Chapter Two: Quiet Your Mind

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As Pxäkngam stood there, lost in his thoughts and pondering the grave mistake he had just made, a voice suddenly brought him out of it.

"Hey dad!" Henilo exclaimed walking into the room.

"Henilo, what is wrong?" Pxäkngam questioned, walking over to his son.

"Can you teach me how to hunt properly?" Henilo asked with a defeated look on his face.

"Properly?" Pxäkngam chuckled. "What's wrong with your hunting? From where I see it you do just fine." He added with a smile.

"No...I'm terrible at it! Most of the time I miss." Henilo groans. "The prey gets away more often than I am to make a successful kill." Henilo explained in defeat. Pxäkngam couldn't help but to let out a light chuckle. "Dad come, it's not funny! I'm serious, I have to hunt while you and mom are away, but I just can't do it." Henilo exclaimed in frustration.

"Alright, alright." Pxäkngam conceded placing a hand on his only son's shoulder. "Gather your bow. I will teach you." Pxäkngam exclaimed. He watched as Henilo's face gained a brightness, as her ran to where they kept their weapons.

"I'm ready!" Henilo stated eagerly.

Alight." Was Pxäkngam simply reply and with that they were off.

After an hour of failed attempts on Henilo's part, he had excepted defeat. "Alright. I give up." Henilo hissed, aggressively collapsing against a tree.

Pxäkngam let out a unamused sigh. "Can I be honest with you son?" Pxäkngam asked calmly.

"Yes, dad. You can be honest." Henilo replied softly.

"You are thinking too much." Was Pxäkngam's mind blowing explanation.

"Dad...that doesn't help at all." Henilo laughs lightly.

"No, listen to me. You think too much. You have too many thoughts running through your mind when you are hunting." Pxäkngam continued. "From what you have shown me, you second guess every move you make son, you can't do that when you hunt." Pxäkngam exclaimed with a smile. "When you hunt your mind must be silent. The only thing on your mind should be the target."

"I do focus on the target dad! It runs before I can set up my shot." Henilo argued.

"Son, how am I supposed to teach you if you do not listen when I am speaking?" Pxäkngam questioned.

Henilo's stance tensed at his father's tone. "Sorry dad." He apologized, lowering his gaze.

Pxäkngam shook his head with a chuckle. "Stand up and follow me." Pxäkngam ordered. Henilo wasted no time, quickly stumbling to his feet and following close behind is father. They walked through the dense forest until Pxäkngam's ears twitched back. "Stop, listen." He whispered.

Henilo nodded and tried to hear what his father was hearing, but he couldn't. "Dad...I don't hear anything." Henilo confessed.

"Turn your thoughts off son." Pxäkngam exclaimed. "They are prohibiting you from hearing your surroundings."

Henilo rolled his eyes at Pxäkngam, but did as he was told. Henilo closed his eyes and focused only on the sounds outside of his own head. Just when he thought it was impossible, there it was. "I hear it!" Henilo silently shouted.

"That is how you hunt, Henilo. Be one step ahead of your prey. Listen to your surroundings. The moment you let your thoughts intervene you will miss and have to start all over again." Pxäkngam lectured. "You are a good hunter, I know you are. You can do it with ease, you just have to quiet your mind." Pxäkngam reassured his son, who seemed a bit more confident.

"Thanks dad." Henilo stated with a smile. "I'll keep practicing so I can be as good as you are one day."

"You already are my son. I believe in you." Pxäkngam complemented, lightly patting the top of Henilo's head.

"Henilo! Dad! Lunch is ready!" Tsovey's shouted as her voice echoed through the trees.

"Alright we're coming!" Henilo replied in kind.

"Come on, let's not keep everyone waiting." Pxäkngam playfully ordered, wrapping an arm around Henilo's neck as they walked back home.

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