Chapter Fifty - I Told You I'd Find You

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Before long the trees began to fill with the sounds of movement. "Everyone be careful." Pxäkngam exclaimed, watching each individual slowly make their way down from the tree tops.

"Dad, how far do we have left to travel?" Tsovey questioned, as she took hold of her father's hand.

"Not long. We should reach our home before the eclipse." Pxäkngam replied with a smile.

"That isn't a long time at all!" Tsovey cooed in excitement.

Pxäkngam mirrored Tsovey's excitement, before motioning to the tree in front of them. "We just have to wait for the rest to get down, and then we will move on." Pxäkngam reassured the young girl.

"Alright." Tsovey groaned. She looked up, to see the only ones they were waiting on were Nick, Henilo and Tatal. "Guys hurry up! You are taking forever!" Tsovey shouted.

"We're coming! Be patient!" Tatal replied in kind.

"I have been patient for ten years! Hurry up!" Tsovey barked.

"Tsovey...we will get there." Lìyìnuk chuckled, motioning for Tsovey to come over to her. "No need to get frustrated my love." She added, as she took hold of her young daughter's hand.

"I know, I just want to get there." Tsovey stated softly.

"I know you do. We all do." Lìyìnuk exclaimed, looking back over at the last of their family. "See, they made it down. Now we can move forward." She laughed.

"Let's go!" Tsovey cheered, as she began to brag her mother forward, gaining a symphony of laughter in the process.

With every step they took, the excitement grew and grew. But the excitement broke when Nick froze in his tracks, gaining Lìyìnuk's attention. "Nick?" She questioned looking at the young man behind her in confusion. "What is it?" She continued.

But instead of a reply, Nick's ears shot back. "Everybody take cover!" He shouted, grabbing Lìyìnuk by her arm and yanking both her and Tsovey into a cluster of dense trees. Seconds later the sound of gunshots erupted around them.

"What is happening!" Lìyìnuk shouted in terror, ripping Tsovey off the ground and into her arms. She looked up at Nick and saw nothing but fear looking back at her. "No..." Lìyìnuk let out a soft whisper. Realizing that those human soldiers from before had caught up to them.

"Mommy! I'm scared!" Tsovey cried into her mother's neck as the bullets kept flying around them.

"I know is going to be alright. I won't let them hurt you." Lìyìnuk vowed, looking back up at Nick.

"She's right. You will be fine." Nick repeated, giving Tsovey a soft smile.

On the other side of the pathway Chris and Matt tried to keep their friends out from the line of fire. "Chris! What do we do!" Matt exclaimed, covering Relon with his body.

Chris looked at Matt for a moment, unsure how to answer. "I...I don't know." Chris confessed. His gaze shifted towards Vialo, who had a vice grip on his hand. "Are you okay?" He asked, gaining Vialo's attention.

"I am fine, but what are we going to do? They are very close." Vialo questioned, terror pouring from her eyes.

Just as Chris was about to reply, the gunfire stopped, and a deafening silence took its place. "Christopher Cameron Price." A familiar voice echoed in the distance. Matt and Chris whipped their heads to the side in horror as their biggest fear was now only inches away from them. "I told you I'd find you." She continued.

"Deborah." Chris barked, tightening his hold on Vialo's hand. "What do you want!" He hissed.

"We all know the answer to that question, kid." Deborah taunted. "I want the three of you to come out. If you do, I'll let your friends live." She negotiated.

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