Chapter Thirty-Two - Cross Your Fingers

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After walking through the base, making sure that their path would be successful. Once their route was mapped out, Lisa, Maria and Carmen made their way back to Jason. "Jason, is everything set up?" Lisa barked, walking over to her desk.

"Yes, everything is set up. I will have eyes on you three the whole way there." Jason replied with a nervous smile.

"Good, Charlie, what about the door? Did you get in?" Lisa continued, buckling her vest.

"I was able to hack into that specific door, but we are going to be cutting it close to Lisa." Charlie confessed. "Extremely close." She added.

Lisa let out an anxious sigh, as she walked towards her friends. "Then why are we talking? Let's go!" Lisa orders. She runs to the elevator Maria and Carmen hot on her tail. "Jason, we're counting on you! Keep your eyes on us at all times with those cameras." Lisa shouts.

"I've got your back." He replies as the doors close. Jason took in a very shaky breath before sitting down next to Charlie. "Alright everyone...cross your fingers." Jason sighs.

Back on top the three women walked speedily through the halls, making their way back towards the armory. They made sure to blend in the best they could, not drawing too much attention to themselves. "Stay sharp guys, anything could go wrong." Lisa warned, gaining nods for her team.

"Once we get to the door we will have to separate." Maria stated.

"I know, I want both of you to keep going. I will get the natives and meet you at the west cargo hold." Lisa agreed. "Maria, I want you to keep a lookout. If something seems off let us know immediately." Lisa exclaimed.

"You got it." Maria replied quickly.

"Carmen, make sure you are there with the car." Lisa stressed looking over at the older woman.

"You know I'll be there, just focus on getting them out." Carmen chuckled and with that the group continued on. There was a noticeable tension growing around the women. They didn't know if this plan would even work. In all fairness they couldn't even call it a plan was more like a hope. As they got deeper and deeper into the base the sound of heavy footsteps began echoing around the halls, coming straight for them.

"Lisa!" Chris exclaimed, running towards her.

Lisa turned around only to be met with Nick, Matt and Chris charging at her. "Chris, what are you guys doing here?" Lisa asked in a state of confusion.

"Too much to explain, not enough time!" Chris exclaimed, trying to catch his breath.

"Look I know we don't know your plan, but we're in." Matt stated.

"What? No, you need to get back to Jason." Lisa barked. "You guys would just get in the offense." Lisa added.

"Taken. Offense was very much taken." Nick groaned. Lisa was about to speak, but Nick wasn't done yet. "The general took three of them Lisa." Nick continued. "So we're coming." He ordered

Carmen looked at the group for a moment in confusion. "Wait...took who?" Carmen questioned, taking a few steps forward.

"Your friends?" Lisa hissed, feeling even more nervous now that there were more lives at risk.

"Yes." Chris replied, in desperation. "Please Lisa." Chris begged.

Lisa looked at the three men for a moment and sighed. "Stay on me and stay alert...this plan isn't really a plan." Lisa confesses.

"It's more of a hope." Maria added with a chuckle.

"We need to keep moving." Carmen barked.

"Agreed, move." Lisa ordered. No one wasted any more time, for they had none left to offer. They walked in silence, surprisingly gaining little to no attention from their peers. Once they were by the entrance of the armory Lisa motioned for the group to stop. "I need you three to stay in this room until I come back for you. There is a passage that leads straight to the armory. I'll get back to you guys as soon as I can." Lisa expressed, looking over the trio. They didn't fight her request, and simply just nodded and entered the storage room to their right. After the boys were out of sight, Lisa's attention was redirected to Marie and Carmen. "I'm counting on you two." Lisa added, with a nervous smile.

"Don't worry, we've got your back." Maria replied, patting Lisa on the shoulder before the sisters ran off.

Lisa shook her head, letting out a heavy breath. "Alright...let the "plan" commence." Lisa joked, gaining a symphony of chuckles through her headpiece.

"Everything will be fine." Charlie cheered, trying to lighten the mood.

"You're right." Lisa agreed, taking in a deep breath. "This will work." She added, before entering the armory.

She walked in and slowly made her way inside. She said pleasantries to everyone she came across, until she arrived at Lance's post. "Lisa! What's up?" Lance exclaimed with a wide smile.

"Lance, just the guy I wanted to see." Lisa joked, walking over to his desk.

"Little old me? How sweet." Lance chuckled. "So, what is this special occasion?" He continued, placing his hands behind his head as he leaned back into his chair.

"I was told to relieve you so you could grab lunch." Lisa chuckled, as she took a seat on the edge of Lance's desk.

"Really? You never come down here anymore, since you got promoted and all." Lance laughed. "Nice to see you hanging out with us common folk again." He joked, holding his fist out to Lisa.

"Well, I have to mingle with the peasants every now and then." Lisa exclaimed, reciprocating Lance's hand gesture. "You know, to save face." She laughed.

Lance scratched the back of his head, before hoisting himself out of his chair. "Fair enough, thank you for holding down the fort for me! I'll be back in an hour." Lance stated, before walking out of the door.

Lisa stood there for exactly 3 minutes, before she located the hidden door, before making her way through it. Jason guiding her the whole way. "Matt?" Lisa whispered, gaining a startled gasp from the trio.

"Jesus Christ Lisa! You scared the shit out of me!" Nick hissed.

"That isn't hard to do, Nick." Matt joked.

"Shut up!" Nick groaned in irritation.

"Guys we don't have time for one of your age-old fights right now we gotta go!" Lisa shouted, running back towards the armory. Once they were back inside, Lisa walked over to a wall that was riddled with weapons. "Charlie, unlock the door." Lisa ordered over her radio.

"Door? Lisa, there is no door." Nick exclaimed in confusion.

Lisa didn't say anything. She just waited for a few moments until they heard a click. "Help me pull it open!" Lisa barked, as she pulled at the door.

"That door Nick. That door." Matt chuckled, before assisting Lisa and Chris with the door.

"Shut up." Nick hissed, as he begrudgingly lent a hand. 

As the group tried to open the door, the ones on the other side were filled with worry and fear. "Vialo...what's happening?" Tsovey stated, fear plastered on her face as she hid behind her older sisters.

"This is new." Väluka confessed, as he gently pulled Amirä towards him before looking over at Zuko who was stood on edge. "Zuko...what do we do?" He questioned nervously.

"I...I do not know." Zuko replied in kind. "I do not like this." He hissed, preparing himself for a potential fight.

For the next few seconds the tension in the air was thick enough to cut. Vialo was terrified. Anything could be on the other side of that door and that unknown made Vialo feel like her heart was about to stop beating.

As the door was fully opened, the outline of four bodies emerged from behind it. "Vialo?" A familiar voice echoed throughout the cramped room, followed by a unified sigh of relief.

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