Chapter Thirty-Eight - Let's Get The Hell Out Of Here

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While the family had made their descent towards their new home, back at the army base was a completely different story. Lisa, Carmen and Marie had arrived back to pure chaos. Soldiers were running around in a state of panic. "What the hell is going on?" Lisa hissed, as the three girls struggled to fight through the crowded halls.

"I don't know...but it can't be good." Carmen replied in kind.

"We need to get back to the others Lisa, we don't have much time." Maria added in a nervous tone.

"You're right, let's keep moving." Lisa ordered. As she was about to turn her headset back on to relay the play to Jason the trio froze in place when a familiar tone cut through the chaos that was playing out around them. "Parker!" The general's voice was heard reverberating off every wall that surrounded them.

The three of them snapped their heads back and were met with a glare. "Yes ma'am." Lisa replied quickly, looking down at the ground.

"Would you three care to enlighten me as to what the hell you have been?" The general barked in pure irritation, as she made her way towards them. "We are in a state of emergency and while the three of you are just moseying about!" She added.

"I'm sorry general...we were ambushed." Lisa began, as she brought her gaze towards the general. "And...I have a feeling this chaos is a direct result of that." Lisa continued nervously.

"Ambushed?" The irritated woman hissed. "By who?" She continued.

"Nick, Matt and Chris ma'am." Lisa replied softly.

"What do you mean by ambushed? What did they do?" The general growled. "No, before you say anything else, follow me." She ordered, before turning her back and walking towards her office. Lisa snuck a quick glance at her friends before nodding her head and following closely behind the general. As they continued through the hallways Lisa was creating their story in her head. She had to make sure not to over dramatize anything, while also making it savior enough for the general to believe. Once the door to General Murphy's office was closed she let out an irritated groan. "Alright, speak. What happened?" The general stated, as she lowered herself onto her chair.

"There is a lot of information...and I only know snippets because Chris refused to go into detail/" Lisa stated, looking straight at the older woman.

"Then paraphrase Lisa. I don't have all god damn day." General Murphy spat.

Lisa let out a frustrated sigh, before nodding her head in cooperation. "As you know, Chris has been spending a lot of time in the forest bordering our base. Claiming that he is doing research into a large magma pocket." Lisa began roughly.

"Yes. I am very aware." The general replied in kind.

"That was a lie." Lisa groaned, her words caused the older woman's face to become strained out of irritation. "The truth is, Chris found a family of natives in the forest right where the "magma pocket" was. He made friends with these people and taught them our language...right under our noses." Lisa exclaimed with a forced hissed, gaining some intrigue from the general. "I don't know when this relationship with the natives began but next thing I knew I was met face to face with an angry Chris, and his weapon my direction. He told me he knew of Na'vi children that were being held captive here by you." Lisa paused, trying to keep up her façade. "I didn't believe him at first, but he forced me to follow a crazy plan he had made to get them out, Nick and Matt were in on it. After that they split up and got Carmen and Maria involved. We tried to tell them to stop, but they were too far in. We found the children he was talking about, got them out and then we ran to get a car. The rest is pretty self explanatory, we drove that car back to that family they had befriended and were about to leave, but Chris ordered me to take out their trackers." Lisa paused, trying to read the general's face.

"Did you?" The general questioned.

"Yes ma'am, I did. They made me take out everyone's...apart from mine because I refused. After that they ran. I don't know where they are trying to go, but they're gone." Lisa finished looking down at the ground. "I'm sorry, general." letting out a hollow apology.

"When you say all, you mean the natives too?" The general interrogated.

"The natives? No, just the five. Nick, Matt, Chris, Carmen and Maria." Lisa replied nervously.

"Perfect." The general sighed before grabbing her phone. She quickly dialed an number and waited for the receiver to answer. "Lance, grab your team and get ready to head out. The natives still have their trackers. Find them." Those words made every cell in Lisa's body catch on fire.

"You put trackers in the Na'vi too?" Lisa asked in confusion.

"Yes, just in case they got away. We didn't get a chance to place trackers in the three new ones we grabbed yesterday, but it doesn't matter. The other six will get us exactly what we need." The general chuckled. "As for you three, you're staying behind. Although you seem to be on the right side, I can't trust your resolve. Go to your stations and stay there until we return." The general ordered.

"Yes ma'am." Was all Lisa could get out. She was filled with fear and anger. Lisa wasted no time. She turned to her friends and motioned for them to follow her. Once they were out of the general's earshot, Lisa turned her headset back on. "Jason, hack the camera's now." Lisa hissed.

"You got it." Jason replied in kind. The girls ran through the halls until they finally reached their headquarters. "What happened? Did you get them out?" Jason questioned, running over to the shaken trio in front of him. "What?" He sighed.

"We have little to no time to get our asses out of here." Lisa replied, walking to her desk. "Is everyone here?" She questioned, looking at the group around her.

"Yeah, Owen just got here. He was the last one we were waiting on." Jason replied nervously. "What happened?" Jason continued.

"We have trackers." Lisa barked, looking at her nervous friends. "We need to get those out first." Lisa ordered. She quickly repeated the same process with her group of friends, this time removing hers as well.

"Now what do we do?" Charlie questioned, holding her ear tightly due to the pain.

"We need to go to our rooms, leave our trackers there, pack our things and run. The general has taken some people with her to find Chris...they put trackers on the Na'vi children. The sooner we can get the hell out of her, the quicker we can help our friends...they are a day ahead of us, but if we move quickly we may be able to reach them first." Lisa exclaimed.

"I'll get a car, we're gonna need one." Carmen barked.

"I'm coming with you." Maria proclaimed, gaining a nod from her sister.

"I'll grab food. There are ten of us...we're going to get hungry." Sandra offered.

"I already packed my things. This is our rendezvous point. You all come back here and we leave together. I can keep tabs on everyone here by hacking the cameras." Jason exclaimed.

"Alright...we gotta work fast. Let's get the fuck out of here, and save our friends." Lisa ordered with a smile, gaining the same energy from the rest of her team.

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