Ch. 10: To the Owl House!

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Luz led them to the Owl House, with them asking multiple questions.

"Is the Owl Lady really a cannibal?" Skara asked.

"I hear she has a fang that can cut clean through trees." Willow said.

"Does she really like the taste of blood?"

They arrived at the Owl House and the infamous Owl Lady walked out... drunk as fuck.

"Hey *Hic* Three eyes... *Hic*... what's going on?" Eda asked, "Why... are there two of you? *Hic* You have a secret twin?"

"Not to my knowledge, but I don't remember my childhood from before getting adopted, so maybe." Luz said.

'Three eyes?' Skara thought, 'She only has two.'

Skara looked curiously at Luz, wondering why Eda said that exactly.

"Anyway, Eda. They need your help with something but it's obvious you're too drunk to help right now." Luz said.

"No no! I'm fine!" Eda said before hiccupping. "Mama bird can help anyone!"

Eda made a spell circle and sobered up.

"Ah, there we go." Eda said, tossing the bottle over the cliff, "What'cha need kiddo?"

Luz walked into the house with the books as Willow and Skara looked at Eda in surprise and awe at how she sobered up so fast.

"Well, welcome to... the Owl House!" Luz said.

Turning to Luz, Willow and Skara realized that Luz and Eda was going to invite them in instead of talking to them outside.

'The owl lady is going to let us into her house?!' They thought as Eda suddenly dragged them in as well.

"Alright, Academy Brats, get in there." Eda said, "Come on, I don't bite... much."

"Hey! Nobody bites us but Boscha!" Willow blurted out.

"Willow!" Skara said, blushing.

Skara turned redder than her uniform.

'This plant nerd is going to be the death of me.' Skara thought.

Once inside of the house, Willow and Skara saw it was somewhat nice. Not the house of a criminal but the house of a normal with a mix of demon and human decoration, though the most eye drawing was Eda's large framed picture of her own wanted poster. And to their surprise, there was even a human. One that Luz ran to and hugged.

"Mom!" Luz said.

Camila chuckled at her daughter's embrace, happily hugging her back.

"Hello, Mija. I hope Eda's been treating you well." Camila said.

"I have. I wouldn't be getting a date with you if I didn't." Eda said with a grin.

"Yes, I do believe I agreed to that." Camila said, before looking at the two witches, "Oh, are these some of your friends?"

"Uh, I don't know, they needed help and I figured I'd help them." Luz said.

"Your mom is a human!?" They said.

"Yes, is that a problem?" Camila asked.

"No, no! It's just.....surprising is all." Willow said.

"What, did I never tell you I was adopted?" Luz asked.

"No!" Skara said, "Adopted by a human, how did you even get to the human realm!?"

"I..." Luz rubbed her arm, "I don't know."

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