Ch. 18: Big Plans

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As the twins were having fun, Camila was talking with the twin's mothers.

"Wait, it's their fifteenth birthday!?" Camila said.

Mavis and Elizabeth jumped back from this, not expecting this type of reaction.

"Yes, why?" Elizabeth asked.

"That means they need a Quinceanera! In Hispanic culture, it's a celebration of a young girl's transition into womanhood!" Camila said, "I had no idea Luz was so close to becoming a woman! Oh Dios mio! There's so much to do, there's no way we can have it on their actual birthday, and not to mention I would have to tell Boscha about this as well, since Luz would want her to be involved! What do we do!?"

Mavis rushed to Camila and slapped her across the face.

"Calm down!" Mavis shouted.

"Mavis!" Elizabeth shouted in shock.

"Hey, it works on Boscha." Mavis said.

"Well that's Boscha and Sasha's God mother, not Boscha!" Elizabeth said, before turning to Camila, "Camila, please calm down, perhaps if you explain to us, the two rich women, we can figure something out."

"Okay, okay." Camila said, talking a deep breath and ignoring her stinging cheek. "I will explain it but first..."

Camila SLAPPED Mavis so hard, her glasses nearly flew off her face.

"Slap me like that again, and I'll show you just how terrifying a Hispanic is with a Chancla." Camila said to her.

'Damn... that was hot.' Mavis thought.

Both of them nodded slowly to Camila as she began to explain the origin and importance of a quinceanera to a young Hispanic girl. Even an adopted one like Luz/Sasha and by extension of twins, Boscha.

"Well, we can easily get a party done for them." Elizabeth said, "Obviously it won't be today, but how about this Saturday?"

"That should do, we'll have more time to get things ready." Camilia said before pulling out her phone. "I'll call Eda and tell her about the situation, we need all the hands we can get."

"Understood." Mavis said, readjusting her glasses as Camila left the room.

Once the two wives were alone, they brought of a rather important matter.

"Why don't you ever slap me that hard?" Mavis asked her wife.

"Sometimes I forget you're a masochist because of how dominate you are in our relationship." Elizabeth said.

"Just because I like to be in charge, doesn't mean I don't like to be under your heel every once in a while. Or Camila's heel if she's into it." Mavis said.

"Please, we both know Eda already has her claws on Camila." Elizabeth said.

"Dear. But it is Eda. She might be willing to share." Mavis said, rubbing her chin. "Maybe we can ask them after the Quinceanera."

"So I'm not enough now?" Elizabeth asked.

"Well, you have been working late."

"What am I going to do with you?" Elizabeth asked

"Woman up and ask for time off?" Mavis asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Don't give me that look, I don't appreciate your tone." Elizabeth said to her.

"Good." Mavis said, "But seriously, you're the boss, you can leave if you want, Titan, you can retire if you want!"

"We are not having this conversation right now." Elizabeth said, turning to leave.

"Then when?!" Mavis asked, following her. "We've got both of our daughters back! It's the perfect time to take a vacation from work!"

"Come on, we have things to prepare!" Elizabeth said.

"We are not dropping this!" Mavis said.

"I know!" Elizabeth replied.

The two left to get this set up, while Camila called Eda.

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