Ch. 28: Texting

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After class, Luz and Gus went to their next class, which was history. Luz immediately sat next to Boscha.

"Hey, Sash. How was your first class?" Boscha asked her.

"Nerve racking but still nice." Luz said with a nervous smile.

"That's good." Boscha said, "See anyone that catches your eye?"

"Do you want to go back to being a poster on my wall?" Luz asked.

"Maybe, maybe not. Still, I just want you to be romantically happy." Boscha said, putting a hand on Luz's shoulder.

"I get that but come on, you are WAY to eager for me to find someone. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn't, it doesn't. But you can't rush crushes or love." Luz said to Boscha, who gave her a blank look.

"You do realize that love potions are a thing, right?" Boscha asked.

"If you ever try and give me one of those, I am going to kill you." Luz said.

Boscha could swear she saw Luz's eyes flash blue as she held her hands up.

"Easy, easy. I'm just saying you have options to help you." Boscha said to her.

"I don't need help, it will come naturally." Luz said with grit teeth.

A girl with green hair walked in and sat in front of them. Luz remembered her, it was Amity, just with a concealment stone on. Luz felt something seeing her for some reason.,, and Boscha noticed.

"Hmm, looks like it's coming naturally." Boscha whispered.

"Huh?" Luz asked as she turned to Boscha.

"Nothing, Sasha. I'm just going to let you be." Boscha said, crossing her arms. "Good luck and I hope you'll be happy with whoever you love."

"I will, thank you." Luz said with a nod.

Boscha pulled out her scroll and texted "Them Babes"

-I have eyes on Sasha's potential GF.- Triple Treat texted.

-Are you just saying that because you've been practicing your shovel talk?- Plant Babe texted.

-Which doesn't actually involve a shovel by the way.- Musically Gifted texted.

-I spent a lot of money on that shovel, I'm going to fucking use it.- Triple Treat.

-NO, BOSCHA.- Plant Babe texted.

-NO, BOSCHA.- Musically Gifted texted.

-Whatever! Anyway, we need to make it happen so my sister can be romantically happy.- Triple Treat texted.

-You haven't even told us who the girl is. Spill it.- Musically Gifted texted.

-You might know her. Brown hair. Gold eyes. Almost as rich as mine and Sasha's parents.-

-Viney? The girl from the healing track that likes beasts?- Musically Gifted texts.

-What? NO! I mean Amity!- Triple Treat texted.

-Oh... OH!-

-Skara you're cute but, you're also a bit of a dummy.- Plant Babe texted.

-You two still love me.-

-Anyway, back to Sasha. We need to find a way to get them together without using magic or potions, I promised I wouldn't.- Triple Treat texted.

-Promised, or were you threatened?- Plant Babe texted.

-That's a Triplet secret.-

-She was threatened.- Musically Gifted texted.

-Yep.- Plant Babe texted.

-I was not threatened!-

- Sure.-

Boscha out her scroll away in a huff, muttering to herself about her girlfriends.

"Trouble in paradise?" Her copy asked.

"Shut up, Sasha." Boscha said.

Luz/Sasha grinned like a cat before turning back to the teacher.

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