Chapter Twenty-Nine - They Are Our Friends

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The next morning came too fast for Vialo who had been unable to sleep or think of anything other than Chris. She hoped they would visit one last time before they had to leave. Not only that, but if they did come back...what was she going to tell her parents? Would they understand? Or would they be furious. Vialo already knowing the answer, couldn't shake that overwhelming feeling of anxiety that was consuming her.

"Vialo, you need to start packing your things." Tatal stated, as she walked over to her sister who was staring blankly at the tree line in front of her.

"I know, but I just." Vialo tried to protest.

"I know." Tatal interrupted, as she took hold of Vialo's hands. "We are not leaving till tomorrow so let's just hope that they come." Tatal sighed, trying to ease Vialo's mind.

"We have to tell them. If we tell mom and dad then maybe." Vialo began, but was quickly cut off by a third voice behind her.

"Vialo? You have nothing packed, why?" Lìyìnuk questioned, walking over to her daughter's who were standing at the entrance to the forest for hours.

"I...I will, don't worry mom." Vialo replied nervously.

Lìyìnuk looked at the girls for a moment, knowing something was wrong. "Vialo, what is it? You have been acting...strange." Lìyìnuk confessed.

Vialo took in a sharp breath, looking over to Tatal who was equally as uncomfortable as she was. "I know, I just have a lot on my mind is all." Vialo stated with a smile.

"That was not believable, and what could you possibly have on your mind that would make you act this way?" Lìyìnuk pressed, walking closer to them. "You aren't telling me some, I can tell." She added. "I am your mother after all." Lìyìnuk attempted to joke. "Whatever it is, you can tell me." She stated calmly.

Vialo was about to reply when Tatal interjected. "She is waiting for someone." Tatal blurted out.

"Someone?" Lìyìnuk questioned, closing the final gap between both herself and her daughters. "Please elaborate." She ordered with a look of both confusion and growing frustration.

"Chris." Tatal whispered, looking down at the ground because she was unable to look at her mother.

"Chris?" Lìyìnuk questioned, looking over to Vialo with a wide gaze. "Who is Chris?" She hissed.

"He..." Vialo was too nervous to speak.

"He is a human." Tatal continued.

Lìyìnuk's face fell blank for a moment. The sentence that just left her daughter's mouth sent chills down her spine. "Human?" Lìyìnuk shouted, making not only her daughters but the rest of the family jump, and now all eyes were on the three of them. The scariest of them all, being their father. "What is the meaning of this!" She growled.

"Tatal." Pxäkngam's voice cut through the tension and everyone fell silent. "Is this true?" The tone coming from their father was that of a foreign man.

Tatal locked up and watched as her father slowly made his way over to them, her siblings close behind him. And although it felt like the world was about to swallow her whole, she moved in front of Vialo so she would get the brunt of her father's wrath. "Yes, it is true." Tatal replied nervously. The five siblings stared at their sister with fear for what their father would do next.

Pxäkngam grinded his teeth while his hands contorted into fists, before one migrated to his temples. "You allowed this?" Pxäkngam exclaimed. His tone was monotone and calm which made the gravity of the situation infinitely worse. 

"Yes, I did." Tatal replied meekly.

Pxäkngam let out a sigh of pure disappointment before finally locking eyes with his eldest daughter. "I am disappointed in you daughter." His words felt like a knife in Tatal's chest.

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