Ch. 31: Dinner Surprises

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A few minutes later, the door opened.

"Oh, wonderful baby sister, I'm here!" Boscha said.

"Quiet! I'm reading!" Amity shouted at Boscha.

"Ugh, I knew you two would become friends because of that." Boscha said, smiling a little.

"How could we not? Azura is a diamond in the rough that only few fans can truly appreciate." Luz said with a grin.

"Exactly. And knowing the human realm has a book ahead of the demon realm, I'm officially jealous of Luz." Amity said, looking at Luz, "Or would you prefer I call you "Sasha?""

"Either works." Luz and Boscha said.

"I think Luz is a better name personally." Amity said, "Sounds pretty."

Luz blushed a bit, thankfully her skin was pink, so no one could really see that.

"Whether it sounds better or not, she will always be my twin sister, Sasha." Boscha said before smelling the air. "What smells good?"

"Your sister and her friend are staying for dinner. You can too if you're not too rich for it." Eda said from the kitchen.

"I'm literally the same net worth as Sasha." Boscha said.

"Luz is more humble, that makes her worth more." Eda said with a grin.

"Well, I was bringing over your money for being Sasha's teacher, but if you think like that-" Boscha said.

"You're both good! You're both great, now why don't you stay for dinner?" Eda asked, poking her head out with a grin.

"I would be love that." Boscha said, smiling innocently.

Boscha dropped a ten pound bag filled with money on the coffee table.

"Boscha." Luz said to her sister.

"Sasha, don't be like that." Boscha said to her sister.

"Typical." Amity muttered, rolling her eyes.

"So, Blight, what do you think about my sister?"

"She is...good. Very good." Amity said with a nod, closing the 5th Azura book. "Why do you ask?"

"Just curious." Boscha said with a grin.

'And so it begins.' Boscha thought, 'Oh, I'm going to be so happy seeing them dance at grom together!'

The trio went to the kitchen, which made Boscha and Amity grimace at how dirty it was.

"Ew." Amity comments.

"It's a little cleaner than it looks." Luz said to her, unconvincingly.

"And you make potions in this?" Boscha asked.

"Sometimes I make them in the den but, yes." Eda said, putting the food in bowls.

"How were you a good potion maker in school?" Boscha asked, shaking her head.

"I didn't follow the rules and took risks." Eda said with a grin, "Your mothers were good by the books students, but my potions were used in the schools black market."

"There's a black market at the school!?" Boscha and Amity said.

"It doesn't surprise me." Luz said, "In the human realm, there are secret places you can trade or buy forbidden items from other students. Though that's mostly gum, soda, of the occasional video game."

"Sounds like weak stuff. I'll show you the good stuff later." Eda said with a grin.

"I have SO MANY questions about school now." Amity said.

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