Chapter Four: Speak Your Feelings

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The next morning the couple awoke to the sound of their children's laughter. "Well I guess that's our queue to get up." Lìyìnuk chuckled, slowly making her way to a sitting position.

"Is that what that is?" Pxäkngam groaned, rubbing his eyes.

"It's okay I'll go out there with them while you wake up." Lìyìnuk exclaimed, leaning down to place a gentle kiss on her husband lips.

"Is that all?" Pxäkngam joked with a smirk plastered on his face. Lìyìnuk rolled her eyes, before lightly slapping her husband's arm. "What was that for?" He laughed.

"You're terrible." Lìyìnuk cackled. "Don't take to long. If you do Tsovey will come in here...and you know how that'll go." She warned.

Pxäkngam moaned. "Alright I'm up. I'm getting up." He grunted, forcing his body up from the comforts for their bed.

"Alright come down when you're ready." Lìyìnuk smiled, before walking out of their room. Pxäkngam only nodded in response and sluggishly crawled out of bed.

"Mom!" Tsovey exclaimed, running into her mother's arms.

"Good morning my love, how did you all sleep." Lìyìnuk questioned, hugging Tsovey tightly.

"We slept well. How about you mom? Did you and father sleep well" Tatal states with a smile.

"We slept well. Are you all hungry?" Lìyìnuk chuckled as Tsovey jumped around at the mention of food. "Alright I'll take that as a yes. Henilo can you run out and get me wood." Lìyìnuk requested.

"Sure mom! I'll be right back." Henilo replied quickly.

"Can I come?" Tsovey cooed.

Henilo chuckled, "yes, you can come." He exclaimed, running after the young child who was already halfway out of the house.

"Her energy will forever amaze me." Lìyìnuk giggled. "How do you keep up with her Tatal?" She praised.

"Well I have Vialo and Sakire to help me keep up. They have the same energy level, and Henilo helps with the laborious activities Tsovey wants to do, because he likes to do those things too." Tatal replied happily.

"That's good, you all work together to make fun filled memories! That makes me happy to hear." Lìyìnuk sighed happily.

Tatal looked at her mother for a bit, almost as if she was memorizing every inch of her face. "Mom...what were you and father talking about yesterday?" Tatal asked.

Lìyìnuk's ears twitched back at the question. "What do you mean?" She tried to sound confused by her daughter's sudden question.

"Mom, I'm not a child anymore. You were upset." Tatal continued, not allowing her mother to avoid her question. "What did father say that bothered you?" She persisted.

Lìyìnuk sighed and looked at her daughter. "He wants to go back out." She confessed.

"What? Why? You only just got back!" Tatal protests.

"I know my love, but your father needs to go back. He has his reasons." Was all Lìyìnuk could say, for she two didn't know what his reasoning behind this decision was coming from.

"But what about us?" Tatal groaned.

"Why don't you talk with your father about it when he comes down? Maybe he can give you better answers than I can." Lìyìnuk suggested. "I wish I had the answers you are seeking, but I don't."

"Okay." Was Tatal's short response.

Lìyìnuk sighed gently, and held her hands out. "Come here." She requested. Tatal took a brief pause, before walking into her mother's embrace. "I cannot begin to know how you are feeling. I know you have had to take on my role as a mother to five children, and I have expressed that many times, but your father...what's left of him is this search for answers." Lìyìnuk exclaimed, lightly pulling away from her daughter before placing her hands on Tatal's cheeks. "The search for them." She added giving her child the reassuring smile Tatal really needed.

"I understand...I just wish he would consider us. If only just once." Tatal conceded.

Lìyìnuk brought Tatal back into a warm embrace. "Your father truly believes he is considering all of you...but maybe let him know how you feel. I can only say so much." She suggested.

"I can give it a try." Tatal agreed. "That's all I can do."

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