Ch. 7: Library Check

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At the Owl House, the unaware birthday girl was reading two books, not disguised, using her third eye to its fullest potential.

"Hm, I've looked through both of these, multiple times, and I don't see a demon that resembles you, King." Luz said, "Is it possible you're a species that isn't known of or hasn't been researched yet?"

"I don't know but we have to keep looking. There has to be at least one demon species that's similar to me." King said, reading a book himself.

"Is there a library in town? Maybe they might have more books about demons." Luz said.

"There is, but I don't know if they'll let me enter. Eda and I are... banned." King said.

"That doesn't surprise me." Luz said, standing up, "You keep looking through these books, I'll head to the library and look there."

"Hold on." Eda said, "You're not going anywhere... without this."

She handed Luz a necklace and Luz took it.

"What is it?" Luz asked.

"A concealment stone." Eda said, "You put so much magic into your illusion so that others can touch you without breaking it, that you're exhausting yourself by pushing your magic limits. This will put your illusion on, and you won't waste any magic. Try it out!"

Looking at the stone, which was ruby red and shaped like an octagon, Luz shrugged at it before placing it around her neck. A small cloud formed around her and her disguise form replaced her.

"Dang, not bad." Luz said, "Better than my illusion."

"How do you even know illusions anyway?" Eda asked.

"I... I don't know why, but I had an Illusion book with me in the Human Realm." Luz said, "I must've been carrying it when... whatever happened, happened."

"Hmm, so you can learn magic pretty fast even if you don't have even the most basic understanding of it. That's impressive." Eda said.

'I just made that up.' Eda thought, thinking she just said gibberish that seemed to make sense.

"Hey, I'm just good at making illusions and making potions." Luz sad, "Anyway, I'm heading to the library, I'll be back later."

"Okay but before you go, can you return these?" Eda asked, drawing a spell circle.

A pile of nearly 20 books can out of a small portal, making Luz quickly catch them on instinct as she struggled to keep them balanced!

"I thought you said you were banned!" Luz said in shock.

"I am, but I never got a chance to get them back before o was banned." Eda said to her.

Luz let out an annoyed sigh and just made a spell circle, making the books float next to her.

"Fine." Luz said.

She left the owl house with a quick hug to Hooty, walking into town towards the Bonesborough Library. She remembered where it was from the previous potion run.

'Well, I did want to check this out.' Luz thought.

Walking through town, Luz took it all in again with a smile on her face.

'I still can't believe it, I'm in my home world.'

So much to see and so much to learn, it was like being born anew and learning to walk again.

She walked into the library and the books stack floating next to her, began to float away. They floated towards the librarian.

"Late. Late. Late." He said, "Coffee, grass, and Bloodstains... these are Eda's aren't they?"

"Yeah, she kind of roped me into bringing them back for her." Luz said.

"Ugh, even when she's banned, she's trouble. But at least this will lift her sentence a bit when she pays her library fines." The librarian said as he summoned a LONG list of Eda's library fines.

"Yikes. Note to self, don't ever forget to return a library book." Luz mumbled to herself.

"Well, I got some work to do." Luz said to herself.

She headed through the library, looking for anything involving books about demons.

"Hmm, not really sure where they would keep those types of books." Luz said.

"Do you need help?" A voice said.

Luz jumped a bit and hit her head on the shelf.

"Ow!" Luz said, "That hurt."

Luz looked at the person that spoke to her, seeing a girl with a black dress, dark red leggings, black heeled shoes, pale skin, a large smile, brown hair, and had a 'Staff' badge.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to spook you." The girl said, "I'm Amity. Amity Blight."

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