Chapter Forty-Six - Do Not Break My Daughter's Heart

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The family did have a couple of days head start at first, but with Zuko's injury that head start was all but lost...and everyone knew that...Zuko more than anyone else. A few days had gone by and he was slowly getting stronger, although those few days felt like forever to Zuko. All he wanted to do was move, but his body wouldn't allow it. He felt better knowing that he could finally stand on his own and walk without assistance. And the wound on his stomach from what Nick said was healing beautifully. He overall just felt better and was hoping that today they would finally move forward. And on top of everything else, Zuko had no memory of his interaction with Väluka. He knew he must have said something because the atmosphere between them had shifted, which he hated. The idea that their dynamic was off, without knowing why was driving him crazy. All of the increasingly burdensome thoughts, slowly plaguing his mind, made sleeping nearly impossible. 

This particular morning, as you could probably guess, the gradual increase of sleep deprivation caused Zuko to take longer and longer to get up each morning. It didn't help that his body was also becoming rather complacent with the idea of just being lazy. But eventually, after he whipped the crust from his eyes he slowly made his way into a seated position. "Zuko, would you wake up already! It is time to eat." Väluka barked, as he began walking over to Zuko, who was still a bit groggy.

"I'm up, I'm up." Zuko groaned, rubbing his eyes once more. Väluka stopped right beside Zuko and waited for him to get up. Zuko sighed as he could feel Väluka's eyes peering down at him. "Just give me a minute." He chuckled, before slowly standing to his feet, letting out a soft grunt in the process.

"Are you alright?" Väluka questioned nervously, placing his hands onto Zuko's arm.

"Yes, I am alright." Zuko replied with a smile, a smile that Väluka hadn't seen in.. a while. Väluka just nodded in response and the pair made there way over to Tatal who had just finished preparing breakfast. Once they had made their way over to the group, Zuko slowly lowered himself to the ground. Once he was situated he was met with a loud greeting.

"How are you feeling today?" Pxäkngam's firm tone caught Zuko by surprise.

"I'm good!" Zuko replied tiredly as he was still trying to fully wake up. "I feel great actually." He added with a smile.

"That is good to hear." Pxäkngam exclaimed with a smile. "You have regained some of your strength." Pxäkngam continued, as he handed a plate of food to Zuko. "If you are up for it, we should carry on." Pxäkngam suggested, making sure everyone heard him.

"I would like that." Zuko replied letting out a sigh of relief.

"Are you sure you are well enough?" Väluka questioned, sitting next to Zuko. "You do not have to push yourself if you are still in pain. "He encouraged with a worried smile.

"I feel better, Nick said my wound looks good." Zuko reassured his friend before looking over at Nick. "That is what you said is it not?" Zuko asked, trying to get Nick to back him up.

"Yes, it looks really good." Nick confirmed. "But don't push yourself!" Nick barked. "Although it is healing well, one wrong move and you could reopen the gash and you'll have to heal all over again." Nick warned.

"I understand, so I will be careful." Zuko proclaimed, looking back at Väluka who was not happy with Zuko's answer. "I promise I will be careful, you have my word." Zuko continued, scooching closer to Väluka which caused the man to stiffen a bit. "Plus, you will be right there, so if I need a break I will let you know." Zuko vowed, and that promise seemed to ease Väluka's mind a bit, though he was still rather stiff.

"Fine, but I will be watching you." Väluka groaned, before bringing his attention back to Tatal who had just made him a serving. Zuko looked at Väluka for a moment and felt a wave of emotions rush over him. Happiness, gratitude, love, admiration, etc. All the feelings he had been pushing away for years had crashed over him and it was overwhelming. To ease the band that was threatening to snap on his chest, Zuko softly threw his arm around Väluka's neck and let out a satisfied chuckle. "What has gotten into you?" Väluka questioned with a confused grin, as he looked over at his friend.

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