Ch. 32: Car Ride

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It was a new day in Gravesfield as Camila was walking to the abandoned cabin for a special reason. Not to go to the demon realm but to meet with someone so she could show them around town. She looked forward to it.

"I wonder what she'll be wearing to blend in or maybe she'll have one of those concealment stones Eda told me about?" Camila asked herself as she reached the cabin and checked the time.

Out of the door, popped out the twins.

"And here we are, Boscha." Luz said, putting her human illusion on.

"Do I really have to have this on?" Boscha asked, walking through the portal. "I know I look good but I feel ridiculous."

"Well, I had to put up with it for about a decade, you can handle a couple hours." Luz said.

Camila got a good look at Boscha, seeing an almost exact copy of Luz's human form.

'Still twins, even in the human realm.' Camila thought.

There was also the key difference of Boscha having a different hair style, with Luz's being her normal pixie cut style, while Boscha's was done up in a bun like usual. But if you looked at them at a quick glance, you'd swear you were seeing double.

Alright, girls. Let's head to the car." Camila said.

"What's a car?" Boscha asked.

"It's... kind of hard to explain." Luz said, "Think of it like a bigger version of a staff."

"One that you get inside and drive." Camila added.

"But how would you see?" Boscha asked.

"It will make sense when you see it." Luz said, pushing her twin towards the car.

Boscha kept her questions for now as she looked around at the forest, taking in the beauty and differences within the human realm compared to the demon realm.

"It's so... green."

"Yeah, it is. And do you know why?" Luz asked her sister.


"Because when it rains here, it's just cold water."

"... And that makes sense to you?"

"Yes it makes sense because of science." Luz said slowly. "Do you not have-"

"If you speak to me like that again, I am gonna punch you in the throat. I know what science is, Sasha." Boscha said to Luz/Sasha.

Luz put her hands up, she wasn't expecting that.

"Okay, wow. Didn't expect that." Luz said to Boscha.

"Luz, potions are ALL about science! Even if it's with magic ingredients, it's a lot of science into making potions and elixir work properly." Boscha said, chopping her hand. "So I can handle you telling how this human rain works and doesn't boil without needing it to be babied down. Besides, as the older sibling, I have years of sibling bickering to make up for."

"Oh brother." Luz said, rolling her eyes.

"Correction, oh SISTER." Boscha said with her finger up. "Now, explain human rain to me like you would anyone else."

"It doesn't burn, it's very important to the life of plants, and it can lead to the most destructive things on earth, floods."

"Floods?" Boscha asked.

"Too much rain and it pools up, in some instances that can fill entire streets and burst into buildings. Very dangerous." Luz said, opening the door to the car.

"And what is this?" Boscha asked.

"This is the car Luz was telling you about." Camila said, getting in the driver's seat.

"Really? This?" Boscha asked, looking it over before slowly getting inside.

"Yep!" Luz said, "Sit down, put the seatbelt on, and let your dear sister show you around town!"

Luz buckled herself up as Boscha slowly did the same, but jumped a bit as she heard a roaring sound!

"What was that?!" Boscha asked.

"That's just the car, it's run by a machine called a motor." Camila said, looking back at Boscha, "You'll get used to it."

Boscha held onto Luz the entire time.

"Boscha?" Luz whispered.


"You're crushing my bones."

Boscha let up... then they hit a pot hole and she started holding Luz twice as hard.

"Sorry, Sash, but I'm not letting go until we leave this beast!" Boscha said.

Luz had many shades to her skin, light brown, pink, but blue was a new one.

'Oh god, I'm gonna die!' Luz thought!

"Boscha, Mija, maybe you should hold Luz's hand instead of her body." Camila suggested, "She's not looking too good."

Boscha looked at her sister, who was new turning a dark blue color.

"Oh Titan!" Boscha shouted as she let go, letting Luz breathe again!

"¡Aire! ¡Dulce, aire dulce!" Luz shouted in Spanish.

"Sorry, Sasha." Boscha said.

"It's fine, I just didn't expect you to react like this to a car." Luz said, holding her hand out for Boscha to take. "It must be a lot for your first day on Earth."

"Yeah, I mean, what did you do on your first day back in the demon realm?"

"Lead a prison break." Luz said.

Now Boscha is embarrassed that she was afraid of a car, but Luz just says that like you would say that you tripped on the sidewalk.

"We still need to talk about that." Camila said, glancing in the rear view mirror.

"Mom, they were in jail for stupid reasons! I was doing the right thing letting them out!" Luz said.

"Doesn't mean I had to like it." Camila said, remembering how Wrath hit on her, "That was by far one of the worst days of my life."

"I'm sure it wasn't that bad." Boscha said to be optimistic.

"Oh Boscha, I could write a story book on my life with my triclops daughter." Camila said.

"I think she's still mad about the time I melted her." Luz said.

"How long was that ago?" Boscha asked.

"A few years but a thing you should know about humans, they hold a grudge." Luz said to Boscha.

"And another thing you should know, that was only ONE of the things she's done to me." Camila said.

"One of how many?" Boscha asked.

'Great, Boscha is now distracted from the car ride.' Luz thought.

And Camila distracted her the entire time, making Luz embarrassed and Boscha laugh. So it was a doubled edged sword, a good thing and a bad thing but at least Luz didn't have any more shifted bones.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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