Ch. 14: Dangerous Waters

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"You're telling me, the 'most dangerous' ingredient we need... is water?!" Skara said, as her, Willow, and Eda tracked through the forest.

"It's more than water, it's the water of the legendary lake of The Titan, it's said to be guarded by a dangerous creature."

"And what exactly is this creature and how the hex do we get around it?!" Willow asked again in fear.

"Her, the creature is said to be able to be lulled by Bard music." Eda said, pointing to Skara, "As for what it is, no one really knows, anyone that has seen it is never seen again."

"Great. That helps us so much." Skara said sarcastically.

"Hey, this is to help you. Get over it." Eda said to them.

Skara lets out a sigh.

"For Boscha." She said.

"For Boscha." Willow whispered, quickly kissing Skara as they continued to follow Eda.

Eda used a spell to slice through the thick plants like it was a knife.

"Just a little further, lovebirds. Get ready." Eda said to them.

Willow and Skara nodded as the latter summoned a small harp. Eda slashed through a group of vines, revealing a large lake.

"Alright, we're here." Eda said with a nod.

"Okay, should I start playing now or wait until we see that monster?" Skara asked, her fingers on the strings.

"Let's see if we can actually get a bottle filled first." Eda said, "No sense in alerting it if it doesn't know we're here."

"Got it." Willow said as they went towards the lake.

Eda puts a bottle in the lake and Willow watched.

"Huh, this seems... easy." Willow said.

"Yeah, but I won't complain." Eda said.

Behind them, a large creature moved through the trees, despite its large size, it was silent as it walked. It's scales slowly changing color, no longer needing it's camouflage as it sneaks up on them. It bites down on Skara's uniform cowl and violently lifts her up and shakes her like a dog does with a toy. The scream alerted Willow and Eda.

"Skara?!/Kid?!" Willow and Eda shouted!

The creature threw Skara and she hit a tree, causing her to bleed from her head and knock her out, along with breaking some bones.

"SKARA!" Willow shouted as the beast roared at them.

"Oh shit, it's a Death Glider! I thought these things were extinct!" Eda shouted, summoning her staff.

Willow didn't listen as she glared at the beast, her eyes flashing green with magical energy and anger.

"Kid, don't do anything stupid!" Eda said.

Too late. Willow fired plants at the beast, who bit down on them and used its sharp two foot long saber teeth to shred them.

"RAAAAH!" The Death Glider roared!

"RAAAAAH!" Willow roared back, crying from her love being hurt!

She kept attacking the best with everything she could, whipping vines at it from all sides as it continued to tear them apart. The Death Glider got tired of Willow let out an ear piercing roar, taking Willow to her knees as she covered her ears from the noise. The Death Glider pressed its hind leg onto Willow, pinning her to the ground, as the Dew Claw extended towards Willow, slightly poking her stomach, before Eda blasted it with magic.

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