Ch. 15: Reunited and It Feels So Good

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Skara doesn't know how long she was sleeping, but she woke up in a healer bed, with her ribs wrapped up, and her head wrapped up a little.

"Ugh, what happened?" She asked.

"You almost died." Boscha said, startling Skara a bit.

"B-Boscha?!" Skara said in shock, looking to her. "Ho-"

"Neither of you answered your scrolls, so I tracked you. The owl lady filled me in on your plan and I have to say, it's fucking idiotic, dangerous, and sweet. But mainly the first two!" Boscha shouted.

"... Can you not shout? My head is spinning." Skara said.

"You're lucky I don't make it spin physically!" Boscha said, "Are you two insane!? Wait, don't answer that, I already know the answer!"

"We're doing this because we love you. Even if it's hopeless, we hated seeing you so sad." Skara said, managing to sit up straight.

"And you think I'm not sad while looking as you get your head stitched up!?" Boscha yelled.

"I know this will sound crazy but it better than see you looking like you want to die! Would Sasha really want you to be thinking like that?!" Skara asked.

"DO NOT! Bring her into this!" Boscha shouted back.

"Why not!?" Skara asked, "Why not bring her into this, we're doing this so you can get closure on this entire subject! At best, you will get your sister back, at worst, you have nothing to lose!"

"I COULD'VE LOSE YOU AND WILLOW! That's what I have to lose!" Boscha shouted.

"But you won't!" Skara said, "We're not leaving you!"

"No matter what." Willow said, rolling into the room while sitting in a wheelchair.

"So, guess who has some nerve damage." Willow said, "I should be fine in about two weeks."

"Nerve damage from poison! This is another example of why you two shouldn't have done this!" Boscha shouted at them.

"And why shouldn't we go to the ends of the world for the witch we love?" Skara demanded as she crossed her arms.

"Because... I don't want you two to go to the end of the world and never come back." Boscha said.

"We won't... besides, we'll haunt your ass if we die, you can't get rid of us." Skara said.

"Okay, kids, you should be good enough to leave." Eda said, coming into the room, "Let's get to my house."

"Already? But don't we-"

"Don't question it. Besides, your girlfriend's closure is more important, isn't she?" Eda asked, gesturing to Boscha.

"Yeah, I want to get this done so I can curse these two out for their recklessness." Boscha said.

Meanwhile, at the Owl House, Luz was starting to feel better, still a bit ill, but she isn't loopy or dizzy.

"Mmm, mom?" Luz asked as she began opening her eyes.

"It's alright, Mija." Camila said, rubbing her head.

Luz began to sit up, stretching a bit.

"What happened?" Luz asked.

"You were pushed to your limits at the nose place." Camila said, "How do you feel?"

"I feel... okay." Luz said, "Stomach is still a bit upset, but other than that, I'm good."

Luz got up and went to get dressed.

"Are you sure you can bath on your own?" Camila asked her.

"Yes mom, and I don't need to be bathed you like o usually do when I'm REALLY sick." Luz said to her human mother.

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