Ch. 9: Research and Development

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As Luz and Amity began talking, on the other side of the library, Willow and Skara were doing their search for Boscha's twin, without knowing she was just in another part of the building.

"Okay, so there might be a way to track someone with the same blood as you in one of these books. Maybe a beast keeping book or an Oracle book." Skara said.

"Where did you hear that?" Willow asked.

"I just asked some upperclassmen hypothetically questions to "test" their knowledge." Skara said, smirking a bit. "A LOT of prideful upperclassmen just love to be right. But, it's our only option right now, so let's start looking."

Willow nodded to her as they began looking through the shelves for the books Skara suggested. Oracle book or books on tracking, and maybe a few books on potion making just to be safe. It took them ten minutes before Skara spoke up.

"Okay... I have no idea what I'm doing." Skara said.

"Me either." Willow said, "I'm not in these tracks, so these are basically gibberish to me."

"Well, I speak fluent gibberish and I can say they aren't in that language." Skara said, "Okay, a plant witch and a bard, trying to figure out Beast keeping, Potions, and oracle... this was a dumb idea."

She tossed a book aside and groaned, making Willow move closer to cuddle with her to feel better.

"Hey, your idea was not dumb. We just might need more help to pull it off is all." Willow said to her.

"I don't know who will be able to help. The only Potion expert we know is Boscha, and we can't just tell her and get her hopes up, I don't know any Beast Keepers... except for my jerk of an Ex, and Celine is out of town for the next few months so there goes the only Oracle we know." Skara said.

Willow patted her head some more as she tried to think of somebody to help them, somebody just as good as or even better than everyone Skara listed.

"Well....there might be a witch that could help us but it's....risky." Willow said.

"Really, who... wait... you don't mean-"

"The Owl Lady."

Aka Edalyn Clawthorne, the most wanted wild witch on the Boiling Isles and the rebellious sister of Lilith Clawthorne, the head of Emperor's Coven.

"Willow... I love... but you're fucking high. do you really think we can just go to the most wanted criminal and just ask for help?" Skara said.

"Maybe not but this is the same witch that has avoided capture for years and runs a human treasures stand in the market place every weekend. I see it whenever I run errand for my dad and papa." Willow said to Skara. She can help... we have to do this... For Boscha."

"....For Boscha." Skara said with a nod.

"What is it I hear about the Owl Lady?" A voice said.

The two turn around and see Amity.

"Oh... hi... Amity." Skara said.

Amity was the one person Skara was afraid of, sure she was nice and friendly, but she could also be cold and distant in the right circumstances... and she was powerful.

"You two don't even know how to get to the Owl Lady's house." Amity said, leaning forward and making them lean back, "Which is why Luz is going to show you the way."

"Huh?" Willow and Skara asked, confused and a little surprised by this.

"I said, Luz is going to show you the way." Amity said as she pulled back, her intensity vanishing as she smiled a bit at them.

"And...WHO is Luz?" Skara asked.

Amity stepped aside, revealing Luz, who was holding several demon books.

"Oh, you, you're the one I bumped into before." Skara said.

"Yeah, again I'm sorry about that Skara." Luz said, recognizing Skara before gazing at Willow. "Hello, who's your friend?"

"Oh, this is my girlfriend, Willow... one of my girlfriends at least." Skara said.

"One? You mean you have more than one? That's a thing here?" Luz asked in surprise.

"Yep, been a thing for a long while. Did you not know that?" Willow asked Luz.

"Nope!" Luz said.

'Wow, this place really is nothing like Earth. A lot more openminded.' Luz thought, learning a positive part of the demon realm.

"Anyway, Luz. Skara and Willow need the Owl Lady's help with something, and I was just suggesting you show them the way to her house." Amity said.

"You got it." Luz said.

She made a spell circle and the pile of books floated alongside her.

"Follow me!" Luz said.

"Aren't you going to check those out first?" Amity asked.

"What can I say, I'm the Owl Lady's apprentice." Luz said with a smile.

Amity rolled her eyes.

'Great. Just great.' Amity thought as she rolled her eyes. 'She's going to have a debt just like Eda.'

Skara and Willow followed Luz out of the library.

'Is she really the owl lady's apprentice?' They both thought, not thinking much of Luz since they didn't really know much about her.

Especially Willow since she just met Luz today, but appearance can be deceiving after all.

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