Ch. 2: Meeting the Owl

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Luz rushed through the other side of the portal, with Camila very close behind.

"Mija wait! This could be dangerous!" Camila said as Luz finally stopped, looking around the place they were now in.

They were in some kind of tent.

"Uh, Luz, maybe we should go back, who knows wha-"

"Who's in here!?" An elderly looking woman said, entering the tent.

Camila put Luz behind her for protection as the elderly woman marched up to them, glaring at Camila before noticing her ears.

"A human?" She said with a gasp.

'Oh, this is a good day.' Eda thought.

"Yes, I am. What of it?" Camila asked, glaring at Eda bit.

"Nothing, nothing. I just think I found the perfect customer." Eda said before looking at Luz behind her. "And is this your daughter? Even better!"

"Look, whatever you want with me, leave my daughter out of it." Camila said.

"Huh, you're a lot better than my mom." Eda said, "I guess that's what happens when you bang someone."

"Actually, I'm adopted." Luz said, looking out from behind Camila.

"Adopted? But you look so much like her. I don't mean to sound ignorant or offensive but-" Eda said until Luz snapped her fingers.

Her illusion spell faded away, showing Eda her true appearance as the old woman looked every shocked.

"You're a triclops?!" Eda asked.

"Luz, we talked about this." Camila said, "Don't reveal yourself to strangers, we don't know what's going on or where we are."

"But mom, I said that this place feels magical. The exact same magic I can use myself." Luz said to her.

"Well, you're not exactly wrong. This is the demon realm and witches can use magic her." Eda said.

"Witches? Is... is that what I am?" Luz asked.

"Well, I would say your more like a demon witch hybrid, with the three eyes and all." Eda said.

"Are there more like me?" Luz instantly asked, wanting to know if her blood family was alive in this realm.

"Yeah, they're everywhere. Come see." Eda said, gesturing to Luz and Camila to follow her.

They were brought out of the tent and shown the market, filled with witches and demons of all kinds, many had multiple eyes.

"Well that doesn't help!" Luz said, "I see almost thirty people with three eyes!"

"Sorry, kid. Like I said, they're everywhere." Eda said with a shrug. "The demon realm is home to everything you humans believe to be myths, just leaking into your world."

"Everything?" Camila asked in surprise. "Like what?"

"Griffins, dragons, vampires, big foot, giraffes. Those kinds of things." Eda listed off.

"Giraffes?" Camila asked.

"I knew it!" Luz said, putting her disguise back on, excluding the pointed ears, "I knew those things weren't normal! I always told you mom but you didn't wanna listen!"

"Mija, this is not the time to be smug about being right." Camila said.

"Well, mrs... what's your name?" Eda asked.

"Camila Noceda." Camila said.

"Well, Mrs. Noceda, I can help you and your daughter... if you help me first."

"Help you? With what?" Camila asked, suspicious of Eda as she moved Luz behind her again.

With a whirl of her finger, Eda packed up her stand and wrapped it in a nap sack around a staff with an owl on top.

"Oh! That is so cool!" Luz said, amazed to see magic performed by an older witch.

"Now." Eda got on her staff, "Hop on, Human and triclops."

"We have names you know." Camila said, not liking Eda's attitude.

"Ugh. Okay. Hop on, Camila and Luz. Please?" Eda repeated with their names and a please.

Luz didn't hesitate, getting on the staff immediately.

'This is my home! I'm in my real home!' Luz thought.

Camila got on behind Luz.

'I know I said I just want her to be happy, but... what if she forgets me when she finds her true family?'

Camila felt horrible, she already lost her husband, a man that treated Luz like his blood daughter, she doesn't know if she can handle losing Luz as well.

"Hang on. First flight is always tough on newbies." Eda said before flying into the air!

"Aaaah!" Camila and Luz screamed, holding on for dear life as they shut their eyes.

"Oof, I don't know how you're going to use a staff one day, Kid, you need to get used to this." Eda said.

"Huh? I'm going to get a staff?!" Luz asked, instantly opening her eyes and gasping in awe.

"I mean, most witches do get one." Eda said, "And whenever you find your family, they probably won't let you go back to the Human Realm so you'll most likely be enrolled in a school here and earn your staff when you graduate or something."

"What?" Camila asked as she opened her eyes, finally getting a view of the land.

It was strange and scary yet also beautiful and inspiring.

'This is Luz's home world? It's so... weird... but in the good way.' Camila thought, 'Just like Luz.'

"Liking the view?" Eda asked both of them, smirking.

"Sí." Luz and Camila said in awe.

"Good but also, sorry but we're coming down to my humble abode." Eda said, flying down.

They landed outside of a house and Camila looked up.

"My, this is a... nice place." Camila said.


Camila screamed and fell backwards as a bird... tube came from the door.

"Woah! That's awesome!" Luz said, "Is he some kind of... house demon?"

"Correct you are! Hi, my name's Hooty! What's yours?" Hooty asked, smiling at Luz.

"Luz Noceda! Nice to meet you!" Luz said, hugging Hooty instead of shaking his hands but he had none.

"Okay, you're officially the weirdest person I've ever met." Eda said.

"Really?" Luz asked.

"Yeah, you're actually hugging Hooty. Most people find him insufferable." Eda said.

"What can I say? He's adorable." Luz said.

"I don't know where you got her but I like her Eda!" Hooty said before he opened the door. "Come on, come in! All friends are welcome!"

"Thank you, kind demon." Luz said, entering the house.

"Again, so weird." Eda said, walking inside as Camila cautiously followed her.

"Is there anything else I need to worry about with him?" Camila asked Eda.

"Oh, Absolutely." Eda said, "But we can talk about that later, like I said, I can help you, but you have to help me first."

"Help with what?" Camila asked.

Eda smiled.

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