Chapter Eight: Everything Will Go Back To The Way It Was

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The two of them stay buried in the forest for a while, thinking about what could be out there in the trees. If their clan could really be out there. Once the sun began to set, and eclipse was quickly approaching, the two decided it was time to head back home and tell the rest of their family, but right as they were in Tsovey's view the young girl screeched.

"Daddy, is it true!" Tsovey shouted joyfully, running over to him!

"Depends, what were you told?" Pxäkngam chuckled, grabbing Tsovey and picking her up.

"Mom said that you both will be leaving tomorrow...for your last trip! Is that true?" Tsovey repeats.

"Oh that, yes." Pxäkngam smiles. "Yes, that is true." he adds.

Tsovey let out another excited screech. "Yay!! I'm so happy!" Tsovey cooed hugging her father tightly.

Henilo walked closer them, looking into Tatal's for conformation and she happily gave it. "You mean it dad?" Henilo questioned. "This is the last one?" Henilo was rightly unsure of his father.

"I promise. This is it son. If we find nothing, we will come back and stay for good." Pxäkngam reassures his son. Henilo just smiles in response and hugs his father. "Everything will go back to the way it was." Pxäkngam promised. The family came together and hugged, and spent the rest of that night browning in laughter. For the first time it felt like everything was finally going to go back to how they used to be.

**Sorry this chapter was so short! I hope you like it!**

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