Ch. 4: Fresh Potion in the Morning

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Luz doesn't know what happened, but by the time she woke up, the sun was almost up.

"Hmm, what time is it?"

Luz found a... clock, she isn't entirely sure what it was, but it told the time and it said it was around 6 in the morning.

"6am? I must've dozed off." Luz said to herself, sitting up.

She noticed that she was in a small room, on a sleeping mat with a sleeping bag. She saw a note on the small table near her and picked it up.

'Luz, I had to go back to the Human Realm, I will be back to check on you every now and then. Try and stay out of trouble.' -Mom

"Oh, I didn't even say bye." Luz said.

Luz at least wanted hug her mother one more time before she left for Earth.

"Oh well." Luz said, "Might as well just look around and see what there is to see."

Getting up from her new "bed", Luz walked towards the door and began to explore the owl house.

"Huh, this place looks bigger inside than it does on the outside."

"Yeah it is." Hooty said from behind.

"Aaaah!" Luz said, turning around and pointing a finger at him. "Oh! It's just you Hooty. Scared me a bit."

"Sorry, I was just so excited to have a new friend!" Hooty said.

"Awe." Luz said.

Once again, Luz hugged the bird tube demon to show she loved having him as her new friend as well.

"Me too, buddy!" Luz said.

"Ugh, it's too early for you two to be all buddy buddy." Eda said.

Turning around, Hooty and Luz saw Eda was walking down the hall in messy looking pajamas and bunny slippers.

"Good morning, Eda." Luz said as she stopped hugging Hooty.

"Yeah, yeah, hi." Eda said, "Ugh, I hate mornings."

"Oh no one could hate mornings." Luz said, following Eda downstairs to the kitchen.

"Well I do. So don't be all cheery and sweet until I get my morning apple blood." Eda said.

"You mean apple juice?" Luz asked.


'Just another think she needs to know about this place.' Eda thought as she opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of "juice."

"Is that liquor?" Luz asked.

"Yeah, there's a child friendly version that they serve in schools and shit like that, but this is the good stuff." Eda said.

"Kids drink non-alcoholic liquor here?" Luz asked in shock. "This place really is different from Earth."

"Get used to it, kid. Cuz that's just the beginning of the day." Eda said, grabbing a mug and pouring some apple blood. "We've got a lot of work ahead of us and not just training you."

"What kind of work?" Luz asked.

"Well, where you came in was my stand, where I sell human treasures, and you being here means I can probably get a better profit." Eda said, "But, I also have a couple side businesses. Thief, mercenary, booty call."

"Uh, what was that last one?"

"But most importantly, I also sell potions." Eda said, completely ignoring Luz.

With a sip of her apple blood, Eda found new energy as King came into the kitchen with a yawn.

"What's to eat?" King asked.

"Unless you want to cook, whatever you can find." Eda said to him.

"You know, I'm a pretty good cook." Luz said.

"Maybe with human food but we don't have that here." Eda said to her.

"I know but I could at least try. Who knows, it might be good. Besides, I am from this world." Luz reminded them before removing her illusion, "I am probably designed for this kind of food."

"But you've never tasted it." King said.

"Doesn't matter!" Luz said.

"Well, that can wait until later." Eda said, "Now put on your disguise and follow me."

"Why?" Luz asked.

"Because I said so. And until you can find your blood family, maybe you should keep it on to not let other people confuse you with someone else." Eda said Luz.

Luz followed Eda, being brought to a room with cauldrons and various vials and bottles.

"Now, this is where I make potions to sell." Eda said.

"Okay. And what kind of potions do you sell?" Luz asked.

"All sorts. Remedies, oils, lotions; you name it." Eda said to Luz, filling up a sack with bottles.

Luz sniffed the air and pulled one out.

"You used expired ingredients for this." Luz said.

"Huh, guess you come from a long line of potionist." Eda said, "You got the Ole' Potion Nose as I call it. Something even I don't have."

"What's that?" Luz asked.

"It's the ability to know what's in a potion just by smell, I hope it can narrow down your search, but still, there's about a dozen families that have it, you need to come from a family that has at least four generations of Potion witches."

"Oh! Cool!" Luz said with a smile, reaching for another potion. "I want to see how good my nose is!"

"Wait, don't-"

Too late.

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