Chapter Seventeen - Your Home Is Beautiful

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"Vialo!" Chris shouted aimlessly in the thick forest surrounding them.

"Why are you yelling! What if an animal hears you!" Nick groaned nervously.

"Why are you complaining?" Matt replied in kind.

"Why are you talking to me? Did I ask you for your words of bullshit?" Nick barked.

"Excuse me?" Matt Growled.

"Guys! Enough." Chris ordered. The two men just huffed in a silent, yet hostile agreement. They continued in silence as they looked for their friends. "Vialo! That's strange, we always meet at this cave?" Chris proclaimed.

"What if they moved?" Nick questioned. 

"They wouldn't just up and move Nick." Chris barked. "They would have let us know." He added. "Vialo!" Chris shouted once more.

"Chris?" A voice replied in the distance.

"Yes, it's me." Chris smiled, thinking it was Vialo's voice but to his surprise it wasn't. "Oh...hi." Chris exclaimed nervously.

"Hi." The girl replied softly.

"Sakire right?" Nick asked sweetly.

"Yes." She stated with a smile. "Come." Was her simple order before running into the trees.

"Wait! Crap, let's go!" Chris grunted, chasing after the girl. The group rushed to catch up, but instead were greeted with a beautiful sight.

"Wow." The three exclaimed in awe.

"Vialo, they are here." Sakire shouted to her family.

"Chris." Vialo whispered to herself, as she walked outside to greet them.

"Is this your home?" Matt asked with a grin.

"Yes, we live in the tree's." Vialo replied with a wide smile. "Welcome." She stated sweetly.

"Thank you." Nick replied in kind.

"Vialo." Tatal exclaimed from the kitchen. "Are they hungry?" She questioned.

"Are you?" Vialo continued.

"Are we what?" Chris chuckled.

"Hungry?" Vialo added.

"Oh, yes we are! Very hungry." Chris exclaimed awkwardly.

"Great, come inside." Vialo motioned the group to follow her, and they quickly obliged. The group of nine sat for the next hour and exchanged stories. Vialo was proud of her family for keeping up, although Tatal did ask for clarification a few times.

"Thank you for having us." Chris exclaimed with gratitude plastered on his face. "Your home is beautiful." He added.

"Thank you." Vialo laughed. "You three are the first people to ever visit our home." Vialo replied in kind.

"Do you guys have to leave?" Tsovey questioned, as her lips curled downward.

"We will have to leave soon." Nick stated softly.

"Well that's no fun." Tsovey pouted.

"Tsovey, don't pout. They will come back." Henilo chuckled.

"I know they will, but you said we would play this time Henilo." Tsovey groaned in annoyance.

Henilo rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "That is true...I did tell her we would." He confessed.

"How about this, we will visit tomorrow and when we get here I will teach you guys a game I used to play with my family." Chris offers. "Does that sound good?" He asked.

Tsovey smiled widely and nodded her head. "Yes!" She exclaimed, before giving Chris a tight hug. "See you guys tomorrow." She stated, running back over to Tatal.

"See you." Chris replied. "Thank you again for having us." He repeated with a grin.

"We will see you three tomorrow then?" Tatal asked.

"Yes, you will." Matt chuckled. 

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