Ch. 20: Weird = Normal

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A few minutes later, Luz came out.

"How do I look?" Luz asked with a groan.

Her new "amazing" clothes were anything but amazing by her standards. Pink, Frilly, and Luz are not words that belong in the same sentence. It was a hot pink sleeveless top with a matching frilly skirt, a peach-colored belt and light reddish leggings, light blue flats and fuzzy pink leg warmers. Boscha clapped giddly.

"Ooo! So cute!" Boscha said.

"My skin might be pink, but that doesn't mean I like the color." Luz said.

"You don't? But darling, pink skin is the most exquisite of the demon flesh! A color that can make any outfit FLARE!" Morguna said, snapping her tentacle.

"Well, I think the only pink I'm going to have is pink skin."

"Oh so you want cloths made of shed skin?" Boscha asked.

"NO!" Luz shouted. "That cannot be a thing here!"

"Sasha, I know you aren't really aware of how things work here, but things like wearing skin, cannibalism, that kind of things exist here." Boscha said.

"And are legal." Morguna said.

"Thank you, Morguna." Boscha said.

"Boscha, I love you, but this is too much for me." Luz said, "I like simple."

"Simple is too blah. Life is full of excitement and mystery!" Morguna said.

"After everything that's happened in my life, I don't need to get attention... I never wanted to get attention." Luz said, looking down and remember how she had to hide in the human realm.

Never being close to anyone, showing them the real her out of fear they would reject her or expose her secret. Even in the demon realm, Luz still feared it even if she didn't have to hide anymore.

"Sasha, you don't have to act like that anymore."

"I know buts it's not exactly an easy habit to break." Luz said, walking back in the changing room to get out of the pink outfit.

"Then I'll help you break it, slowly. Later, I'll introduce you to my friends." Boscha said.

"Sasha, you're my baby sister-"

"Aren't you only four seconds older?" Luz asked.

"Not important." Boscha said.

"I think it is." Luz said, quickly getting back in her original outfit.

"If you want to get technical, we were a potion inside a cauldron." Boscha said.

"And our moms brewed us into existence, I can assume that but how are you still four seconds older?" Luz asked, stepping out in her normal outfit.

"My head formed first. Mom told me." Boscha said with a shrug.

"... Well, being a potion is going to cause some existential dread later on." Luz said.

"Again, you'll get used to it. Just embrace your witch and demon sides over your human side." Boscha said.

"I don't know how." Luz said, "Everything is so weird."

"Weird is wonderful, darling! Those humans don't know what's what." Morguna said before flourishing herself. "Just look at me."

"And look at me." Boscha said, posing with a peace sign.

"Yes, Boscha, you're a crazy, crazy creature." Luz said.

"Get used to it." Boscha said, gesturing Luz/Sasha to follow. "Come on, we've got one more spot before we head home."

"Oh, joy, where's this place?" Luz asked.

"Just follow me." Boscha said, leading Luz away again.

'Please be something fun and normal.' Luz thought.

Poor Luz had forgotten, normal was out of the window in the demon realm. Abnormal IS normal. She always wanted to find her family, and now that she has... she doesn't know what she wants, she wants things to be normal so she has a sense of purpose again. But if she couldn't be "normal" here, what else could she do in the demon realm?

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