Chapter Forty-Eight - Tomorrow

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The family walked quickly through the path Chris and Pxäkngam created with ease. All the while telling stories of their respective homes. "Chris, what was your home like?" Tsovey blurted out, as she made her way to the older man's side.

"My home...used to be beautiful." Chris replied softly. "My home used to have trees everywhere, and oceans as far as the eye could see. A place where people and creatures alike could live in harmony." Chris continued, a defeated look on his face. "A peaceful utopia...that I never got to see." Chris confessed.

"What? But the way you just spoke about it? It felt like you had pulled that from personal experience," Henilo chimed in, gaining Chris's attention.

"Those are stories...I learned about it in school. They used to show me pictures of what our world used to look like when I was a kid." Chris exclaimed. "But by the time I was born, my kind had killed our planet. There were hardly any trees left. Almost every wild animal we learned about was extinct." Chris paused.

"Extinct? What does that mean?" Sakire stated softly.

"It means that they were all dead." Nick added, walking over to Chris. "Almost every animal we used to have on our planet had been completely wiped out. By either climate change or poaching. The only animals I remember were cats and dogs." Nick chuckled, but there was a sadness behind his eyes. The group fell silent for a moment, taking in the sad truth that was the world Nick, Matt, and Chris grew up in.

"Then we got the opportunity to come here. We were well-versed in our respective fields and were offered jobs on Pandora. We were told that we were going to help "make a new start" for the human race, but when we finally arrived...we realized what those words truly meant." Matt continued. "We realized that " make a new start" meant killing everything that stood in the government's way of starting over." He paused.

"More like take over." Nick groaned.

"Exactly...anyways, from the moment we got here, we did everything in our power to delay our General's plans." Matt exclaimed. "And the war she was trying to start." He finished.

"That was until the volcano eruption happened." Chris added, gaining everyone's attention. "Once that happened, and our human bodies died...she had nothing slowing her down. Once our memories were finally transferred into these bodies, she had caused unthinkable devastation. And we swore we would stop her." Chris hissed.

"That is when you met us, right?" Tsovey asked with a smile.

"Yes, we met all of you and found something to fight for." Chris replied with a happy grin. "You gave us a reason to fight." Chris stated.

"A purpose!" Nick proclaimed in a goofy tone, causing everyone to laugh.

"If it wasn't you guys...I don't know where we would be right now." Matt confessed. "The last few months have been the best months of our entire lives." He exclaimed with a sheepish grin.

Pxäkngam looked back at his family and couldn't deny that this atmosphere brought joy and happiness to his heart. Seeing the love and care these three humans had for his family mirroring his own was endearing. He let out a low chuckle which caught the group's attention. "Alright, everyone! We are here!" Pxäkngam stated with a smile, before taking a seat against the massive tree trunk.

Tatal walked towards her father, kneeling in front of him. "This is the last stop, right?" Tatal asked, with a smile now plastered on her face.

"Yes, we should arrive home by mid-afternoon tomorrow." Pxäkngam replied in kind, letting out a satisfied sigh. "But we will have to make the last stretch of this trip back on the ground." Pxäkngam added, his words bringing everyone's gaze towards him.

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