Ch. 29: Friend

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Later, The twins walked out of the school.

"That was the best day of school ever!" Luz said happily.

"It was your first day of school." Boscha said with a grin.

"In the demon realm." Luz said, "In the human realm, school was... hard."

"Because you had to hide your real self. You told me this." Boscha said.

"No, it was more than that. Even with the spell, it was hard to fit in just being me. I just never really connected with anyone." Luz said sadly.

"Yeah, well, I'll go there and kick everyone's ass." Boscha said, "No one messes with my little sister but me."

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Luz said, rolling her eyes before Boscha pulled her into a side hug.

"I mean it too. You are loved and you are amazing, anyone that can't see that can screw off!" Boscha said proudly, "Besides, who wouldn't like a knucklehead like you?"

As she asked that, Boscha gave Luz a noogie, which Luz protested/laughed at.

"Boscha, cut it out!" Luz said, trying to push her off.

"Nope! I've got some catching up to do!" Boscha said with a grin.

"Don't you have practice?!" Luz asked.

"I'm captain! I am allowed to be a little late!" Boscha said to her.

"I'll turn you into the ball if you don't stop!" Luz said.

"And have Skara grab me and toss me around? I'll endure it!" Boscha said with a grin.

'Ugh, why do I have to have a nempho for a sister.' Luz thought before elbowing Boscha in the kidney!

"UGH!" Boscha groan, releasing Luz and holding her side, "Well played."

"Thank you. And don't worry, the pain will fade in a minute." Luz said, walking ahead of Boscha.

"Hey, are you fine walking home by yourself?" Boscha asked.

"I'll be okay, don't worry." Luz said, "I've already tangled with some of the toughest things in this realm and survived."

"Barely." Boscha said, "Skara and Willow told me you got insanely sick travelling to the nostril."

"That didn't count. I never experienced something like that on Earth." Luz argued.

"Just... please be careful, I don't want to lose you again." Boscha said, "I'll meet you at the Owl House after Practice, okay?"

"Promise, sis." Luz said, giving Boscha a thumbs up.

Boscha went to the field and Luz began walking when she heard something.


Luz turned around and saw Amity.

"Oh, hey." Luz said, feeling a bit nervous for some reason.

"So, you're Boscha's long lost twin." Amity said, "I'm Amity, Amity Blight."

Amity held her hand out for Luz to shake.

"Oh, uh, we've actually met." Luz said.

Luz raised her hand, grabbing Amity's hand and shaking it slowly. Luz was nervous about this but that didn't stop her from being friendly.

"Uh, I feel like I would remember if I saw my best friend's copy." Amity said.

"Just... hold on." Luz made a spell circle and used an illusion to show her human form, "Tada!"

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