Chapter Forty-Nine - I Want To Go

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"Dad!" Tsovey screamed as she violently shook her father. "Wake up!" She continued.

Pxäkngam reluctantly opened and slowly moved his head in his daughter's direction. "My love...dawn has only just begun." Pxäkngam groaned, exhaustion echoing in his voice before bringing his hands to his eyes, wiping away the morning crust.

"I know." Tsovey whispered. Pxäkngam took in a soft breath before bringing his gaze back in his youngest child's direction, who had a look of discouragement in her eyes.

Pxäkngam chuckled, opening his arms to Tsovey and motioned her to come to him. "Come here." He smiled. He watched as Tsovey slowly made her way in between him and Lìyìnuk. "Did you sleep?" He questioned looking into Tsovey's eyes.

"Yes." Tsovey replied shyly, but Pxäkngam could see through her lie. "No, I was too excited." Tsovey confessed.

Pxäkngam let out a hushed chuckle before pulling Tsovey into a hug. "How about this, everyone is still sleeping and you haven't gotten any." Pxäkngam began, looking back at his daughter who was staring up at him. "So why don't you lay here with us and try to get a little sleep?" Pxäkngam offered. "And before you know it the sun will be up and everyone will be ready to continue on." Pxäkngam finished with a smile.

Tsovey let out a defeated sigh but agreed. "Okay." Tsovey whined as she cuddled into her father's arms.

Pxäkngam laughed and put his head back down. Before long Tsovey was fast asleep just like Pxäkngam thought she would. "She is so cute." Pxäkngam whispered to himself. He understood her excitement. She has never seen anything outside of their old home and was eager to get to their destination. After a few moments, Pxäkngam followed Tsovey's lead as he slowly faded back into a deep sleep, but only a few hours later he was awoken again to the sound of chatter. He opened his eyes and was surprised to see Tsovey was still fast asleep in his arms. "So cute." Pxäkngam chuckled.

"Look who is finally awake." Lìyìnuk joked, walking over to her husband. "Why is Tsovey sleeping here? Did she have a nightmare?" Lìyìnuk questioned.

"No, she woke me up because she wanted to dawn." Pxäkngam replied as he rubbed his eyes.

"I see." Lìyìnuk giggled. "So she hadn't slept." She continued, placing a hand on Tsovey's face. "Should we wake her?" Lìyìnuk asked, looking at Pxäkngam.

"No, let her sleep." Pxäkngam exclaimed. "I am sure Zuko still needs a bit more rest and we all need to eat." Pxäkngam added.

"Alright." Lìyìnuk agreed. "Well you should get up, Tatal just finished cooking." Lìyìnuk requested, before standing to her feet and walking back to the group of young Na'vi children surrounding the fire.

Pxäkngam stretched, releasing a low grunt before sitting up. He looked down at Tsovey once more before following close behind Lìyìnuk. Once he made it next to his wife he stopped and began lowering his tired body down to the ground. "How did all of you sleep?" He questioned after he was firmly on planets in the spot next to Lìyìnuk.

"We slept well, but we are excited to keep moving." Sakire exclaimed happily.

"That is good to hear." Pxäkngam stated with a smile, before turning his head toward Zuko. "And how about you Zuko? Are you feeling okay? Getting down from the treetops may prove to be a struggle." Pxäkngam continued.

"Yes, I feel a lot better." Zuko replied with a smile. "My wound does not hurt anymore." He proclaimed.

"Nick, is his wound okay?" Pxäkngam interrogated, wanting to hear Nick's opinion.

"Yes, it is healing very nicely. Not to mention Väluka has done a great job at keeping Zuko's wound clean and tended to." Nick smiled.

Pxäkngam smiled and gave the two men a slight nod. "Alright, then we will get going shortly, let's just let Tsovey sleep a little while longer." Pxäkngam requested and the group happily agreed. They ate their breakfast and rechecked that all of their things were packed. After a couple of hours had passed and the group was getting restless, they all agreed that it was time to wake Tsovey up, and the person given that task was Tatal.

Tatal made her way over to Tsovey and gently sat beside her. "Tsovey." Tatal whispered, as she softly rubbed the young girl's back. Tatal giggled at the groans Tsovey replied with.

"What?" Tsovey hissed tiredly.

"It is time for you to get up." Tatal stated lovingly. "Breakfast is ready, and everyone is packed up." Tatal added.

Tsovey's eyes shot open and seconds later she was sitting upright. "Are we getting ready to leave?" Tsovey shrieked in excitement.

"Yes we are, but you need to eat so get up." Tatal playfully ordered. Normally Tsovey wouldn't play along, but this time Tsovey was too excited. The child was on her feet within seconds as she ran over to where the food was.

"Tsovey, slow down! You will get a stomach ache!" Nick laughed.

"I want to go!" Tsovey groaned.

"Nick is right, we will leave soon but you need to slow down." Henilo chuckled, throwing his arm around Nick's shoulder. Tsovey huffed in response but did as she was told and slowed down. The family laughed as they waited for Tsovey to finish. After another thirty minutes, Tsovey had finished her meal and the family began the last leg of their journey.

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