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My gaze ping-pongs between my empty suitcase and my phone, unable to bring myself to make a decision.

As luck would have it, my dad remembered me earlier...and Mrs. Piya spilled the beans. Not about Faisu stealing my song, but that I've been given an opportunity to join a band on tour and make some money. He seemed happy for me.

It should probably make it easier, but it doesn't. I'm going to miss him so much. But eight weeks' worth of my time means I'll no longer be so strapped for cash. I'll also be able to quit my job, spend more time with him, and relieve Mrs. Piya from the hassle of watching him four nights a week.

I hate to admit it, but temporarily being in Faisu's orbit again will solve some major problems. I just hope it won't cause a whole set of new ones. As if on cue, Mrs. Piya walks into the room. "You still haven't packed?"

"I still haven't called." For all I know, Kalp might have found someone else after he left my house yesterday.

She pinches the bridge of her nose. "honey..."

"I know." My wishy-washiness is not only annoying her, it's annoying me. It's time to put my big girl pants on and do this. Make Faisu pay for what he did and get the money I deserve in the process.

Picking up my phone, I punch in the number on the card Kalp gave me and hit the speakerphone button. He picks up on the second ring. "What?" he barks. Yup. Working for him is going to be fun. 

"It's Jannat."

"Go on," he drones. "Mere paas pura dinn ni hai" Mrs. Piya and I exchange a glance because rude.

"I'm in. Under one condition."

"Which is?" Here goes nothing.

"I want five hundred thousand."

"Tum bhi Faisu ki trh nashe m rehti ho kya?," he exclaims before expelling a sigh. "Three hundred thousand. That's my final offer. Take it or leave it."

My gut tells me he's probably right. That's an insane amount of money. Money I deserve. "Three hundred and fifty thousand."

"Ohh God. Fine. I'll make it work. But ab tumhe khud Chicago ana pdega, because mai already aa chuka hu. The concert starts at eight, be there."

Before I can say another word, he hangs up the phone. "That went better than expected."

Mrs. Piya looks at her watch and blanches. "Except for the time difference between India and Chicago" She winces. "You need to be in CHICAGO by eight...which means you should have left two hours ago."


"Don't panic," she says, despite looking like she is. "I'll go on the computer and book you a plane ticket. While I do that, you throw some things in a suitcase. Raj bs 5 min m office se ate hi hoge vo tumhe airport chordege." I want to throw my arms around her, but she waves me on. "Go pack."



"You're late," Kalp snaps when I meet him outside the airport. Is he for real right now?

"I'm not sure if you're aware," I tell him as I walk over to the black SUV he's leaning against. "But there's this crazy thing called living in a different time zone."

He grumbles something under his breath as we climb into the back seat. I take a moment to study him. He has beady dark eyes and styled dark hair. I'm guessing he's in his early thirties. Although he wears a perpetual scowl on his face, so there might just be premature wrinkles.

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