Ch. 6: "Happy" Birthday

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A little while later, Luz and King walked back into the Owl House.

"Well... I didn't know a house could eat me." Luz said, "Or that houses had stomachs."

"Yeah, you'll get used to that. Be lucky you've never seen Hooty's stomachs." King said to her.

"Stomachs? As in more than one?" Luz asked.

"Yes." King said. "Don't ask about it anymore."

"Well, I'm going to go take a shower, and then we can work on your research." Luz said, "I think I have partially digested bone left in my hair."

Reaching into her hair, Luz had pulled out a small rib bone from some other creature before dropping it and walking upstairs.

"Be sure to the door and window! Who might pop in and peep!" King warned her.

"Hey, that was one time, and it was an accident! I said I was sorry!" Hooty said from the door.

"Don't worry Hooty, I trust you." Luz said.

"Thank you!" Hooty said with glee.

Luz got into the shower and began to think.

'That girl... she looks just like me... is... do I have a twin?'

Unconsciously, Luz let her illusion fall and became her normal triclops self as she looked at her hands. The scene changed to a pair of pink hands looking at a locket. Inside was a picture of two toddlers being held by two woman. Boscha grasped her fingers around the locket.

"Happy birthday, sis. Wherever you are." Boscha said.

Yep, Boscha lost her sister just a day or two before their birthday, it has made her birthday something very sad.

"Boscha, are you okay?" Elizabeth asked, knocking on her daughter's door.

"I'm fine, mom. Just....wanted to be alone right now." Boscha said, hearing her door open.

"I know how you feel about this day, sweetie. Me and your mother both understand, but still, we're happy because it gave us you and your sister." Elizabeth said, walking in with a birthday cake in her hands. "You're not the only one who believes your sister is still alive somewhere."

Boscha looked at the cake, seeing a two frosting faces. One of hers, one of her sisters. Boscha wiped a tear away and smiled.

"Thanks, mom." Boscha said.

"Go ahead and make a wish." Elizabeth said.

Boscha chuckled and blew out the candles. Elizabeth didn't need to know what Boscha wished for, it was the same every year. She always wished for her sister back.

"Maybe this year will be the year it comes true." Elizabeth said.

"Yeah, I hope it does." Boscha said before the cake was magically cut.

Boscha and Elizabeth each got a piece as Mavis walked into the room, seeing her wife and daughter having a moment without her.

"Here." Mavis said, handing Boscha a pink box, "I hope you like it."

Boscha opened the box and saw a wooden crab.

"Uh... thanks?" Boscha asked, a little confused, "What is it?"

"What's your greatest desire?" Elizabeth asked, "Apart from having your sister."

"I... I want to play professional Grudgby." Boscha said, always wanting to become a pro Grudgby player, "You guys know this, I told you that since I was eight."

The crab suddenly came to life. Boscha nearly dropped her.

"Woah, is... is this a palisman!?" Boscha asked.

"You see, I had an old favor with the Bat Queen and... well." Mavis walked over and kissed her daughter's cheek, "Have fun with your staff, sweetie."

"I-I.....What's their name?" Boscha asked.

"Maya, her name is Maya." Mavis said with a smile.

"We'll let you two get to know each other." Elizabeth said.

Mavis and Elizabeth, who left another piece of cake on Boscha's nightstand, got up and left the room as Boscha and her new palisman began to bond. Boscha laid on her bed and scratched her palisman.

"So, Maya, huh?" Boscha asked, "Maya, Boscha, add my sisters name and we all end with an A. I miss her."

Maya walked over to Boscha's chin and nuzzled against it. The palisman began snapping her pinchers as a way to communicate with Boscha, trying to tell her everything will be okay. That she will find her sister someday. Boscha understood her.

"I appreciate it, but every year, I begin to think there's less and less of a chance of finding her." Boscha said.

The birthday girl looked out the window, wondering if she was out there or if she was really gone.

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