Chapter Six - Compromise

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"Tatal, is your father coming down?" Lìyìnuk questioned, watching her daughter coming down from the tree top.

"He will." Was her simple reply.

"Tatal." Lìyìnuk called out again, but to no avail. She just watched as her daughter slowly disappeared into the forest that surrounded them. Lìyìnuk took in a sharp breath, "I'll be right back. Solko, you are in charge." She ordered.

"Okay." Solko simply replied, both confusion and acceptance filling her eyes.

Lìyìnuk quickly made her way up to into the luscious leaves, where she was met with her husband who was standing in the middle of their room. "Pxäkngam?" She exclaimed, walking over to him.

"That..." Pxäkngam sat on the bed as he tried to speak, but it was almost as if his voice had been taken away.

"She didn't take it well, did she?" Lìyìnuk questioned, sitting next to her husband.

"No, she did not." Pxäkngam replied. "She said that they will forever be left behind by me." He added, raising his palm to his chest. "I won't deny that those words cut straight through my heart." Pxäkngam confessed.

"You know she did not mean that...right?" Lìyìnuk stated in a soft tone.

Pxäkngam let out a defeated chuckle, looking into his wife's eyes. "It felt like she did." he whispered, pain written all over his face.

"She didn't, my love." Lìyìnuk reassured him. "She will come around Pxäkngam." Lìyìnuk exclaimed, placing a hand on her husband's shoulder.

"I just wish she would understand." Pxäkngam groaned, standing back on his feet and walking over to the table where his pack was lying, half full. He began rummaging through everything, adding new items in the process.

Lìyìnuk sighed, before following her husband's lead. She took hold of his hand, gaining his attention. "You want her to understand, but how are our children supposed to understand why their parents are always gone?" Lìyìnuk questioned, watching her husband brow strain at the words. "How about instead of always forcing her to understand you compromise with her." Lìyìnuk suggested.

"Compromise?" Pxäkngam repeated, as his ear darted back. "I am listening." He stated eagerly.

Lìyìnuk couldn't help but smile at her husband's childlike reaction. "Tell her this trip will be the last." Lìyìnuk offers the solution to his problem.

"My love, no. We cannot give up. I feel it! We are so close!" He paused, taking in a well needed breath. "So close to the answers we have been looking for." Pxäkngam pleaded.

"I miss my children Pxäkngam." Lìyìnuk begged. "Tatal is right, I will never let you go out into danger alone. So you have to meet us in the middle." Lìyìnuk continued, taking hold of her husband's other hand and forcing him to face her. "We have missed so much of our children's lives because of this endless search." Lìyìnuk pauses, letting out a wavering breath. "I don't want to miss anything else. I want to be the mother that they deserve." She looks into her husband's eyes with desperation. "Please Pxäkngam...please let this be the last trip we take." Lìyìnuk pleads.

Pxäkngam lets out a defeated sigh. "Alright." He states calmly.

"Really? You truly mean it?" Lìyìnuk questioned, unsure if her husband's word were true or empty.

Pxäkngam gave her soft smile, and lightly squeezed her hands. "If we find nothing...If they are not in the neighboring forest's of the Tawkami Clan." He stops for a moment, bringing his hand's up to Lìyìnuk's cheeks and gently brushed his thumbs against her now tear stained skin. "Then I promise, we will come home and we stay home." He announces, pulling Lìyìnuk into a comforting embrace.

Lìyìnuk let out a cheerful cry, engulfing his in a warm hug. "Thank you my love...thank you." She couldn't stop the tears from falling, as she held onto Pxäkngam tightly. She had finally after 10 long years heard the words she was hoping for.

Pxäkngam held her for awhile before letting out a sigh. "But can you promise me something?" He questioned.

"Promise you what?" Lìyìnuk asked.

"If this is to be our last, can we make this trip a bit longer than normal?" Pxäkngam requested.

Lìyìnuk pulled back slightly to look into Pxäkngam's eyes. "Why?" Lìyìnuk questioned.

"It will settle my mind...knowing that I really gave my last attempt a fair and honest try." Pxäkngam replied, pulling his wife back into a firm embrace. "Please." He begged.

Lìyìnuk sighed, tightening her hold around Pxäkngam's waist. "Okay, One extra week. That is all." Lìyìnuk ordered.

"An extra week would be perfect." Pxäkngam exclaimed happily.

Lìyìnuk smiled, pulling away from her husband. "Now go tell your daughter the plan." Lìyìnuk stated. "And be kind. She is angry because she feels hurt. Those feelings will go away." Lìyìnuk smiled happily. 

"You mean when I tell her this is the last time we will be apart." Pxäkngam laughed.

"Yes! That is what I mean." Lìyìnuk agreed with a chuckle. "Go!" She jokingly shouts, pushing Pxäkngam towards the bedroom door.

"Alright, alright I'm going!" Pxäkngam replied in kind. "I'm going." He sighed, making his way down to the forest floor below.

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