Ch. 16: Joyful Day

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The Triplet family landed at the Owl House.

"This is the place, Sasha?" Elizabeth asked, flying with her wife behind her.

"Yep, this is the owl house. Everyone should still be inside." Luz said, pointing to the door. "But first, say hello to Hooty."

"LUZ! You're back!" Hooty shouted, stretching to Luz and wrapping her in a hug. "We were so worried when Boscha just up and dragged you away!"

"Oh, don't worry little buddy, I'm fine." Luz said.

"Luz?" Mavis asked.

"I didn't know my real name, so my adoptive parents gave me the name Luz, it means Light." Luz said.

"Fitting." Elizabeth said, before walking up to Hooty.

Luz's jaw dropped as Elizabeth spoke a completely new language and Hooty responded in said language.

'What is going on?' Luz thought in surprise.

"Mom is an expect in the demon tongue. She can learn and pronounce all sorts of ancient demon languages in no time." Boscha said, seeing Luz's confused and surprised expression.

"Demon blood runs through our veins, Sasha, I was raised speaking this and one day, you and your sister will speak demon tongue as well." Elizabeth said, petting Hooty, "Such an adorable demon, now how about we see this person that helped you."

"Oh, Camila! She's right inside!" Hooty said before opening the door. "Come on in!"

Luz walked in, and was immediately grabbed and hugged by Camila.

"Luz, si alguna vez vuelves a salir corriendo así, ¡te castigaré durante un año!" Camila said.

"En mi defensa fue mi hermana la que me sacó a rastras." Luz said.

This time it was Boscha's turn to get confused at the strange language.

"What?" Boscha asked, tilting her head in confusion.

"It's a human language called Spanish, kid." Eda said as she walked outside with King, Skara, and Willow following.

Elizabeth walked up to Camila.

"So you're the woman that has taken care of my baby?" Elizabeth asked, "I cannot thank you enough for all you have done."

"Neither of us could." Mavis said, stepping forward with a smile.

"No thanks required. If anything, I was my pleasure to raise Luz as if she was my own." Camila said, releasing Luz.

"And for that, I think I speak for both of us, when I ask... will you become Sasha's official Godmother?" Elizabeth asked, "After everything you've done, I think you are practically family, might as well make it official."

"Godmother, huh?" Camil said as she thought about it. "It would still allow me to be in Luz's life."

"And I could call you "Mamí" without it being too confusing." Luz said with a smile.

"So, what do you say?" Elizabeth asked.

"...I'll do it." Camila said with a smile, nodding to them.

"Great, we'll get that paperwork done, and we're also going to bring Sasha back to the Manor and NOT let her out of our sight for the next year." Mavis said, before looking at Luz, "There's a lot we have to do, Dear. School, magic lessons to get you caught up, getting a room set up, we also need to get you an entire wardrobe."

"Not that there's anything wrong with that you have, it's cute." Mavis said quickly.

"Thanks but I'm sort of already getting lessons from Eda. Strange as they are." Luz said as Eda tussled her hair.

"Yeah, nothing wrong with a more wild approach but maybe some "organized" learning could help you." Eda said before burping a bit. "Oh, sorry, I think I vomited in my own mouth a bit."

"She's behind, a lot." Elizabeth said, "I don't even know what we're going to about school."

"Well, as a kid she made the living room furniture levitate." Camila said, "And that was how my husband and I learned she had magic."

"The pointy ears and third eye didn't clue you in?" Eda asked.

"Well those aren't actually all that surprising, as there are people in the world that have mutations like that. Not to mention that she used magic to hide herself." Camila said, "And don't even get me started on the time she made me melt."

"So, we have a powerful illusionist." Mavis said.

"Hehehe, well I did have to look human all these years without a concealment stone." Luz said as she drew a spell circle becoming human again. "Wasn't easy but I managed."

"Huh, we never had an Illusionist in the family, we've always been a potionist family." Elizabeth said.

"Hey, I can still got the potion nose, so I can make potions with the best of them." Luz said.

"With plenty of practice. You've managed to pick it up but you still need more work with it to possibly reach your sister's level." Eda said, nudging to Boscha.

"I would be more than happy to help Sasha get to my level." Boscha said with a smile.

"Now, mom, mama, can I take Sasha around Bonesborough and have a sister day with her?" Boscha asked.

"Already?" Mavis asked with a joking tone.

"Can you blame me if I want to get to know her after so many years?" Boscha asked.

"Hold on." Elizabeth said, reaching into her purse, "Here, don't spend it all in one place, and don't let Sasha out of your sight."

Elizabeth hands Boscha a small amount of bills, only about $10,000. Luz's mouth dropped.

"... We're rich." She said, stunned.

"Yes we are. One of the richest families on the isles." Boscha said, putting the money in her pocket. "We're not snooty rich if that's what you're worried about."

"No, I think she's worried about something else. Like managing a bank account." Camila said, voicing her own worry.

"Don't worry, we'll worry about that." Mavis said, "It will take a bit to get her trust fund set up."

"And just enough time for us to tear the town up. First stop, the lovely little noodle place that's just to die for. Their eyeball ramen is a recommended favorite." Boscha said to Luz as she hooked their arms together.

"Eyeball ramen? Why does that sound good?" Luz asked as her stomach growls.

Boscha smiled at the ideas for what to show Sasha. She didn't waste time and brought her outside and onto her staff.

"Let's turn the town upside down!" Boscha said as she took to the sky. "It's still our birthday after all!"

"And what a LONG day it's been." Skara said.

"Don't remind me." Willow said, looking at her wheelchair. "My dads are going to FLIP when they see me in this."

"I suppose I should get you two home." Eda said, "And explain what's going on to your parents."

"I should help explain too." Skara said.

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