone to a party. Hell, she didn't even attend prom.

"Why was She invited?"

Because I don't think she'd go unless she specifically was.

Sinking her teeth into her bottom lip, Sara smiles coyly. "You'll find out if you come."

I don't like the sound of that, but I can't drill Sara about it because I hear footsteps approaching.

"What are you doing here, fat ass?" Sara snaps before I can even turn my head. When I do, an unexpected twist goes through my gut.

College ended a half-hour ago. I figured Jannat would be long gone by now.

Evidently, I was wrong.

Those baby-brown eyes widen with shock before she speaks. Or rather, tries to.


It's not like Jannat to trip over her matter how mean Sara is

Her nemesis takes the opportunity to close in on her like a goddamn vulture. "What's the matter, fatty? Cat got your tongue?" She laughs. "Oh, that's right, it can't. Because your mouth is always stuffed with food."

Ohh god. What a Bitch

I'm sure Jannat has a mirror, therefore she's well aware that how she looks I don't get Sara-or the rest of the college's obsession—with constantly ripping into her about it. Fact is she is not that fat and her hair can be taken care man

Funny thing is, if she ever gets a toned body and hair treatment with some makeup like other girls then she would be a threat to Sara. Not only because it would take away her ammunition, because Jannat isn't ugly.

Hell, I'd even call her cute. So cute, I have no doubt that if she dropped a few pounds, Sara would shit a goddamn brick because all the guys would be chasing her instead.

I throw glance at Jannat. "She's tutoring me."

Sara directs her irritation my way. "Tutoring you for what? We graduate in two and a half weeks."

A trail of tension rides down my neck. I don't owe her a damn thing. Least of all, an explanation for why someone's helping me out.

"None of your fucking business."

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