Chapter Twenty-Seven - Our Home Is Waiting For Us

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The family sat in the front room and ate their lunch, as they waited for the rest of their family to return.

"What is taking them so long!" Tsovey whined, as she leaned against Tatal's arm.

"Be patient Tsovey, They will be right back." Tatal chuckled, while running her fingers through the young girls hair.

"Fine." Tsovey huffed, leaning further into Tatal's arms.

"Mom, did you need help unpacking your things?" Solko asked from the doorway.

"Your father had most of it with him, but I'm sure he'd appreciate the help." Lìyìnuk replied with a smile.

Just as Tsovey was rearing to whine again, the sound of branches snapping. "Daddy!" Tsovey screeched, quickly jumping to her feet and running out of the house. "Dad!" She repeated her father emerged from the forest with Henilo and Sakire close behind.

"Hello my love!" Pxäkngam stated happily, throwing the firewood he had in his hand onto the ground in order to catch Tsovey who was already airborne. "Look at you! Did you get bigger?" Pxäkngam chuckled, hugging her tightly.

"Of course I did! I am supposed to grow dad!" Tsovey giggled.

"No, this won't do! You have to slow down a little bit sweetheart! Before I know it you'll be an adult and I'll be an old man!" He joked.

"Honey, you are an old man." Lìyìnuk exclaimed with a mischievous smirk.

"Wow, that hurt." Pxäkngam playfully groaned, placing his left hand on his chest.

"Mom, wouldn't that also make you old?" Tsovey giggled, causing her mother's eyes to grow two sizes.

Pxäkngam stared blankly at his child for a moment before a devilish grin began to form on his lips. "I love this unbelievably much!" Pxäkngam proclaimed, tightening his hold on Tsovey which caused the young girl to erupt into laughter.

"I guess I deserved that one." Lìyìnuk chuckled with a smile.

"You're not old mom!" Sakire barked, running over to her mother and engulfing her in a tight hug.

"Thank you my love, but I am getting rather old." Lìyìnuk exclaimed. "Getting old is a good thing. That means I have lived a full and happy life." She added, as she pulled back from Sakire. "Look at you, you have matured so much in such a short amount of time." Lìyìnuk stated, placing a hand on Sakire's cheek.

Sakire smiled widely, but was met with a confusing expression from her mother. "What is wrong mom? Why do you look sad?" Sakire questioned, taking hold of the hand on her cheek.

Lìyìnuk smiled, and gently shook her head. "It is nothing. I am just happy to see all of you." Lìyìnuk redirected, as she brought her gaze over to Henilo who was standing next to the pair. "And you, did you get taller?" Lìyìnuk joked, motioning for Henilo to join them.

"I...I don't think so." Henilo laughed, following his mother's gesture. "I'm happy to see you." He added, with a smile his sister's hadn't seen in a while.

"I am happy to see you too sweetheart." Lìyìnuk smiled, pulling him into a hug. "I am so happy to be home." She added.

The family fell into their normal routine. Whenever their parents would return, it was full of pleasantries, laughs and stories. All the while, helping their parents unpack from their long journey. After some time had past Sakire found herself unable to hold back the question everyone wanted an answer to. "So, did you find them?" Sakire blurted out, looking directly at her father.

"Yeah, I want to hear everything!" Tsovey agreed, as she eagerly ran around her family.

Pxäkngam let out a soft chuckle, before reaching his hand out to Tsovey. "Let's go inside everyone, we have a lot to disguise." Pxäkngam instructed. The speed in which his children ran...more like teleported into the house caught Pxäkngam off guard. Once he to made his way into the front room, he was met with twelve sets of eyes peering back at him. He laughed and made his way next to his wife. "Now, before we get into everything." He began.  "I know the past four weeks have probably been very hard for the six of you, and for that I am sorry." Pxäkngam apologized.

"It wasn't dad, don't worry." Tatal exclaimed with a smile, as she opened her arms to Tsovey had slowly been making her way in between Tatal's and Solko. Meanwhile Vialo, Sakire and Henilo sat firmly in place to Tatal's left. "We had a lot of fun." She added with a chuckle.

"Oh, that is good to hear." Pxäkngam stated happily. "Alright, as you know we went out in hopes that this time." He paused, watching all of his children tense up in unison. "We would find our home." He continued. He waited for a moment, almost to create a suspenseful climax.

"Dad!" All six children shouted together causing the room to erupt in laughter.

"Alright, alright!" Pxäkngam cackled.  "I am sorry, I could not help myself." Pxäkngam added, trying to regain his breathe.

"So, did you find them?" Henilo questioned, his face was a mixture of both excitement and nervousness.

Pxäkngam waited one more moment, before an ecstatic smile grew on his lips. "Yes, we did." He stated quickly. Within seconds the house was filled with the sound of pure joy.

"Really!" Sakire screamed. She shot up from the ground and started running around the house in excitement.

"Sakire, slow down." Pxäkngam chuckled. "Yes, our home is out there waiting for us." Pxäkngam cooed, motioning for Sakire to come over to him and she happily obliged. "And although we are excited, I want you all to be prepared. The journey we have waiting for us is long and some parts are very dangerous. We have to move quickly and carefully." Pxäkngam cautioned.

Tatal let out a content sigh, before standing to her feet. "We will follow your lead dad. We will be okay as long as we stay together." Tatal exclaimed with a smile.

"I know you will." Pxäkngam proclaimed, following Tatal's lead and rising to his feet. "I will not lie to you, I am worried." Pxäkngam confessed, holding his hand out to Tatal who happily took hold of it. "But I know all six of you are strong. You will be okay." Pxäkngam stated with a smile.

"We should get some rest." Lìyìnuk proclaimed, gaining everyone's attention. "Let's finish eating what Solko made...although it may be cold at this point, I am sorry my love." Lìyìnuk apologized.

"It is okay, it will still taste good." Solko giggled.

"Well, let's eat and then get to bed." Lìyìnuk continued.

"Let's get all of our things packed up tomorrow." Pxäkngam stated in an assertive tone. "I would like to leave within the next two days." He added, before walking over to Solko, who was making plates for everyone. In the moments that followed Tatal and Vialo shared a nervous glance that was not unnoticed by their mother, though in that moment Lìyìnuk decided not to speak on it for the time being. The family just spent that night giggling and catching up, all the while Tatal couldn't stop her heart from beating at a rapid rate. Because she knew that the next conversation she would have with her parents wasn't going to be an easy one.

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