Ch. 30: After School Shenanigans

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Luz was shocked by this as Amity just looked confused.

"What's meth?" Amity asked before Luz turned to her.

"DON'T TRY METH!" Luz shouted at her before turning to Eda! "And since when did you start making meth?! Does mom know about this?!"

"Wait, the human world has Meth?" Eda asked, "Okay, I think there's a difference between your version and ours."

"Seriously, what is the difference?" Amity asked.

"Meth is an addictive and self destructive drug that can leave you a walking corpse of your former self! I've seen the after school specials on drug use!" Luz said to Amity.

"Wow, it IS different for the demon realm." Eda said, "It's a common delicacy here, a stew made from a rare type of bird called the Methodust Bird... but that does sound interesting."

"Eda if you so much as try one small crystal of Earth meth, I'm telling mom and she'll dump you ass." Luz said.

"Oh, the Methodust! I've heard of it but I've never tasted it." Amity said before looking to Luz. "I know this is sudden but do you mind if I stay for dinner?"

"Sure." Eda said.

"We are not done, Eda." Luz said firmly.

"Okay, okay! I will make a promise to never try crack!" Eda shouted at her, annoyed. "Happy?"

"No, but I'll take the win." Luz said.

'I will tell my mom about this though to prevent her from being confused like me. Still can't believe there is a bird named "Methodust."' Luz thought.

Her homeland is a strange one to her.

"So, what track did you pick at school?" Amity asked.

"Illusions. I kind of spent all of my life hiding my true face and got good at it." Luz said, "Wish I could take that and potions, but I'll settle for this... for now."

"If you want, you could study potions in secret and use that to try for the Emperor's Coven." Amity said before something hit her forehead. "Ouch!"

"Don't being that idea into MY house, Blighty!" Eda shouted. "My girlfriend's kid is NOT joining those stooges!"

Eda gave her the 'I'm watching you' gesture.

"Thanks for the offer but no thanks. I prefer to just study potions in secret before even THINKING of joining the Emperor's Coven." Luz said as she looked at Eda with her third eye, shaking it "no."

Eda went back to cooking.

"Well, if you ever do want to join, I could talk to Lilith about it." Amity said.

"I'll keep that in mind." Luz said as she pulled out her homework.

"Now, what do you know about the Pixie Tax?"

"Pixie Tax? Considering Boscha basically owns a Pixie as a pet, a lot." Amity said.

"Oh, yes, I've met her." Luz said, "Threatened to eat my skin... pretty cool really."

"Cool? Most people are afraid of fairies because of that. Plus, they always confuse them with pixies." Amity said to her.

"I grew up in a world where magic is fantasy and you're labeled a weirdo if you believe in it too much. So I'm basically happy to be here where I'm finally considered normal." Luz said, giving a sad yet genuine smile.

"The human world sounds horrible." Amity said.

"Heh, try getting hit by a car!" Eda said.

"Or their weird stuff Eda sells." King said before taking a nap.

"Hold on, go back, you've been hit by a car!?" Luz yelled.

"Yeah, some large purple one, it was about ten years ago or so, there were these two people and their kid-"

"THAT'S WHERE THE DENT IN MOM'S CAR CAME FROM!?" Luz yelled, "She told me it was some giant bird type thing!"

"That was Camila? Dang." Eda said with wide eyes. "We already met?"

"I hope mom doesn't find out, she's furious about that." Luz said.

Eda shivered at that, knowing how Camila is when she's mad. That was NOT the best date night in the Noceda household. But she won't go into details. But she won't go into details. After Luz was done with her homework, with Amity's help, they talked more about Azura and their personal/secret collections they had at home.

"There is a 5th book in the human world?" Amity asked in surprise. "There's only four here!"

Luz smiled.

"Wait right here."

Luz ran upstairs to her old room, looking around and finding the 5th Azura book she left in the treasure chest. She grabbed it and ran back downstairs.

"Tada!" Luz said, showing Amity the book. "The Good Witch Azura, book 5!"

Amity took the book from Luz and looked at it in shock!

"Unbelievable." She said softly.

"I know, right. And if you want to borrow it, be my guest." Luz said own a smile.

"Really? I can borrow it?" Amity asked her.

"Sure." Luz said.

Amity smiled widely as she opened the book, already reading out of excitement.

"Ugh, you found the one witch that actually likes that?" Eda asked.

"Don't be jealous, Eda." Luz said with a grin.

"Kid, I am NOT jealous." Eda said as she but the finishing touches on the food.

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