Chapter Twenty-Four - It Wasn't Your Fault

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The walk back to the base was silent, what could they say? They had a flurry of emotions running through them but guilt outweighed the rest. They had gotten careless, and in doing so put their friends in danger. Of course they knew their general would want proof, yet they continued selfishly, whole heartedly believing that somehow their lie would be overlooked, but the euphoric high they were living in was bound to wear off.

Once the trio made it into the base they collectively let out a defeated sigh. The situation they had put themselves in had finally become real to them. "Well...I guess this is the way it has to be for now." Nick blurted out, gaining the attention of his friends. "We should have seen this coming, I'm not happy about it but right now we are doing the right thing." He continued, but only got silent nods in reply. Nick took in a long breath before bringing his left hand to his temples with a soft chuckle. "Maybe I should just stop talking, I'm not good with things like this." Nick confessed awkwardly as he began walking towards his room. "Goodnight guys, see you tomorrow." Nick finished, with sadness present in his voice.

"Yeah, goodnight." Chris replied in kind, before walking off. Not really waiting for anyone else to respond.

"Night." Matt's whispered, as he watched his friends disappear into their rooms. Leaving him alone. He let out a frustrated groan, before starting his way to his room, but a voice calling his name made him stop all momentum.

"Matt!" Lisa stated with a smile, making her way over to him.

"Hey Lisa." Matt replied meekly.

"Where are you coming back from?" Lisa asked, stopping in front of him.

"The forest." Matt exclaimed.

Lisa's brows fused together at Matt's attitude. "What happened?" Lisa questioned.

Matt tried to smile, but his lips refused to curl up. "I..." Matt tried to reply, but he struggled to get any words out.

"Matt?" Lisa whispered. "What happened?" She asked again, taking hold of Matt's hands.

"The general followed us out to the forest, to see the results for herself." Matt exclaimed, biting his bottom lip in an attempt to fight the urge to cry.

"Matt." Lisa sighed, as her hands slowly made their way up to Matt's forearms.

"Chris was able to lie his way through it but..." Matt took in a sharp breath, trying to calm himself down. "They could have died Lisa...because of us." Matt cried softly.

"Matt, that would not have been your fault. It wasn't your fault." Lisa exclaimed, pulling him into a hug. "Are they safe now?" Lisa asked.

"Yeah, they are." Matt stated weakly, and melted into Lisa's embrace.

"Everything will be okay. I made the report. She believes you. We will keep them safe." Lisa promised. They stayed in that position for a while because Lisa knew Matt needed it. 

"Thank you. I still feel terrible." He attempted to joke.

Lisa allowed a soft chuckle to escape her lips. "You should get some rest. I want you three to meet me in the morning, okay?" Lisa ordered, pulling Matt back so she could look in his eyes.

"Okay, we'll be there." Matt agreed with a somber smile. "Goodnight Lisa." Matt added.

"Goodnight Matt." Lisa replied in kind and with that the two went to their designated hallways toward their room.

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