Chapter Twenty - Secret Headquarters

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"Hi guys...what's wrong with the three of you? You look like you just saw a ghost." Lisa joked.

"Can we talk to you in your office, please?" Chris requested.

Lisa's face dropped, noticing how nervous the group looked. "Yeah, come on." She replied, guiding them to her office, or so they thought.

After walking or a bit, they arrived at the entrance of Lisa's office only to walk past it. "Umm, Lisa. We just passed your office." Matt exclaimed softly.

"Just follow me." Lisa replied quickly, gaining nothing but silence acceptance.

Again they continued walking. Before long they entered a dingy section of the base. "Um, where are we going?" Nick asked.

"Would you guys just follow me, and stop asking questions." Lisa hissed, with a sarcastic eye roll. Soon the four of them arrived in a dimly lit hallway with an elevator at the end.

"We are about to be slaughtered." Nick exclaimed nervously.

"What are you talking about?" Matt groaned.

"Have you never watched a horror film? This is how people die Matthew." Nick whined.

"Nick, why would I kill you?" Lisa laughed. "Just follow me! You are so dramatic sometimes." She joked.

"See, she gets it." Matt chuckled.

"Oh shut up." Nick groaned as he followed his friends to the elevator.

"Do you need to hold my hand Nick?" Lisa questioned, holding her hand out to him. Although Nick wanted to refuse, he hated elevators and he was nervous so he reluctantly took hold of her hand.

"Say something about this. Ever! And I will end you all." Nick warned.

"Heard." Chris exclaimed, choking back a laugh. "I won't bring it up." Chris added, struggling to get the words out .

"I hate you." Nick hissed.

"No, you love us, just admit it." Matt joined in.

"Shut up Matt." Nick growled gaining nothing but laughter from Matt. Once the group arrived at the ominous elevator Lisa tapped a key card against the panel on the wall. "This is terrifying." Nick barked.

"You will be fine." Lisa laughed. Finally the doors opened, showing the dingy and cramped walls of the shaft.

"Really Lisa? This is disgusting." Nick groaned.

"Okay, I'm starting to think Nick was onto something." Chris confessed, walking into the elevator.

"Just get it." Lisa sighed, pulling Nick and Matt in with her. The doors closed and they began descending downward.

"We're going down? There's a basement?" Nick questioned.

"There is now, thanks to yours truly. We had to make the entrance that was as Nick so beautifully put it, terrifying." Lisa chuckled. "Otherwise, people would start poking around." She added.

"You did this all on your own?" Matt added.

"No, we did." Lisa replied, looking over at the boys. "We wanted to surprise you guys when it was done, but by the look on your faces looks like we need this space now." Lisa exclaimed.

"Surprise us?" Chris repeated, but before he could say another word, the elevator doors slid open and the surprise was finally revealed.

"Here we are guys, welcome to our secret headquarters." Lisa giggled in excitement.

"Wow...this, this is massive!" Chris exclaimed.

"Chris? Lisa, why did you bring them down here? What happened to 'keep it a secret'". A man shouted down to them from the rafters.

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