Chapter Thirty-One - Who Are You

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The three young girl had been dragged all around the base, almost as if they where entertainment for the entire base. They were looked at as the were animals. "Would you look at that! I didn't know there were natives as close to us." A female soldier chuckled, before playfully pulling Tsovey's tail.

"Ouch!" Tsovey cried out.

"Do not touch my sister!" Vialo growled, swiping at the woman and scratching her check hard enough to draw blood.

"Ouch, you little shit!" The woman shouted, as she lunged toward Vialo.

"Enough, walk away." Lance grunted, pushing the female back.

"Are you kidding me Lance! She scratched me. An eye for an eye." The woman continued.

"Karen, walk away." Lance ordered. The woman let out as frustrated sigh, before turning her back to the group and walking into the food hall. Lance took in a short breath before bring his attention back to Vialo and her sister's. "Walk." Was his final order, as he pushed the trio towards the armory ward.

Once they were in the room, the grip on Vialo's wrists loosened, just enough for her to break free. "Let go of me!" Vialo hissed, pushing the soldier backwards.

Lance's nostrils flared, before a devilish smirk grew on his lips. "You can speak English?" He chuckled, regaining his grip on Vialo's arm. "That is so helpful." He groaned in annoyance. With his free hand he typed in a code that opened a secret room that was hidden within the wall of weapons that directly behind Vialo. Once the door was fully open, one by one the three sister were pushed in. Once it was Vialo's turn, Lance made it a point to knock her to the ground. "Hear my words kid, if you lay another hand on me." He warned. "I will make you disappear." And with that threat he slammed the door in their faces.

Once they knew they Sakire quickly fell to her knees next to Vialo. "Are you okay Vialo?" Sakire asked, helping Vialo up.

"I am alright, are either of you injured?" Vialo questioned, placing a hand on Tsovey's face. "Did they hurt you?" She continued.

"No, my arm is a little sore, but I am alright." Tsovey replied, before wrapping her arms around Vialo's waist and burying her face into her stomach.

"What are we going to do, Vialo?" Sakire exclaimed, as she slowly collapsed on the cold floor beneath her.

Vialo sighed in response, sitting next to her sister. She looked up at Tsovey who was staring down at them blankly. "Tsovey, come here." Vialo smiled, motioning for Tsovey to sit on her lap. Tsovey just stared at them for a moment as the gravity of the situation crashed down on her like a ton of bricks. After a few moments Tsovey lowered herself to the floor and crawled into Vialo's arms. It took no time at all for the two younger girls to at ease once they were in Vialo's arms. All Vialo could do was hug both of them tightly. "I do not know what to do, but I know Chris will save us." She exclaimed proudly. "I know he will." She repeated. The group sat for a while in each others arms, that was until they heard shuffling coming from the shadows in the back corner of the room. "Who's there?" Vialo shouted, quickly shoot up from the ground, pushing Sakire and Tsovey behind her.

"No, please." A soft voice begged from within the darkness. "I will not hurt you." The voice stated nervously.

"Who are you?" Sakire questioned, as she took hold of Vialo's hand.

"My name is Amirä." She exclaimed, before making her way into the light.

" are beautiful." Tsovey whispered, as she slowly emerged from behind her sister.

"Thank you, so are you," Amirä chuckled softly.

"Wait, I don't are Na'vi!" Sakire stated in surprise. "What clan are you from?" She added.

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