Chapter 35

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A helpless whimper pushes past Jannat's lips. "Oh god."

I pinch her. "Be quiet." Suppressing a groan of my own, I hold her neck. "Kalp ka bedroom thik bjume hai muffin"

I run my tongue over the pulse point on her neck and inhales her my fucking oxygen "We wouldn't want him to hear all the naughty things I'm about to do to you, now would we?"

Not that Kalp will. Fucker sleeps like the dead. Defiance wars with the hunger marring her face. "But you're talk—"

"Be a good girl, or I'll stop what I'm doing." I finally convinced her to sneak into back lounge of bus while everyone else is fast asleep. And now that she's here, I plan on having some fun.

Shoving my hand inside her little shorts, I run my knuckle over her. Her mouth parts and her chest heaves. Dipping my head below her neck I suck her through the thin fabric of her shirt. She hisses

"Next time you make a sound, I'm gonna stuff your mouth with something of mine. This way, you'll have no choice but to be quiet."

Her breathing picks up, loving that idea. However, I'm not done with her yet. We only have eight days left, and I don't want to waste a single second. Ignoring the way that thought has my chest tightening, I keep my needs aside and I drop to my knees and bury my nose between her thighs, inhaling her.

Her hand goes to my head. "Fai—"

She jerks when I bite her through the fabric of her shorts. "Last warning." I slide them down her hips. "You gonna be good?"

She pulls her shorts back up. 'I have to stay dressed,' she mouths when I narrow my eyes. 'What if someone walks in?'

Fucking hell. That's not gonna work for what I have in mind. I need skin. Preferably every inch of hers. But I know she will fight me tooth and nail on that. However, since I'm a goddamn fond for her—among other things —I'm willing to compromise. I snap the string of her thong against her skin. "Take these off." She shakes her head. Brat. "Fine." Then I stand. "your loss"

Shooting me an icy glare, she shimmies out of them. Then she drops to her knees. Lips twisting, she tugs on the waistband of my sweatpants. Fuck. She wins. Or rather, I do. But as great as it all feels, I have to put an end to this battle of the wills we're having. she's the one who decided we could only be fuck buddies, and she's the one who's ending this in eight days. I'm not about to let her run shit in the bedroom, too. That's my motherfucking domicile.

Yanking her ponytail "Get up. Now."

My harsh tone has the desired effect because she rises off the floor without protest. In a flash, I grab her hips and slam the front of her body against the wall. I shove her T-shirt up because it's blocking my view. "Keep this fucking thing out of my way."

Goose bumps graze her soft flesh as I kneel. I've never worshiped anything before, but this right here? I'd build a goddamn shrine for this. I sink my tongue inside her. Her arms shake and she pants my name. she's gonna cum. I wrap an arm around her waist and drag her over to the couch. I yank her on my lap.

"You wanted all the control from the moment you came back, so I'll give it to you tonight." I push my sweatpants down "Now ride it until we both cum"

Her eyes flutter closed, and she places a hand on my chest for support. A tiny shudder rolls through her. "You feel so good."

Any hope I had of making this session last all night is long gone with those words. Slowly, she moves.

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